Dr. Maria Franco Mosquera

Dr. Maria Franco Mosquera Tenure Track Dozentin
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Quellgasse 21
2501 Biel
Maria Franco is an Assistant Professor in Circular Economy at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. She is primarily involved in the Horizon 2020 Project CIRCUSOL, which is aimed at applying circular economy principles to the solar PV industry.
Besides her research duties, Maria is also a lecturer of Organization and Change Management, Machine and Business Ethics, as well as Sustainable Engineering for undergraduate students at the Industrial Engineering and Management study program.
Since 2019, Maria also works as the International Advisor for WING, assisiting incoming and outgoing exchange students in the process of finding, applying and getting settled at the BFH or abroad.
Degree programmes
BSc Industrial Engineering and Management
Organization and Change Management
Machine and Business Ethics
Sustainable Engineering
Teaching Assistant for the master-level course "Systems Analysis" (University of Zurich, 2015).
Closed-loop supply chains
Sustainable supply chains
Sustainable innovations and business models
Circular Economy
System Dynamics and Group Model Building
Professional experience
- Since 2018 Postdoc Researcher Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH)
- 2015-2018 Doctoral Research Assistant University of Zurich & University of Basel
- 2013-2015 Co-owner & Partner Stratendo
- 2013-2014 System Dynamics Consultant Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- 2013-2014 Human Resources Consultant Interamerican Center of Tax Administration
- 2011-2012 System Dynamics Consultant & Business Development Manager United Machinery Group Myanmar
- 2015-2018 PhD in Business Administration and Economics University of Zurich
- 2010-2012 MPhil System Dynamics & MSc Business Administration University of Bergen, Universitá Degli Studi di Palermo, Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2005-2010 BSc Management Science Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (International Careers Program)
- 2008 Undergraduate exchange State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz
- July-August 2017: Visiting Researcher at the Circular Economy Centre (CEC) (University of Cambridge, Judge Business School). Report: “The Internet of Things as an enabler for circular business models”
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship - EU
European Master in System Dynamics ‐ Scholarship sum EUR 48.000 (100%)
Scholarship for studying abroad - Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo
Tuition for a studies abroad at SUNY New Paltz
“Alliance for the Future” Scholarship - Fundación Leonidas Ortega Moreira
Undergraduate studies at UEES ‐ Scholarship sum USD 40.000 (100%)
Supervised theses
Tschopp, A. Circular economy: A case study of a sustainable business model. Thesis for obtaining the degree of Master in Business Administration. University of Zurich 2016
Kupper, K. Modeling and analyzing obesity with system dynamics. Thesis for obtaining the degree of Master in Business Administration. University of Zurich 2016
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Spanish - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Professional working proficiency
- French - Elementary proficiency
- Italian - Elementary proficiency