Prof. Dr. Ana Fernandes

Prof. Dr. Ana Fernandes Dozentin
Contact hours
Monday morning
Tuesday afternoon
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
Business School
Institut New Work
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
Research on Labor Markets, Gender, Policy, Development
Teaching: Microeconomics
Economics 1, 3 (Microeconomics)
Labor markets, gender, discrimination, experiemental economics
Focus areas
Identify reasons why the labor market paths of different groups in the population often strongly diverge (e.g. mothers/fathers, majority/minority)
Professional experience
- Since 2012 Professor Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Since 2013 Lecturer University of Fribourg
- 2005 - 2012 Assistant Professor University of Bern, Department of Economics
- 2004 - 2005 Visting Professor Stern School of Business, New York, USA
- 1994-1999 PhD and MA in Economics University of Chicago
- Referee for economics journals such as The Manchester School, Empirical Economics, European Economic Review, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
- External reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation
Other projects
Reducing Work After Childbirth: A causal estimate of long-run lost income (with Debra Hevenstone) -- Using linked administrative data, we investigate the loss of income associated with fertility by comparing across individuals experiencing quasi-exogenous income shocks during pregnancy or shortly after the birth of the first child. This project is funded by a Spark grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Debra Hevenstone is the leading researcher).
Spark Grant -- Swiss National Science Foundation, 2019 (with Debra Hevenstone, lead)
Reducing Work After Childbirth: A causal estimate of long-run lost income
Scientific Communication Grants -- Swiss National Science Foundation 2015, 2017, 2019
Grants for the organization of each of the three editions of the academic and policy conference "International BFH Conference on Discrimination in the Labor Market
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Portuguese - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Professional working proficiency
- Spanish - Full professional proficiency
- German - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Portugal
- United States of America