Prof. Dr. Luuk Dorren

Prof. Dr. Luuk Dorren Leiter F&D / Prof. Naturgefahren & RM
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Waldwissenschaften
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Luuk Dorren is head of research and consultancy at BFH-HAFL and prof. of natural hazard and risk management (teaching and research both in natural hazard risk and green infrastructure management). He is a promoter of mixed biological, technical and organisational solutions in natural hazard protection. His main specialties are: Natural hazards, Risk analysis, Protective measures, Modelling and simulation, Infrastructure management, GIS-Analysis
- Prof. Dr. Luuk Dorren is currently head of research and consultancy and professor of natural hazard and risk management at Bern University of Applied Sciences - HAFL. Further, he is founding President of the International Association for Natural Hazard Risk Management (ecorisQ). He previously served as natural hazard risk related project leader for both the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN and the Swiss Federal roads office FEDRO and as senior researcher at CEMAGREF (France).
Since more than 20 years, Luuk Dorren is actively engaged in applied natural hazard risk management through key research and implementation projects, and as author or co-author of more than 90 papers, books, guidelines and technical manuals. Through his work he made major improvements in the quantification, modelling and risk-based evaluation of the protective effect of nature-based solutions against natural hazards.
Currently his focus is on the net-benefit of nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction and on advancing innovative practices in forest – natural hazard risk management. He has advised many of the major projects on the protection of critical infrastructure through nature-based solutions and advanced risk-based forest management practices in the European Alps.
Deeply involved in professional activities, he was President of the Norm and Research Commission on Natural hazards of the Swiss Association for Road and Transport Professionals from 2014 - 2019. By setting-up and providing leadership to the 250+ international member network ecorisQ for the promotion of nature-based solutions for natural hazard risk reduction, he created a global platform for the dissemination of scientifically state-of-the-art methods and software tools in the practice. By doing so, he aims to increase and guide investments in green solutions for disaster risk reduction and to push for widespread and sustainable implementation of those solutions.
Professional experience
- since Jan 2023 Head of research and consultancy BFH-HAFL
- since Apr 2014 Prof. of natural hazard and risk management BFH-HAFL
- July 2008 – Mar 2014 Project leader Fed. Office for the Environment FOEN (& Fed. Roads Office FEDRO), Bern (CH)
- Sept 2003 – June 2008 Senior Researcher CEMAGREF (currently INRAE) Grenoble (FR)
- Sept 1997 – Aug 2003 Researcher; Lecturer Univ. of Amsterdam (NL)
- Nov 1996 – April 1997 Consultant Resource Analysis (Delft (NL)
- 2008 - 2010 Habilitation (Venia Legendi) Univ. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (AT)
- 1998 - 2002 PhD Environmental Sciences Univ. of Amsterdam (NL)
- 1993 - 1997 MSc Earth Sciences Univ. of Amsterdam (NL)
- 1992 - 1993 Techn. management science (no diploma) Techn. Univ. Eindhoven (NL)
Internal memberships
BFH Research commission
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Full professional proficiency
- German - Full professional proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- Dutch - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Italian - Elementary proficiency