Bern Haslerstrasse 30 / Effingerstrasse 47
Additional teaching and project rooms of the Business School are located on Haslerstrasse.
Opening hours
Access to the building with BFHcard for staff and students.
Monday to Saturday
07am - 8pm
The building remains closed on Sundays and public holidays.
Entrances to the building are located at both Haslerstrasse 30 and Effingerstrasse 47. The classrooms are located on the 1st floor.
The entire building is wheelchair accessible. Please use the entrance on Effingerstrasse.
How to find us
Getting here by public transport
You can reach the location from Bern railway station in seven minutes by tram/bus to the Kaufmännischer Verband stop.
Tram Nr. 6, direction Fischermätteli
Tram Nr. 7, direction Bümpliz
Tram Nr. 8, direction Bern Brünnen Westside
Bus Nr. 17, direction Köniz Weiermatt
Haslerstrasse is a 15-minute walk from Bern railway station.
Effingerstrasse 47 / Haslerstrasse 30
3005 Bern

- Rooms with flexible furniture, projector, double projection, microphone system
- Project rooms with whiteboards, screens and flipcharts
- Research lab
Room rental
The rooms can be rented. Please contact us if you are interested.
The cafeteria is located at Schwarztorstrasse 48 on floor A.