Dr. Patric Eichelberger

Dr. Patric Eichelberger Leiter Bern Movement Lab
Contact hours
Friday morning -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Fachbereich Physiotherapie
Stadtbachstrasse 64
3012 Bern
Head of Bern Movement Lab
Head of "Foot Biomechanics and Technology" Research Group of Physiotherapy Research
Focus areas
Movement biomechanics of the lower extremity
Movement analysis
Biomechanics in injury prevention and rehabilitation
Processing, analytical and statistical analyis of biomechanical data
Degree programmes
BSc Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions
BSc Midwifery, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions
BSc Nutrition and Dietetics, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions
MSc Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions
MSc Biomedical Engineering, University of Bern / Bern University of Applied Sciences
Including: Quantitative Research Methods and Applied Statistics, Movement Biomechanics, Gait Analysis, Biomechanical Models and Movement Analysis
Quantitative and clinically oriented assessment of human movement
Biomechanics in injury prevention and rehabilitation
Footwear, orthoses and therapy interventions in running-related overload injuries
Processing, analytical and statistical analyis of biomechanical data
- Patric Eichelberger (PhD) is a lecturer and biomechanist at the Bern University of Applied Sciences at the Department of Health Professions (Switzerland). He is heading the Bern Movement Lab and the Foot Biomechanics and Technology Group of physiotherapy research.
He is a polymechanic and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Microengineering and earned his Master and PhD Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Bern. His primary research interests include the quantitative and clinically oriented assessment of human movement and biomechanics in injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Professional experience
- 2019-present Head of Bern Movement Lab Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy
- 2018-2019 Dep. Head a.i. of Physiotherapy Research Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy
- 2013-2018 Scientific associate and PhD student Biomedical Engineeering University of Bern Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Physiotherapy
- 2009-2012 Scientific associate and MSc student Biomedical Engineering University of Bern Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Institute for Human Centered Engineering
- 2004-2006 Polymechanic (Production engineering) MAWAtec Precision Mechanics, Selzach, Switzerland
- 2013-2018 PhD in Biomedical Engineering University of Bern
- 2009-2012 MSc in Biomedical Engineering University of Bern
- 2006-2009 BSc in Microengineering Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering and Computer Science
- 2005-2006 Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Gewerblich-industrielle Berufsschule, Solothurn, Switzerland
- 2000-2004 Federal Vocational Education and Training Certificate Polymechanic (Production engineering) MAWAtec Precision Mechanics, Selzach, Switzerland
- 2024-2025 CAS Hochschuldidaktik, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2012 Project management, Continuing education program research and technology transfer, Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2011 Project acquisition, Continuing education program research and technology transfer, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Internal memberships
Commitee "Human Digital Transformation" https://www.bfh.ch/en/about-bfh/management-organisation/committees/
Co-Head "Center Health Technologies"
External memberships
Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Professional working proficiency