Prof. Dr. Peter Spring

Prof. Dr. Peter Spring Leiter Fachbereich Agronomie
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
BFH-HAFL Head of Agriculture
BFH-HAFL Deputy Director
BFH-HAFL Lecturer in Pig and Poultry Feeding
Animal Nutrition (part “Monogastric Animals”)
Poultry Production and Animal Feed Science
Pig Production (part “Nutrition”)
Resource-efficient pig nutrition
Professional experience
- 2015 – Head of Agriculture BFH-HAFL
- 2013 – Deputy Director BFH-HAFL
- 1999 – Lecturer in Pig Production and Poultry Production and Feed BFH-HAFL
- 1996–1999 Research Manager Alltech Inc., USA
- 1993–1996 Research Scientist Alltech Inc., USA
- 1992 Teacher of Agriculture INFORAMA
- 1996 Graduated with Doctor of Natural Sciences at ETHZ (in collaboration with University of Kentucky, USA) ETHZ
- 1992 Graduated with Diploma of Agricultural Engineering at ETHZ ETHZ
Biotechnology in the feed industry and animal nutrition: harnessing microbes to provide natural solutions.
Spring, P., J. Taylor-Pickard, K.A. Jacques and J.M. Hower. 2019. In: Wouter H. Hendriks, Martin W.A. Verstegen and László Babinszky (eds.) Poultry and pig nutrition (Wageningen Academic Publishers). DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-884-1_10.
Der Einfluss der persönlichen Haltung und Einstellung des Betriebsleiters auf den Antibiotika-Verbrauch in der Schweineproduktion.
Malik, J., G. Kaufmann, P. Hirsiger, C. Arnold, P. Spring, X. Sidler 2015. SVS SAT. Band 157, Heft 12, Dezember 2015. DOI 10.17236/sat00045.
A review of 733 published trials on Bio-Mos®, a mannan oligosaccharide, and Actigen®, a second generation mannose rich fraction, on farm and compan
Spring, P., C. Wenk, A. Connolly and A. Kiers. 2015. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 3: e8 1-11.
Survey of current Swiss pig feeding practices and potential for ammonia emission reduction.
Spring, P. und A. Bracher. 2014. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, Vol. 2; e9; page 1 of 8 doi:10.1017/jan.2014.3.
Ein alter Bauwagen hat es in sich – ein Geflügelmastversuch auf dem Campus.
Spring, P. und C. Burren. 2013. BFH, Hochschuldidaktische Schriftenreihe 11/2013: 13-16.
The challenge of cost effective animal nutrition: Optimizing existing and applying novel nutritional concepts.
Spring, P. 2013. Lohmann Information 48(1): 38-46.
Effects of colored light-emitting diode illumination on behavior and performance of laying hens.
Huber, B., A. Sutter und P. Spring. 2013. Poultry Science 92:869-873; doi:10.3382/ps.2012-02679.
Effect of three dietary phytogenic products on production performance and coccidosis in challenged broiler chickens.
Scheurer, W., P. Spring and L. Maertens. 2013. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 22:591-599.
Survey on the acceptance of the vaccination against boar taint.
Hofer, S., T. Kupper and P. Spring. 2011. Archiva Zootechnica 14 (2): 5-16.
Performances, meat quality and boar taint of castrates and entire male pigs fed a standard and a raw potato starch-enriched diet.
Pauly, C., P. Spring, J.V. O'Doherty, S. Ampuero Kragten and G. Bee. 2008. Animal. 2:1707-1715.
The effect of replacing inorganic with organic trace minerals in broiler diets on productive performance and mineral excretion.
Nollet, L., J.D. van der Klis, M. Lensing, and P. Spring. 2007. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:592-597.
Comparative responses to sodium selenite and organic selenium supplements in Belgian Blue cows and calves.
Huegues, G., P. Spring, S. Andrieu and F. Rollin. 2007. Livestock Science 111:259-263.
Staykov, Y., P. Spring, S. Denev and J. Sweetman. 2007. Aquaculture International: 15(2):153-161.
Effect of a mannan oligosaccharide on the growth performance and immune status of rainbow trout (Oncordynchus mykiss).
Sims, M.D., D. Hooge, K.A. Dawson, K.E, Newman and P. Spring. 2004. Poult. Sci: 83:1148-1154.
Effects of Dietary Mannan Oligosaccharide, Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate, or Both on the Live Performance and Intestinal Microbiology of Turkeys.
Intestinal microflora and the possibility to influence it with mannan oligosaccharide (Review).
Spring, P. 2003. Praxis Veterinaria. 51:1-2. 25-35.
The effects of dietary mannanoligosaccharides on cecal parameters and the concentrations of enteric bacteria in the ceca of salmonella-challenged broiler chicks.
Spring, P., C. Wenk, K.A. Dawson and K.E. Newman. 2000. Poult. Sci. 79:205-211.
Effect of pelleting temperature on the activity of different enzymes.
Spring, P., K.E. Newman, C. Wenk, R. Messikommer and M. Vukic-Vranjes. 1996. Poult. Sci. 75:357-61.
External memberships
National Advisory Commission for Agriculture
Advisory Board Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS), ETHZ
Board of Directors, Agridea
Various technical research groups and industry organisations