Prof. Dr. Claudine Gaibrois

Prof. Dr. Claudine Gaibrois Co-Institutsleiterin
Berner Fachhochschule
Business School
Institut Marketing & Global Management
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
Co-Leadership Institute Marketing & Global Management
Research and teaching in Global and Intercultural Management
Degree programmes
BSc International Business Administration
BSc Business Administration
Intercultural communication
Communicating in multilingual professional contexts
Academic Skills
Global People Management
Language-sensitive research in International Business
Cultural diversity
Intercultural communication
Power and participation
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Claudine Gaibrois holds a PhD in Organization Studies and Cultural Theory (Dr. rer. soc. HSG) of the University of St. Gallen. She received her licentiate in Political Science from the University of Zurich. She also holds a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Intercultural Communication (University of Lucerne) and a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Higher Education Didactics (University of St. Gallen).
She joined the Institute Marketing & Global Management in August 2022 as Professor of Global and Intercultural Management. Since August 2024, Claudine Gaibrois is Co-Head of the Institute Marketing & Global Management together with Sven Feurer. She has also been an External Lecturer at the University of St. Gallen since 2015. From 2016-2023 she was a Lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and from 2015-2022 an External Lecturer at EM Strasbourg Business School. Since 2017, she has been a Guest Lecturer in the CEMS Master of International Management program (2017-2019 London School of Economics; 2020-present Aalto University School of Business). In 2021, she was a Guest Lecturer at Estonian Business School.
Claudine Gaibrois' research interests include language-sensitive research in International Business, migration, cultural diversity, intercultural communication, power and participation, equality, diversity & inclusion, and reflexivity.
Other projects
Migrants, Work and Language, with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen (Åbo Akademi, FIN) and Dr. Natalie Wilmot (University of Lincoln, UK), supported by the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland (ongoing)
The empowering and disempowering role of language in entrepreneurship incubators, with Prof. Dr. Daniela Bolzani (University of Bologna, I) (ongoing)
Gendered knowledge production in academia, with Dr. Marjana Johansson (University of Glasgow, UK) and Prof. Dr. Rebecca Piekkari (Aalto University School of Business, FIN) (ongoing)
The contribution of reflexivity to a positive hidden curriculum of responsibility learning (supported by the BFH Publication Fund) (ongoing)
Language-related participation in organizations, with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen (Åbo Akademi, FIN) and Dr. Natalie Wilmot (University of Lincoln, UK) (completed)
The role of language diversity in the construction of cultural differences (supported by the BFH Publication Fund) (completed)
Finalist for Best Paper Award 2015
9th International GEM&L Workshop, June 10-12, 2015, Helsinki, Paper “Beyond possession and competition: Investigating cooperative aspects of power in multilingual organizations” (Claudine Gaibrois and Chris Steyaert)
Selected as participant Didactics in Higher Education Program 2015
University of St. Gallen, Certificate of Advanced Studies Program in Higher Education
Selected as participant Talent Development Program 2014
Mentoring Deutschschweiz, Junior Female Academic Development Program of the German-speaking Swiss universities and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Best Paper Award 2014
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, June 7-10, 2014, Munich, Paper “Negotiating privilege: Power dynamics in linguistically diverse organizations” (Claudine Gaibrois and Julia Nentwich)
Danesha McCoy Outstanding Presentation Award 2014
UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium, April 18, 2014, Berkeley, CA, Presentation “Creating spaces for agency: How members of linguistically diverse organizations counterbalance language skill-related inequality” (Claudine Gaibrois)
Supervised theses
Wyss Nayibe Intercultural Interactions in Interlaken Cafes: Arab Tourists from the Employee Perspective 2024
Wyss Katja Cultural Noise in Swiss-Arab Security Negotiations: A Comparison of Communication Styles 2024
Jakubovic Irfan Challenges and opportunities of halal tourism in Switzerland 2023/2024
Sterjova Gabriela Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund in Führungspositionen 2023
Derendinger Deborah The effects of self-identification in a learning environment 2023
Furrer Florian Wie verändert die Digitalisierung die interne Kommunikation in einem KMU (am Beispiel einer Genossenschaftsbank)? 2023/2024
Kaneko Shintaro The Future Outlook of Hybrid Work: Changes for work models of office workers in customer care within the precision manufacturing industry 2023/2024
Schneeberger Hannes Offshoring in Scrum Teams 2023
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Spanish - Professional working proficiency
- Italian - Professional working proficiency
- Portuguese - Elementary proficiency