Nancy Bourgeois Luethi

Nancy Bourgeois Luethi Dozentin Int. Livestock Systems
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Head, Group International Agriculture
Lecturer and researcher in international livestock systems
Coordinator of internships abroad for BSc students in international agriculture
Focus areas
Value chain analysis, project management.
Degree programmes
BSc in international agriculture
BLAl404 World agriculture: livestock
BLAi404 Agriculture and farm economics in developing and transition countries
BLAi118 Crop-livestock interactions in developing and transition countries
BLAi128 Livestock production and research methods for development
BLAi154 Project Planning & Preparing Field Assignment
BLAi164 Synthesis week
Livestock systems, dairy production, livestock value chains, support to agricultural education
- Raised on a dairy farm in the Jura mountains (Vaud). Worked and lived for 20 years in several countries in Asia.
Professional experience
- 2013 to date Lecturer in International Livestock Systems, Switzerland School of Agriculture, Food and Forest Sciences, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
- 2006-2014 Freelance consultant in livestock value chains, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia ACIAR, CIAT, AusVet, FHI-360, AVSF
- 2004-2006 Freelance consultant in livestock value chains, Vietnam Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans Frontières, sub-contracting for Oxfam Québec, FAO, CIAT, Vietnam
- 2001-2004 Volunteer, Vietnam Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
- 1998-2001 Maternity break, Vietnam -
- 1997-1998 Researcher (part-time), Natural Resources Research Centre, Bhutan Helvetas
- 1995-1998 Co-manager (part-time) of the National Brown Swiss Breeding Project, Bhutan Helvetas
- 1994-1995 (6 months) Assistant researcher in ruminant nutrition, Switzerland Agroscope
- 1994 (6 months) Field researcher, Karnataka, India Myrada, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation
- 1993-1994 (6 months) Assistant researcher in ruminant nutrition, Switzerland Agroscope
- 2006-2010 MSc in Agribusiness for Development School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK
- 2013-2014 Postgraduate Certificate in Animal Health and Production Royal Veterinary College (RVC), University of London, UK
- 1990-1993 Engineering Diploma in Agriculture, specialization in Livestock Production Swiss College of Agriculture (now HAFL), Switzerland
- 1988-1990 VET Diploma in Agriculture Landwirtschaftliche Schule Ins (BE), Switzerland
Other projects
2023-2024 Soutien à la professionalisation des éleveurs laitiers en Tunisie, partenariat public-privé, Fondation Vitalait, DDC
2022-2024 Réseau de formation à l'entreprenariat agricole en Suisse et en Afrique, Movetia
2019 till date Member of the Swiss National Committee to the FAO (CNF-FAO)
2013 till date, various short- and mid term research mandates in livestock production, value chains and higher and vocational education in Asia, Middle East and Africa
Internal memberships
HAFL Alumni
External memberships
Member of the Swiss National Committee to the FAO (CNS-FAO) 2020-2023
SOAS Alumni
Supervised theses
Roth S. Characterisation of European sericulture 2023
Keiser C. & Giuliani A. Livestock manure management and use by smallholder farmers. An assessment in Battambang province in Cambodia. 2021
Sauthier D. Adaptabilité d’un projet d’aquaponie dans le cadre de l’aide au retour suisse 2018
Verly V. Essais d’acceptabilité et de préfé-rence sur les alpagas dans les hautes Andes du Sud du Pérou 2017
Furer J. Analysis of yak products value chains, Alai and Chon Alai districts, Kyrgyzstan 2017
Speiser L. Cashmere value chain analysis in Alai and Chon Alai districts, Kyrgyzstan 2016
Held M. Are smallholder livestock farmers in remote eastern Cambodia ready for improved forage systems? 2015
Kunz A. Implications of goat integration in black pepper production system in Cambodia. 2023
Ulman S. Sheep welfare and farmers’ attitudes towards animal welfare in Yabello and Menz, Ethiopia 2019
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Full professional proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Vietnamese - Limited working proficiency
- Lao - Elementary proficiency
- Russian - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Bhutan
- India
- Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Cambodia
- Thailand
- Sudan
- Nigeria
- Mali
- Tunisia
- Palestinian Territory, Occupied
- Viet Nam
- Kyrgyzstan
- Switzerland
- Canada
- Romania
- United Kingdom
- Ethiopia