Dr. Ingrid Fromm

Dr. Ingrid Fromm Wiss. MA Sozio-Ökonomie der ländl. Entw.
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Research in agricultural value chains and markets, agricultural commodity trade, farmer incomes in the developing context
Applied research in socio-economic issues of food systems, including sustainability
Project implementation, evaluation, capacity building
Application of socio-economic methodologies in agricultural research for development
Degree programmes
Master's Program
Bachelor Program
Income Generation and Markets
Research Methods for Development
Working in Developing Contexts
Policies and Institutions as Drivers for Innovation and Development
Logistics, Supply Chain and Network Management
Leadership and Management for Life Sciences (Cooperation Module)
Innovation and Project Management for Life Sciences (Cooperation Module)
Sustainability and Impact in Entrepreneurship
Knowledge Management and Transfer in Agriculture and Forestry
Value chain analysis in agriculture
Global commodity value chains: cocoa, coffee, palm oil, bananas, pulses
Sustainability in food systems
Project implementation and evaluation
Methodologies for socio-economic research, including social network analysis in agriculture (knowledge networks)
Professional experience
- Since 2009 Research Associate, International Agriculture Bern University of Applied of Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
- 2004-2007 Research Assistant/Research Fellow Leipzig University and German Institute of Global and Area Studies
- 2003 Intern, Enterprise Management Development Section International Trade Centre
- 2000-2002 Supply Chain Cost Analyst Empire Electronics Honduras
- 1999 Visiting Research Fellow - Plant Pathology Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- 2005-2010 PhD Development Economics Leipzig University, Germany
- 2002-2004 MSc Small Enterprise Promotion and Training Leipzig University, Germany
- 1995-1999 Ing. Agronomy Zamorano University, Honduras
Other projects
Burundi (2022-2023). Consultancy: Value Chain Analysis of the Coffee Value Chain.
Uganda (2020-2024). Project Implementation: Action for Livelihood Enhancement in Northern Uganda (ALENU). Technical support to consortium in improving livelihoods through increased production of diversified food, enhanced market opportunities and better maternal and child nutrition, Product and Market Value Chain Analysis. Project led by Caritas Switzerland and funded by EuropeAid.
India (2018-1019). Research Project: Indo-Swiss Collaboration on Biotechnology Phase V, Principal Investigator for Pigeon Pea Network, Socio-economic research. Conducted socio-economic studies on pigeon pea consumption in the urban and peri-urban areas of Delhi and Hyderabad (Telangana). Project funded by Indo-Swiss Collaboration on Biotechnology.
Colombia (2020-2022).Research Project: Development of bio-nanotechnologies to lower cadmium content in cocoa beans. Principal investigator for market assessment. Project funded by SECO.
Switzerland (2018). Market Analysis: Analysis of market potential of Colombian bocadillo veleño (guava paste) in Swiss market. Consultancy funded by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
International (2020). Desk Study: Systematic Review & Survey: Fairtrade & Climate Change. Investigator. Project funded by Fairtrade International.
Dominican Republic (2017-2018). Mission: Value Chain Analysis for Improving Operations in Banana in the Dominican Republic. Hired as Lead Economist and Team Leader for consultancy. Project funded by the European Commission, Agrinatura VCA4D.
India (2015-2017). Research Project: Indo-Swiss Collaboration on Biotechnology Phase IV, co-Principal Investigator for Pigeon Pea Network, Socio-economic research, Investigator Bio-fertilizer (BIOFI) Network. Conducted socio-economic studies on market structure for bio-inputs in States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Coordinated socio-economic study on farmer adoption of new pigeon pea varieties with the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in Delhi and Hyderabad. Project funded by Indo-Swiss Collaboration on Biotechnology.
Nigeria (2015-2016). Capacity-building Project: Capacity Building in Agricultural Education in Nigeria. Lead Value Chain Expert. Provided expertise in the development of curricula for value chain development. Worked with 6 agricultural universities, the Nigerian Ministry of Agriculture, and private partners. Project funded by the Swiss Office of Migration.
Ghana (2015-2016). Research Project: Solar Drying Technology for Lumber and
Food Items in Ghana. Value Chain Expert. Provided expertise for adaptation of solar drying technologies for food products and conducted needs assessment to evaluate market potential for SMEs, in collaboration with Virginia Tech University and the Forest Research Institute of Ghana. Project funded by UNIDO.Bolivia (2015). Mission: Mid-Term Review of SDC’s Cooperation Strategy 2013-2016 with Bolivia. International consultant for external evaluation. Swiss Development Cooperation Mandate.
Rwanda (2014). Organization of Workshop: Potato Value Chain Promotion in Rwanda. Led coordination and execution of workshop, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Competence Centre for Regional Development of the Institut d’Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri (INES-Ruhengeri). Developing Countries, Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, Swiss Academy of Sciences.
