Dr. Barbara Franco Lucas

Dr. Barbara Franco Lucas Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Contact hours
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Food scientist
Postdoctoral researcher
Focus areas
Journal reviewer: Food Quality and Preference; Trends in Food Science & Technology; Journal of Applied Phycology; Journal of Functional Foods; LWT - Food Science and Technology; Journal of Food Process Engineering; Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (On-Line); Brazilian Journal of Food Technology; Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture & Society
Degree programmes
Bachelor’s degree: Biochemical Engineering
Bachelor’s degree: Food Engineering
Technical courses
Biochemical Engineering
Good Manufacturing Practices
Meat Technology and Derivatives
Principles of Unit Operations of the Food Industry
Packaging Technology
Business with Brazil
Management of Industrial processes
Undergraduate final Project
Consumer behaviour
consumer behaviour
food science
sustainable food consumption
- I have an undergraduate degree in food engineering (2008–2013), a Master’s (2015–2017) and PhD (2017–2021) in engineering and food science, with more than 10 years of experience in food science and technology. I have a background in novel food development, sensory and physicochemical evaluations, bioactive compounds analysis, extrusion processes and consumer studies. I have published articles in high-impact journals and provided expert advice to several food manufacturers. I also have experience as a quality supervisor in a poultry slaughterhouse and as a quality and laboratory head at a soybean crushing plant. Furthermore, I have been involved in several activities to promote public engagement in science, besides being a reviewer for several scientific journals (e.g.: Food Quality and Preference, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Journal of Applied Phycology and Journal of Functional Foods). During one year (2022-2023) I worked as a Postdoc Researcher at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, with a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship. Currently, I am a scientific collaborator at the same institution.
Professional experience
- 09/2023 – Current Scientific Collaborator Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 09/2022 – 08/2023 Postdoctoral Researcher Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 11/2021 – 08/2022 Laboratory head / Quality Manager Louis Dreyfus Company
- 03/2015 – 10/2021 Researcher Federal University of Rio Grande
- 12/2013 – 12/2014 Quality Supervisor JBS
- 08/2013 – 02/2014 Instructor/Lecturer National Industrial Apprenticeship Service - SENAI
- 2017 – 2021 PhD in Food Science and Engineering Federal University of Rio Grande
- 2016 – 2018 Specialization in Food Science Federal University of Pelotas
- 2015 – 2017 Master’s Degree in Food Science and Engineering Federal University of Rio Grande
- 2008 – 2013 Bachelor’s Degree in Food Engineering Federal University of Grande Dourados
- Complementary studies: Project Risk Management (1h), Cultivated meat: opportunities and challenges (8h), Nanobiotechnology and Bioengineering (40h), Cultivated meat: trends and benefits for food systems (8h), Innovation in the Food Industry (2h), Bioactive Compounds and Functional Foods (2h), Strategies in applied Algal Biotechnology (2h).
Other projects
09/2022 – 08/2023: Microalgae as an alternative protein and a sustainable option to improve nutrition worldwide: Swiss consumer perceptions and attitudes.
03/2017 – 10/2021: Centres of Technological Vocation (CVTs) of the Agrobiodiversities Bailique - Rio Grande.
09/2017 – 11/2018: Tutorial Working Group on Biochemical Engineering (GTTEB).
03/2015 – 10/2021: Microalgae culture in Brazil: Food Security, Sustainable Development and Alternative Work.
03/2024 – 10/2024: Bentomo circular
Patents and licenses (deposited)
BARRA DE CEREAIS COM MICROALGA(S), 2018. Category: Product. Institution where it was deposited: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Country: Brazil. Type: Patent of Invention. Number of the registration: BR1020180111493. Date of deposit: 30/05/2018. Inventors: Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa, Michele Greque de Morais, Ana Priscila Centeno da Rosa, Thaisa
Duarte Santos, Bárbara Franco Lucas, Lisiane Fernandes de Carvalho,. Depositor/Owner: Federal University of Rio Grande.SNACK ENRIQUECIDO COM Spirulina E/OU OUTRA(S) CIANOBACTÉRIA(S) E/OU OUTRA(S) MICROALGA(S), 2017. Category: Product. Institution where it was deposited: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Country: Brazil. Type: Patent of Invention. Number of the registration: BR1020170137899. Date of deposit: 26/06/2017. Inventors: Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa Bárbara Franco Lucas, Michele Greque de Morais, Thaisa Duarte Santos. Depositor/Owner: Federal University of Rio Grande.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Desenvolvimento de snacks a partir de farinhas de arroz e milho orgânicas adicionados de Spirulina. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2016, Gramado - RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Efeito da adição de Spirulina nas propriedades estruturais de snacks extrusados. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2016, Gramado - RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; MELO, R. M.; CAVENAGHI, A. D.; PINEDO, R. A.
