Prof. Dr. Angela Blasimann Schwarz

Prof. Dr. Angela Blasimann Schwarz Co-Leiterin BSc Physiotherapie
Contact hours
Monday morning
Wednesday morning
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Fachbereich Physiotherapie
Murtenstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Focus areas
Neuromuscular Control of the Lower Extremity
Active Rehabilitation
Sports Physiotherapy
Quantitative and Clinically Oriented Assessment of Human Movement
Patient-reported Outcome Measures
Novel Technologies for Physiotherapy
MSc PHY Anatomy & Biomechanics
MSc PHY Rehabilitation
MSc PHY Performance
MSc PHY Master Thesis
MSc PHY Transfer Modul
MSc Interprofessionell: Leadership, Change and Project Management
BSc PHY Examination Basics
BSc PHY Bachelor Thesis
Contemporary Pilates Experience Anatomy
- Following her studies in Physiotherapy (1996-2000, PT School Leukerbad, Switzerland), Angela Blasimann completed two master’s degree programs (2005-2008 MPTSc, University of Maastricht (NL); 2012-2015 MSc in Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences, (Switzerland)) and finished her doctoral studies in 2023 (PhD, Doctor of Medical Sciences respectively, University of Antwerp (B)). The topic of her doctoral studies was "Evaluation of neuromuscular control after anterior cruciate ligament rupture - Development of objective criteria to assess sensorimotor competence".
Angela Blasimann is currently working as Head of the BSc Physiotherapy program, lecturer, Deputy Head of the research group "Neuromuscular Control" and researcher at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) at the Department of Health professions, Division of Physiotherapy. Furthermore, she is part-time working as senior lecturer and assessor in the field of further education (Pilates, Anatomy).
Regarding clinical practice, Angela Blasimann is an experienced physiotherapist, well-trained in orthopedics, sports physical therapy and active rehabilitation in different clinical settings.
Professional experience
- 06/2020 - Head of BSc Physiotherapy program (co-leading with Irene Koenig) Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Bern (CH)
- 06/2020 - Deputy Head of Research Group "Neuromuscular Control" Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Bern (CH)
- 06/2020 - Researcher & Lecuturer Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Bern (CH)
- 01/2019 - 12/2020 Physiotherapist Emmental Hospital, Langnau (CH)
- 10/2013 - 02/2020 Supervisor Swiss Ice Hockey Federation
- 01/2010 - Senior Lecturer & Assessor art of motion training in movement Switzerland, Bern (CH)
- 10/2009 - 05/2020 Research Associate Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Professions, Bern (CH)
- 10/2003 - 09/2009 Physiotherapist & Supervising Tutor for Practical Training, Responsible Expert, Project Leader for Workplace Health Promotion Hirslanden Group, Salem Hospital, Bern (CH)
- 10/2000 - 09/2003 Physiotherapist & Supervising Tutor for Practical Training Center for Physiotherapy, M. Knol, Langnau (CH)
- 08/2000 - 09/2000 Physiotherapist Canton Hospital Winterthur, Winterthur (CH)
- 07/1995 - 10/1995 Patient Care Traineeship Emmental Hospital, Langnau (CH)
- 2018 - 2023 Doctor of Medical Sciences University of Antwerp (BE)
- 2012 - 2015 Master of Science in Physiotherapy Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern (CH)
- 2010 Subsequent title acquisition: Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern (CH)
- 2003 - 2005 Master of Physiotherapy Sciences University of Maastricht (NL)
- 1996 - 2000 Diploma in Physiotherapy (Swiss Red Cross approved) School for Physiotherapy, Leukerbad (CH)
- 1991 - 1995 Academic High School High School Burgdorf (Gymnasium) (CH)
- most important further education:
2022: Certificate for Higher Education Didactics, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern (CH)
2021: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) "Neuromuscular function - Movement Analysis & Training", University of Freiburg i.Br. (D)
2017: Teacher for Slings Myofascial Training, art of motion training in movement®, Bern (CH)
2009: Teacher for temporary Pilates method, art of motion training in movement®, Bern (CH)
2002: Diploma in Sports Physiotherapy ESP, European Sports Physiotherapy Network ESP, Zurzach (CH)
Other projects
Non-peer reviewed articles
Blasimann, A. (2016). [read and comment on: patient education and physiotherapy before total knee arthroplasty: is it worth it? A systematic literature review.] physioscience 2016; 12: 35-36. German