Bolivia (2013). Mission: Second External Evaluation of the Sys-Com Project: What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Member of evaluation team for the conventional versus organic cocoa trials in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Ghana (2012-2013). Research Project: Promoting sustainable production methods and socio-environmental certifications among small-scale cocoa farmers in Ghana. Lead Scientist responsible for the coordination with team at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Advised two master’s students conducting research as part of the project. Project funding by the Rector’s Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences.
Switzerland (2012). Mission: Facilitation and Social Reporting on the Agriculture and Food Security Network’s Face-to-face meeting, Zollikofen. Facilitator during the Rural Advisory Services and M4P Session. Swiss Development Cooperation Mandate.
Switzerland (2011). Organization of Symposium: Challenges and potential of measuring sustainability in agriculture, 10 years of research and practical experiences around the world, European Association of Agricultural Economists Congress 2011: Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. Responsible for organization and execution of session in collaboration with EAAE organization committee.
Honduras (2009-2010). Research Project: Who is pushing for innovation and upgrading? Influence of development agents and buyers on the use of knowledge and technology among small coffee producers in Honduras. Lead Scientist conducting research and interviewing stakeholders in Honduras. Internal funding.
Austria (2009). Mission: UNIDO Expert Group Meeting “Developing a Value Chain Diagnostics Tool for Common Practice at UNIDO”. Invited by UNIDO for inputs during the meeting and for extensive review of the publication.
Honduras (2006-2009). Research Project: Upgrading in Agricultural Value Chains. Analysis of the coffee, palm oil and horticultural sectors in Honduras for PhD dissertation.
Tanzania (2006). Organization of International SEPneT Conference “Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs through Networking” in Dar es Salaam. Coordinated with the Institute of Finance Management. Responsible for coordination and execution of conference. Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Argentina (2005). Organization of International SEPneT Workshop “Organization of Innovation Processes in Companies and Institutions”. Assisted coordinator in the execution of workshop in collaboration with the Universidad Austral in Buenos Aires. Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Germany (2004). Short-term Assignment: Consultancy to conduct in-depth analysis of mission, objectives and implementation of programs and projects of development cooperation agencies world-wide. Contracted by the German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
Fromm, I. (2023). Reducing Inequalities in the Coffee Value Chain: Threats and Opportunities for Small-scale Farmers in Central America and East Africa, in Agricultural Value Chains - Some Selected Issues, by Stanton, J. (ed), IntechOpen Publications, London.
Fromm, I. (2023). Climate change impacts, food insecurity and migration: An analysis of the current crisis in Honduras, in Migration and Diasporas: Struggling Between Exclusion and Inclusion, Arrocha, W. and Xeni, E. (ed), Emerald Publishing Bingley, UK.
Fromm, I. (2022). Building Resilient Value Chains After the Impact of the COVID-19 Disruption: Challenges for the Coffee Sector in Central America. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5:775716..
Tetteh E. N., Nunoo I., Fromm, I., Abunyewa, A., Tuffuor, H., Twum-Ampofo, K., Acheampong, P., Berchie, J. N., Dzomeku, B. M., Adjei Asamoah, E., Logah, V., Yeboah, S., Melenya, C., Partey, S. T. and Barnes, V. R. (2022). Economic Analysis of Rubber Agroforestry Systems in Ghana. International Journal of Agroforestry and Silviculture, Vol, 10(1): 1-10.
Furer, M., Jurt, C., Fromm, I., Malek, Z., Kuonen, L., Marchesi, S., Verburg, P., Parra Paitan, C. (2021). Fairtrade and Climate Change: Systematic Review, Hotspot Analysis and Survey. Fairtrade International Report.
Fromm, I. (2021). Is sustainable palm oil production in Honduras achievable? Research Features Magazine, Earth and Environment, August 2021.
Human, S. and Fromm, I. (2021). Transport Inefficiencies in the cocoa value chain in Ivory Coast: Is sustainability possible? Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Vol. 13 (2): 51-59.
Fromm, I., Cortez, R., Bulnes, L. C., Discua, A. (2020). The Role of Social Remittances in Promoting Innovation and Transformative Societal Change: The case of a Honduran Diaspora Knowledge Network, In Social Innovation of New Ventures: Achieving Social Inclusion and Sustainability in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries. Routledge and CRC Press, London.
Fromm, I., Bollinedi, H., Dheer, M. Goel, P., Nehra, P., Raje, R. S., Singh, G. Singh, N. K., Jha, S. K. and Singh, A. (2020), Evaluation of improved pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) varieties for organoleptic dal quality in India. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, Vol. 12(3).
Nunoo, I., Fromm, I. and Fimpong, B. N. (2020). Factors influencing the adoption of cocoa agroforestry systems in mitigating climate change in Ghana: The case of the Sefwi Wiawso district in Western Region. Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, Vol 2(1).
