Andreas Cincera

Andreas Cincera Studienleiter
Berner Fachhochschule
Bern Academy of the Arts
Fellerstrasse 11
3027 Bern
responsable continuing education BFH / HKB (MAS/DAS/CAS)
classes sience of didatics / pedagogy Master in the Arts in music pedagogy / CAS University Didactics
Focus areas
communication in music, education, andragogy, health care, therapy and socialwork professions, HR
applicated (music) pedagogy and didactics
didactics in higher education
topics in systematic musicology
systematic musicology: research on competence and musical learning / diagnostic competence of music teachers
- Andreas Cincera is interested in all aspects of teaching and learning processes aft in education from early childhood up to higher education, as well as specifically in competency development in msuic its broad stylistic diversity and specific contexts. He also focuses on the aspects of communication, learning and change processes in music as well as in general professional contexts of education, andragogy, counselling, health care, therapy, social professions and human resources. He conducts research inspired by these interests.
- After studying music in Zurich, Vancouver Island and London he was engaged in his first years as a musician and music teacher/lecturer. He continued his studies in two further studies In favor to develop this profile icounselling for schools and supervision and graduated in Würzburg. He is currently expanding his knowledge in systematic musicology.
- Today, Andreas Cincera is a professor at the Scuola Universitaria di Musica della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (SUM) and responsable of further education at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH/HKB). He teaches didactics in higher education at BFH and at the Lucerne University and continues to teach in Lugano and at the ZHdK and mkz in Zurich in the double bass and the sience of didactics / music education. In Zurich he founded an inter-regional competence center for music, education and health (
- In his early years, Andreas Cincera gained artistic experience in the Zurich Opera Orchestra and the Tonhalle Orchestra, among others. He was then for 14 years. member of the Collegium Novum Zurich ensemble for contemporary music Today, he performs with chamber music formations and various bands as well as in self-conceived theater productions. He combines classical, contemporary and improvised music with stage art and literature. Andreas Cincera plays the modern double bass in all its stylistic diversity as well as the violone in baroque and classical scordatura.
Professional experience
- since 2019 professor Scuola Universitaria di Musica/SUPSI Lugano
- since 2014 permanent guest lecturer for didactics in higher education / universities Lucerne University of Applied Sience and Art
- since 2013 director of Studies Continuing Education Bern University of Applied Sience
- 2004 founder of the competence center ifr music, education and health mbg-impuls GmbH
- since 2003 lecturer Scuola Universitaria di Musica/SUPSI Lugano
- sincer 1992 lecturer Zurich University of the Arts
- 1992-2008 solo double bassist Collegium Novum Zürich
- 1985-1996 double bass player / solo double bassist various orchestras and chamber ensembles
Other projects
StringArts: open source database platform on research of the music competence and practisce of its acquisition SUM / SUPIS / USI Lugano
diagnostic competence of music teachers, dissertation (University of Music Würzburg)
comunication at health care interfaces, additional research by GIG Würzburg to the prevention project "Patient Pathway", xunds grauholz/Health Promotion Switzerland
External memberships
GIG Würzburg
TeamSteps DACH