Diploma thesis
Blasimann, A. & Spiess, M. (2000). Regenerative Massnahmen im Schweizer Eishockey. [Regenerative procedures in Swiss icehockey leagues] German. Diploma thesis. School for Physiotherapy, Leukerbad (today: University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland)
Promotor: Hans-Ruedi Steuri
Internal memberships
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, School of Health Professions
Teaching Commission, School of Health Professions
Core Group Member of Project FLINC, School of Health Professions
2018 GOTS-Sporlastic Poster Prize
Aglaja Busch, collaborator in the research team of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Health Professions, Physiotherapy Research, won the GOTS-Sporlastic Poster Prize at the 1. German Olympic Congress for Sports Medicine Specialists 24.- 26.05.2018 in Hamburg (Germany) as first/presenting author with her poster: “Neuromuscular control in patients with acute ACL injury during stair ascent - a pilot study.” (Co-authors: Henle, P., Boesch, L., Blasimann, A., Baur, H.)
2015 Boday Bulloni Prize
for the best master thesis of the master study program MSc Physiotherapy at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland (November 2015)
Supervised theses
Jenni Lea, Messerli Nadine [Effects of Pilates mat classes compared to other therapeutic interventions on pain, range of motion and functionality in adults with grade I-IV osteoarthritis of the knee.] German 2025
Hertig Amy, Moor Anina [Influence of psychological aspects on RTS assessments in athletes after ACL reconstruction - an evidence summary.] German 2025
Aeschlimann Muriel [Yoga for patients with chronic low back pain. An evidence summary.] German 2024
Sommer Sarina, Wuethrich Sara [Secondary prevention for athletes after ACL reconstruction - an evidence summary] German 2023
Wasser Katja, Widmer Lea [Evaluation of treatment success using KOOS in patients after surgically or conservatively treated anterior cruciate ligament rupture. A retrospective data analysis] German 2023
Frank Lina, Jaeggi Kim [Pain-related fear of movement regarding performance of a familiar physical activity after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Comparison of two surgical techniques] German 2022
Luethi Simone, Vogt Sina [Overview of objective clinical tests after rotator cuff injuries and their physiotherapeutic relevance. An Evidence Summary] German 2022
Rothenbuehler Jan, Schmid Syra [Influence of supplemental Pilates training in adolescents and young adults on jump height in volleyball and basketball. A systematic review with meta-analysis] German 2022
Graf Dominik, Megert Manuel [Review of the effectiveness of prevention programs to prevent ACL ruptures. An Umbrella Review] German 2021
Bucher Melanie, Haenni Carina [Pain and ADL questionnaires after rotator cuff injuries. A systematic literature review with practice recommendations] German 2021
Riedi Noemi, Tuescher Laura [The effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ prevention program on knee injuries in football and futsal. A systematic review] German 2021
Marras Luca, Stoller Jasmin [Effects of open and closed chain strength training related to anterior stability in early rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction] German 2020
Eschermann Anja [What is the impact of preventive training on the wobble board on the rupture rate of anterior cruciate ligament tears? A systematic review] German 2020
Streit Sabrina, Weber Michal [Prevention of re-injury after supination trauma. A systematic review] German 2020
d’Allens Lilianne, Gonseth Melanie [Effects of stretching in warm-up on performance parameters in ice hockey - a systematic review] German 2019
Hug Fabienne, Muri Gina [Assessments to evaluate psychological readiness for return to sport after ACL rupture. Psychometric properties and applicability in practice] German 2019
Jung Giulia, Ruch Leonie [Comparison of surgical versus conservative follow-up of anterior cruciate ligament rupture with respect to active knee stability. A systematic review] German 2019
Abgottspon Chantal, Schwab Charlotte [Effect of muscle tension duration on muscle gain. A systematic review] German 2018
Glaettli Jasmin, Reinhard Chantal [A review of strength tests to assess return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A systematic review] German 2018