Fromm, I. (2019). Why the inclusion of women’s perceptions in plant breeding programs is critical: An example from India. Horticulture International Journal. Vol. 3(5): 214-215.
Cortez, R. and Fromm, I. (2019). From Cocoa Producers to Chocolatiers? Developing an Entrepreneurial Model for Small-scale Producers in Honduras. International Journal on Food System Dynamics Vol. 10(1).
Diaz, I. and Fromm, I. (2019). The rebirth of Natural Fibers? Analysis of market potential for fique (furcraea andina) production in Santander, Colombia. Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering, Vol. 9(2).
Feschet, P., Fromm, I., van Rijn, F., Cruz, B. (2019). Análisis de la Cadena de Valor del Banano en la República Dominicana. Informe por lGa Unión Europea, DG-DEVCO. Value Chain Analysis for Development Project (VCA4D CTR 2016/375-804) 127 pages.
Ferrari, L. M., Fromm, I., Scheidegger, U. and Muhire, A. (2018). Formal or Informal? Analysis of the Potato Seed System in Rwanda. Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 3(10).
Discua Cruz, A. and Fromm, I. (2018) "Understanding the emergence of a social enterprise by highly skilled migrants: The case of Honduras Global Europa", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 25(5).
Schaad, N. and Fromm, I. (2018). Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP):
Analysis of cocoa beans processing and quality in post-harvest in South East Sulawesi in Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Food and Energy, Vol. 6(1).Fromm, I. (2018). “Enhancing Value by Improving Quality in Coffee in Tamil Nadu, India”, Special Issue on Agroecological Value Chains, LEISA India, Vol. 20(1), Mar. 2018.
Kupferschmied, K., Fromm, I. and Rouanet, A. (2017). Estudio socioeconómico de un proyecto de reforestación implementado a pequeños productores de cacao en Honduras, Revista Ceiba, Vol. 55(1).
Fromm, I. (2016). From Small Chocolatiers to Multinationals to Sustainable Sourcing: A Historical Review of the Swiss Chocolate Industry In, The Economics of Chocolate, Oxford University Press.
Aidoo, R. and Fromm, I. (2015). Willingness to Adopt Certifications and Sustainable Production Methods among Small-Scale Cocoa Farmers in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 8(1).
Fromm, I. (2015). Coffee Farming in Rwanda: Savoring Success. Newsletter of the Swiss Development Cooperation Agriculture and Food Security Network. 2/2015.
Roldan, M. B., Fromm, I. and Aiddo, R. (2014). From Production to Export Markets: The Case of the Cocoa Value Chain in Ghana, Journal of African Development, Vol. 15(2).
Fromm, I. (2014). Organic Chocolate for the Swiss Market: The case of collaborative efforts between a private firm in Switzerland and small-scale cocoa producers in Honduras, in Contract farming for improved market access in developing regions, FAO, Rome.
Fromm, I. (2013). “Cocoa Production in Honduras: New Possibilities for Small-Scale Farmers”, Special Issue on Contract Farming, F@rmletter, the E-Magazine of the World Farmers’ Organization, Issue 19, Sept. 2013.
Fromm, I. and Yeoboah, R. (2013). “Leaving the city to find a better future in agriculture: The story of a successful young cocoa farmer in Ghana”, F@rmletter, the E-Magazine of the World Farmers’ Organization, Issue 13, Mar. 2013.
Wyss, R., Fromm, I. and Garcia, M. (2012). Socio-environmental certifications: Risks and opportunities for small-scale coffee farmers in Central America, International Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 1(4).
Fromm, I. (2012). Niche market for Honduran cocoa, New Agriculturist, 2012-6.
Fromm, I. (2010) Upgrading in Agricultural Value Chains: The Case of Small and Medium-sized Producers in Honduras, PhD Thesis (magna cum laude), University of Leipzig, Germany.
Fromm, I., (2010) Reconfiguring supply schemes in the cocoa value chain: Organic chocolate from Honduras for the Swiss market. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 13(4).
Hartwich, F., Fromm, I. and Romero, G. (2010) Innovation Trajectories in Honduras’ Coffee Value Chain: Public and Private influence the use of New Knowledge and Technology among Coffee Growers, International Journal on Food System Dynamics Vol. 1(3).
Müller, I., Guenat, D., and Fromm, I., (2010) Impact Monitoring and Evaluation System (IMES) for Farmer Field Schools in Kyrgyzstan: How to Optimize Resource Allocation for Higher Impact? Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Vol. 2 (10).
Fromm, I. (2007) Upgrading in in Agricultural Value Chains: The Case of Small Producers in Honduras, GIGA Working Paper Series, Hamburg.