Elaboração e caracterização sensorial de embutidos tipo “salame” elaborados com diferentes proporções de carne. In: 3° Graduation Teaching Meeting, 5° Postgraduate Meeting, 6° Scientific Initiation Meeting - ENEPE, 2012, Dourados – MS, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; FONSECA, G. G.
Produção de biodiesel a partir de óleo de pescado. In: XVIII National Bioprocess Symposium, 2011, Caxias do Sul - RS, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção de óleo a partir do processamento de surimi de CMS de tilápia do Nilo. In: 7º Brazilian Congress of Oleaginous Plants, Oils, Fats and Biodiesel, 2010, Belo Horizonte – MG, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção e Caracterização de Óleo de Tilápia do Nilo e Pintado. In: 1° Graduation Teaching Meeting, 3° Postgraduate Meeting, 4° Scientific Initiation Meeting - ENEPE, 2010, Dourados – MS, Brazil.
Abstracts published in conferences
Consumer attitudes toward superfoods: a study in Switzerland. In: 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland.COSTA, J. A. V.; LUCAS, B. F.; MORAIS, M.G.; SANTOS, T. D.; ROSA, A. P. C.
Development of snack bars with Spirulina biomass: effect of microalga concentration in color and microbiological parameters. In FFC’s 26th International Conference and Expo on Functional Foods, 2019, San Diego, USA.LUCAS, B. F.; ROSA, A. P. C.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Influence of Spirulina on textural and microstructural properties of cereal bars. In: XII CIBIA - Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, 2019, Faro - Portugal.LUCAS, B. F.; ROSA, A. P. C.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Snack bars enriched with microalga: sensory evaluation by schoolchildren. In: XII CIBIA - Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, 2019, Faro - Portugal.LUCAS, B. F.; MORAIS, M. G.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Nutritional enrichment of snacks developed by thermoplastic extrusion using Spirulina. In: Algae Biomass Summit 2017, 2017, Salt Lake City, USA.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Caracterização de biomassa microalgal para aplicação em alimentos. In: 2º Ibero-American Congress of Food Engineering - CIIAL 2016, 2016, Punta del Este - Uruguay.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Efeito da temperatura de extrusão no desenvolvimento de snacks adicionados de Spirulina In: 2º Ibero-American Congress of Food Engineering - CIIAL 2016, 2016, Punta del Este - Uruguay.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Efeito da umidade nas propriedades físicas de snacks extrusados adicionados de Spirulina. In: 2º Ibero-American Congress of Food Engineering - CIIAL 2016, 2016, Punta del Este - Uruguay.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; PETENUCI, M.E.; FONSECA, G. G.
Extraction of oil from waste fish. In: XIV Congress and exhibition on fats and oils of the Latin American section of AOCS., 2011, Cartagena, Colombia.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; PETENUCI, M.E.; FONSECA, G. G.
Extraction of waste fatty fish from surimi production of Nile tilapia. In: XIV Congress and exhibition on fats and oils of the Latin American section of AOCS., 2011, Cartagena, Colombia.LUCAS, B. F.; GOMES, B. S.; MENEGAZZO, M. L.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção e caracterização de óleo bruto de tilápia. In: V Scientific Initiation Meeting, 2010, Dourados – MS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; BRUNNER, T.
Consumers attitude change after providing information about microalgae-based foods. In: 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 2023, Nantes, France. Meeting new challenges in a changing world, 2023.Bárbara Franco Lucas; Kate Dassesse; Anna Nicolet; Joachim Marti; Thomas Brunner. Consumer’s knowledge and attitude towards true cost accounting and true price: Evidence from a pilot survey conducted in Switzerland. Agroecology Science days, Lausanne - Switzerland, 2024.