Stucki Nina, Wirth Salome [What is the effect of fascia roller application duration and speed on range of motion? A systematic review] German 2018
Gisler Dominik, Schwammberger Helen [The effect of activity trackers on weight loss and physical activity behavior in overweight adults. A systematic review] German 2017
Krummenacher Cornelia, Vogel Carla [Conservative follow-up after primary traumatic patellar dislocation in adolescents. A review of the current evidence] German 2017
Bohnenblust Marion, Kaufmann Eveline [The behaviour of foot length change and the navicular bone during walking with consideration of the reliability of a 3D measurement system. A retrospective data analysis] German 2016
Hari Annique, Schmidlin Céline [Use of foot and hip strategies on unstable surfaces with different bases of support. A descriptive single-case study] German 2016
Burgener Sabrina, Taraschewski Katharina [Effect of Pilates on physical symptom outcomes in multiple sclerosis. A systematic review] German 2016
Dietiker Hannah, Zürcher Annina [Scapular kinematics in patients with glenohumeral movement restriction. A systematic review with practice recommendations.] German 2015
Gigon Manuela [Effectiveness of a home-based program alone in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. A systematic review] German 2015
Eberle Simon, Scuderi Manuel [Effect of trunk strength training on injury susceptibility in adult soccer players. A systematic review] German 2015
Bachem Ramona, Metzler Patricia [Influence of treatment by head orthosis on the course of head deformities in infants - a retrospective study] German 2014
Duebendorfer Seraina, Fuellemann Sandra [How do physiotherapists deal with their own occupational musculoskeletal complaints?] German 2014
Heuberger Michaela, Hofer Nina [Pain relief with elastic tape - current state of the evidence. A systematic review] German 2013
Noetzli Annina, Schaffner Lisa [Conservative interventions for posterior tibialis muscle tendon dysfunction related to the outcome pain. Systematic review] German 2013
Hilpert-Baerlocher Ramona, Etter Nicole [Effect of strength and balance training on fear of falling in the elderly as measured by the FES-I. A systematic review] German 2013
Baumgartner Alexander, Juchler Isabelle [The influence of Kinesio Tape on neuromuscular activity of the peroneus longus muscle in functional instability] German 2012
Fleuti Ursula, Rufener Meret [Electromyographic activity of back muscles during stochastic whole-body vibration] German 2012
Haenni Vanessa, Michel Daniela [Hip muscle activity three years after surgical hip dislocation during walking, stair climbing and cycling - a retrospective single case study] German 2011
Klingler Rahel, Leuenberger Stefanie [Change in general mobility over the course of the day. An observational study of young women] German 2011
Diener Michelle, Mahnig Sara [Inter- and intrarater reliability of a measurement system for thoracic rotational capability] German 2011
Koch Philipp Stressors and coping strategies of students in the Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy program 2024
Baehler Gaby Entrustable Professional Activities for physiotherapy - validation of prototypes 2024
Josi-Blaser Marc-Joel Evaluation of a pilot study on the implementation of Entrustable Professional Activities in the bachelor's degree program in physiotherapy at Bern University of Applied Sciences - a qualitative content analysis 2024
Neuenschwander-Blaser Susanne Is there an association between force, function, and failure rate after isolated meniscal repair? A retrospective data analysis of a test protocol of a Swiss regional hospital 2023
Ritz Raphael Predictive Factors for Admission to a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy Program 2023
Engel Jonas Force measurement of Knee Extensor and Flexor Using a Fixed Handheld Dynamometer: A Reliability and Validity Study 2022
Steiner Martina Gender-specific differences in neuromuscular activation in the knee stabilizing muscles in adults 2021
Imhof Sabrina Return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament rupture - Validation study of the test protocol of a Swiss regional hospital 2020
Banz Nora, Buscher Nathalie, Faes Yannik [Stochastic whole-body vibration in a seated position] German 2016
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Professional working proficiency
- Italian - Limited working proficiency
- Spanish - Elementary proficiency