Prof. Dr. Christoph Denkel

Prof. Dr. Christoph Denkel Dozent für Lebensmitteltechnologie
Contact hours
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Research group leader
Coordinator research field "food processing"
Degree programmes
Bachelor-program "Food Sciences"
Master of Science in Life Science-program "Food, Nutrition and Health"
Bachelor: Food technology: Focus on proteins; Food technology: Focus on oil/fats; Fundamentals of food process engineering; Food-3D-Printing; Instrument based analysis of food
Master: Technology meets nutrition
Lean processing, lean products/labeling
Innovating food process engineering approaches to structure/texture food stuff
Resource-efficient and full raw material conversion
Food production of tomorrow (e.g. decentralized, individualized)
Focus areas
Food textures and structuring: concept development and material/process engineering implementation for new products/generic product bases
Material-oriented food process engineering
Plant and animal proteins: extraction, technofunctional properties, conversion into product systems
Full utilisation of raw materials: Upcycling of side streams, re-use of process water
Individualization of food
Other projects
food, food research, food structures, food emulsions, food suspensions, food foams, food process engineering, food material science, sustainable food production, sustainable food concepts, food by-products, food wastes, full food utilization
”SYMUS-PD3: Industrially relevant Synchronous Multiscale 3D-Printing Process (SYMUS-PD3) for the fast manufacture of tailored texturized and sensory/nutrition-functionalized food systems” (SNF/INNOSUISSE BRIDGE-project; ETHZ/BFH joint project)
“Fermeat” (Gebert-Rüf-Foundation))
"Moringa leaf protein - Molein" (INNOSUISSE)
"vegan cheese alternatives" (INNOSUISSE)
Peer-reviewed publications
Kistler T, Pridal A, Harms E, Denkel C (2021). Modulation of sweetness perception in confectionery applications. Food Quality and Preference, 88
Goetze, F., Denkel, C., Brunner, T. (2019). Being informed of technology when eating a supposedly 3D-printed waffle biscuit improves consumers’ attitudes towards the 3D-printing technology in food. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, UK
Brunner TA, Delley M, Denkel C (2018). Consumers' attitudes and change of attitude toward 3D-printed food. Food Quality and Preference, 68, 389 - 396
Held M, Schwaller P, Vaihinger M, Denkel C (2017). Local impedance spectroscopy: A Potential Tool to Characterize the Evolution of Emulsions and Foams. Journal of Food Science and Engineering 7: 249
Conference contributions
Kopf-Bolanz, K.A., Nowak, A., Vaihinger, M., Lonfat, J., Schütz, B., Denkel, C. (2019). Influencing lactose crystallization in whey powder processing. NIZO-Conference 2019 (poster)
Kistler, T, Denkel, C. (2019). Food4D: Adjusting functional properties by three-dimensional structuring. International Symposium on food rheology and structure ISFRS, Zurich (talk)
Götze, F., Denkel, C. & Brunner, T.A. (2019). Being informed of technology when eating a supposedly 3D-printed waffle biscuit improves consumers’ attitudes towards the 3D-printing technology in food. Pangborn Symposium, Edinburgh (talk)
Kistler, T., Harms, E., Shah, A., Denkel, C. (2018). Time-resolved sensory perception as a function of the spatial arrangement of masses in a two-phase food composite. EFFOST-Conference 2018 (poster)
other publications
Denkel C (2019). Hochwertiges Soja wird weggeworfen. Radiobeitrag SRF Kassensturz Espresso,
Denkel C (2017). Eindrücke und Potentiale von Zweiphasensystemen. In: Symposium Food4D, BFH-HAFL, 2017
Denkel C (2017). Individualisierung von Lebensmitteln – die Zukunft? In: Eventserie HAFL «Big Data – Digitalisierung im Nahrungsmittelsystem»
Denkel C (2017). Subkutan – Wir servieren Mehlwurmsuppe. Radiobeitrag Radio Bern,
Denkel C, Vaihinger M, Brämswig U, Rudolph J (2016). Mehrdimensionalität beim Lebensmitteldesign. Alimenta 6, 10-11
Heine D, Kopf-Bolanz K, Brunner T, Denkel C (2016). Proteine als Bausteine von innovativen Lebensmitteln. Alimenta 4, 10-11
Kopf-Bolanz K, Sadeghi L, Denkel C, Jenzer H (2016). Verbindung von Ernährung und Lebensmitteltechnologie im Fokus. Alimenta 11, 8-9
Heine D, Denkel C (2016). Funktionalität von Proteinen. In: Event Food Cluster Food&Nutrition Hauptstadtregion Bern, Bern
Kopf-Bolanz, K, Bisig W, Jungbluth N, Denkel C (2015). Quantitatives Potenzial zur Verwertung von Molke in Lebensmitteln in der Schweiz. Agrarforschung Schweiz 6(6): 270-277
Denkel C, Rudolph J (2015). Lebensmittel-3D-Druck: Fused Deposition Modelling heute». In: SFR Food Tec Days 2015
External memberships
Beirat LT-Lebensmitteltechnologie
SVIAL Kommission Lebensmittelwissenschaften und Ernährung
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- Deutsch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
- Englisch - Verhandlungssicher
- Französisch - Konversationssicher
Intercultural knowledge
- Deutschland
- Schweiz