Prof. Dr. Dominique Guenat

Prof. Dr. Dominique Guenat Dozent
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Head of the HAFL Hugo P Cecchini Institute for international cooperation and development
Co-head of international agriculture
Degree programmes
BSc in agriculture
MSc in Life Sciences
Module BLAl014 Agriculture worldwide
Module BLAi068 Value chains and agricultural economics
Module BLAi154 Project planning
Module BLAx132 How to feed 9 billion people?
Module MSc AF-33 Rural Development in Practice
agricultural economics, cost-benefit analyses
transformational approaches for sustainable food systems
- Agriculturist specialised in agricultural economics and rural development, PhD in agricultural economics ETH, Professor in agricultural economics at HAFL/ BFH, head of the HAFL Hugo P. Cecchini Institute for international cooperation and development; consultant and researcher.
- Experience in:
• project cycle management: identification, feasibility studies, planning and evaluation of projects;
• economic and financial evaluation of projects, including cost benefit and cost effectiveness analyses
• agricultural education and extension: skills-based curriculum development, reform processes, teaching methodologies and material (e.g. students centred teaching, Problem Based Learning PBL, etc.)
• market access (MSD/M4P, inclusive markets, RMA) and value chain analyses
• rural development, food security and agricultural policy
• socio-economic studies, market integration, surveys, statistical evaluation
• farming systems research
• moderation of participatory processes
Professional experience
- 1983 - 1984 In charge of wheat intensification trials. Service Vaudois de Vulgarisation Agricole (SVVA)
- 1984 - 1989 Regional agronomist of the Bhutan National Potato Programme (BNPP) Helvetas (Swiss association for development cooperation)
- 1989 - 1990 Scientific collaborator, PhD student (Prof. Dr. P. Rieder and Prof. Dr. M. Menzi, NADEL) Institute of agricultural economics of the ETH, Zürich
- 1990 - today Consultant, associate and co-owner of ACADE Ltd. consultants’ company ACADE Ltd. Appui conseils en agriculture, développement et environnement, CH – 1295 Mies (VD), Switzerland
- 1997 - today Professor in agricultural economics School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL), Zollikofen, Switzerland
- 2010 - today Professor in agricultural economics and head of the group International Agriculture School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL), Zollikofen, Switzerland
- 2020 - today Professor in agricultural economics, head of the HAFL Hugo P. Cecchini Institute and and co-head of the group International Agriculture School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL), Zollikofen, Switzerland
- 1978 - 1983 Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH, (diploma as agriculturist, equivalent to MSc) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland
- 1987 - 1991 PhD in agricultural economics Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland
External memberships
Member of the board of KFPE, the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Full professional proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Bhutan
- Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Mongolia
- Viet Nam
- Kyrgyzstan
- Tajikistan
- Nepal
- North Korea
- India
- Pakistan
- Thailand
- Afghanistan
- China
- Tanzania, United Republic of
- Madagascar
- Mozambique
- Zimbabwe
- Burkina Faso
- Malawi
- Mali
- Cote D'Ivoire
- Benin
- Chad
- Ukraine
- Moldova, Republic of
- Armenia
- Cambodia