Bárbara Franco Lucas; Thomas A. Brunner. Determinanten der Bereitschaft zum Kauf und Verzehr von Lebensmitteln auf Mikroalgenbasis in der Schweiz: eine explorative Studie. D-A-CH Algen Summit 2024 - AGROSCOPE, Liebefeld-Switzerland, 2024
Bárbara Franco Lucas; Evelyn Markoni; Franziska Götze; Minh Hai Ngo; Thanh Mai Ha; Nhu Thinh Le; Thi Lam Bui; Anh Duc Nguyen; Bao Duong Pham; Thomas A. Brunner. Drivers and barriers of the intention to increase vegetable consumption: a cross-cultural study with Swiss and Vietnamese consumers. 187 th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Frick-Switzerland, 2024.
Bárbara Franco Lucas; Evelyn Markoni; Franziska Götze; Minh Hai Ngo; Thanh Mai Ha; Nhu Thinh Le; Thi Lam Bui; Anh Duc Nguyen; Bao Duong Pham; Thomas A. Brunner. Segmentation of consumers in Switzerland and Vietnam by psychological drivers and stages of behaviour change in meat consumption reduction. 11th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research - EUROSENSE 2024, Dublin-Ireland, 2024.
Sophie Ghvanidze; Bárbara Franco Lucas; Thomas A. Brunner; J. H. Hanf. Unveiling Wine and Cannabis Consumption Motivations: A Segmentation Study of Wine Consumers in Germany. 16th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists, Lausanne - Switzerland, 2024.
Extended abstracts published in conferences
Elaboração e análise sensorial de snacks enriquecidos com Spirulina. In: 16ª University Production Conference of FURG - MPU, 19º Postgraduate Meeting, 2017, Rio Grande – RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Desenvolvimento de extrusados enriquecidos com microalga. In: III Symposium of Biochemical Engineering and Bioprocesses, 2016, Rio Grande – RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Incorporação de Spirulina em snacks extrusados. In: 15ª University Production Conference of FURG - MPU, 2016, Rio Grande – RS, Brazil.AILIM YUKI NAKASHIMA; ALESSANDRA DE OLIVEIRA DE QUEIROZ; BÁRBARA FRANCO LUCAS, et al. Avaliação da rotulagem de produtos alimentícios comercializados em feiras livres no município de Dourados/MS. In: IX ECONPET - IX Central-West and North Meeting of P.E.T Groups, 2011, Palmas – TO, Brazil.
NAKASHIMA, Ailim Yuki; QUEIROZ, Alessandra de Oliveira; LUCAS, Bárbara Franco et al. Avaliação e elaboração da rotulagem de produtos alimentícios comercializados em feiras livres de Dourados/MS. In: XVI ENAPET - National Meeting of the Groups of the Tutorial Education Program (PET), 2011, Goiânia –GO, Brazil.
PEIXOTO, T. S.; LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, L. N. B.; SANJINEZ-ARGANDOÑA, E.J; OHATA, S.M.; FILGUEIRAS, C.T. Avaliação e elaboração das rotulagens de conservas alimentícias comercializadas nas feiras livres de Dourados-MS. In: 14º Workshop of Medicinal Plants from Mato Grosso do Sul, 2011, Dourados-MS, Brazil.
Caracterização do óleo de tilápia do Nilo obtido a partir de duas diferentes metodologias. In: II International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - II SIGERA, 2011, Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; FERREIRA, L. O.; PEIXOTO, T. S.; FRIPP, M. C.; ARGANDOÑA, E. J. S. Desidratação de Fatias de Batata Inglesa. In: 2° Graduation Teaching Meeting, 4° Postgraduate Meeting, 5° Scientific Initiation Meeting - ENEPE, 2011, Dourados-MS, Brazil.
Obtenção e caracterização de óleo de pescado pintado. In: II International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - II SIGERA, 2011, Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção e Caracterização de Óleo de Tilápia do Nilo. In: II International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - II SIGERA, 2011, Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil.
Internal memberships
Scientific Committee of IV Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Bioprocesses - SEBIO, 2018
(1st place) Best poster of the III Symposium of Biochemical Engineering and Bioprocesses
Federal University of Rio Grande – FURG
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship
Supervised theses
F.Abbas True cost and true price applied to food: An empirical study with Swiss residents 2024
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- Portuguese - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Spanish - Professional working proficiency
- French - Elementary proficiency
- German - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Brazil
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Viet Nam
- Sweden
- Portugal
- Finland