Prof. Dr. Jolanda Jenzer Althaus

Prof. Dr. Jolanda Jenzer Althaus Institutsleiterin IIU
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
Institut Infrastruktur und Umwelt
Pestalozzistrasse 20
3400 Burgdorf
You can find more information on the
German profile page.
J. M. I. J. Althaus, G. De Cesare and A. J. Schleiss. Sediment Evacuation from Reservoirs through Intakes by Jet-Induced Flow, in Journal Of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 141, num. 2, p. 1-9, 2015.
J. M. I. J. Althaus, G. De Cesare and A. J. Schleiss. Release of suspension particles from a prismatic tank by multiple jet arrangements, in Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 144, p. 153-164, 2016.