Fromm, I. and Nyhodo, B. (2007) International Trade, Consumer Behavior and Trust: Factors Affecting Agribusinesses in Developing Countries, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 10(3).
Fromm, I. (2007) La Gestión es la Clave del éxito para PYMES agro-exportadoras, INCAE Business Review, Vol. 2(2).
Fromm, I. (2007). Targeting Differentiated Markets: A Strategy for Small-scale Coffee Farmers in Honduras? Agriculture and Rural Development, Nr. 01/07.
Dornberger, U. and Fromm, I. (2005). Private Sector Development and Poverty Reduction: Experiences from Developing Countries, SEPT Working Paper No. 20.
External memberships
BFH-HAFL Representation in Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (Board Member, Research Sector Representative)
Steering Committee Member, Swiss Regional Network, NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health
Member of the Global Innovation Panel and the Pan-African Regional Network, NNEdPro
Subject Matter Expert, CGIAR Independent Science for Development Council
Swiss Food Research Innovation Group Chocolate and Cocoa Steering Committee Member
Supervised theses
Loïc Wüthrich Market and Business Strategy Analysis of Panamanian Specialty Coffee 2021
Elisa Bossi Cocoa plant health: A comparison between Dynamic Agroforestry System and Traditional full-sun System in Western Ghana 2019
Julius Wüest Diagnóstico de la producción de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) en Sapahaqui, Bolivia 2018
Laura Kuonen Análisis de sistema de producción de hortalizas de pequeña escala en el Altiplano, Bolivia 2017
Elena Paiuc Market Analysis of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) in Cochabamba, Bolivia 2017
Joachim Rust Efficiency evaluation of lettuce seedling production methods in Cochabamba, Bolivia 2016
Leone Ferrari Evaluación de insecticidas para el manejo orgánico de la chinche (Monalonium dissimulatum Dist.) en cultivos de cacao en Alto Beni, Bolivia 2013
María Teresa Amrein Analysis of the specialty coffee value chain in Nariño, Colombia 2023
Mariyam Ismaili Assessing the sustainability of fragrances: Case Study for Essencia 2023
Rachel Keller Leveraging Trade to Ensure Food Security: The case of Australian wheat exports to Indonesia 2023
Melina Griffin Access to agricultural land for Uruguayan youth and the role of the national institute (INC) 2022
Odera Magowa Strategies to close the living income gap of different coffee grower archetypes in Kaffa region, Ethiopia 2021
Laila Grillo The Malaysian Palm Oil Sector - an Environmental Governance Analysis 2021
Nathalie Walker Developing an online platform with key quality metrics for cocoa beans to enhance direct trade in Costa Rica 2021
Laura Jakobeit Cadmium in cocoa from Colombia: Assessment of challenges and mitigation strategies to support smallholder farmers 2021
Mathe Djodji From living wage to living in-come: Economic analysis of the cocoa value chain in Ghana 2021
Matthias Baumann High Diversity Agroforestry Model for Coffee in Nicaragua 2020
Simeon Human Analysis of Transport Inefficiencies in the Cocoa Value Chain in Ivory Coast: Is Sustainability Possible? 2019
Solomon Araya Assessment of Waste-water Irrigated Urban Vegetable Production and Market Systems in Ethiopia 2019
Estuardo Gómez Analysis of Mineral Oil Contamination Along the Cocoa Value Chain 2018
Ignacio Díaz Producción de Fique (Furcraea andina) en Colombia: Estudio de Mercados Potenciales 2018
Leone Ferrari Formal and Informal Seed Potato Supply Systems in Rwanda 2017
Noemi Schaad Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP): Anlysis of Cocoa Bean Processing and Quality in South-east Sulawesi, Indonesia 2017
Karent Kupferschmied Estudio socio-económico de un proyecto agroforestal implementado a pequeños productores de cacao 2016
Prema Dhanavel Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP) Intervention in West Sulawesi, Indonesia: Determinants and Cost Analysis of Premium Quality Bean Production at the Farm Level 2014
Angela Deppeler Who benefits from certifications? Analysis of third-party audited certification schemes in the cocoa sector in Ghana 2014
Milan Milojevic Evaluation of Transparency Practices in the Swiss Chocolate Industry 2013
Maria Belén Roldan de Röttig From Production to Export Markets: The Case of the Cocoa Value Chain in Ghana 2012
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Spanish - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Professional working proficiency
- French - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Honduras
- Ghana
- India
- Bolivia
- Colombia
- Dominican Republic
- Costa Rica
- Ecuador
- Brazil
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Viet Nam
- Nicaragua
- Tanzania, United Republic of
- Kenya
- Malaysia
- Cote D'Ivoire
- Panama
- Indonesia
- Germany
- Uganda
- Uruguay
- Argentina
- Burundi
- Indonesia