Prof. Dr. Julian Ruf

Prof. Dr. Julian Ruf Professor Tenure Track
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
Business School
Abteilung Lehre
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
Paper (peer reviewed)
Wolff, S., Köhn, P., Ruf, P. J., Moog, P., Strina, G. (2024) Measuring family influence from the non-family employee perspective: The perceived family influence scale (PFIS), Journal of Family Business Strategy. (VHB: B, IF: 7.2)
Grözinger, A.-C., Wolff, S., Ruf, P. J.,Audretsch, D., & Moog, P. (2023) The impact of SME leader’s psychological capital on strategic responses during crisis. Business Research Quarterly. (IF: 2.9)
Köhn, P., Ruf, P.J., Moog, P. (2022) Why are non-family employees intrapreneurially active in family firms? A multiple case study. Journal of Family Business Strategy. (VHB: B, IF: 7.2)
Grözinger, A.-C., Wolff, S., Ruf, P. J., & Moog, P. (2021). The power of shared positivity: Organizational psychological capital and firm performance during exogenous crises. Small Business Economics. (VHB: B, IF: 6.4)
Ruf, P. J., Graffius M., Wolff, S., Moog, P.M., & Felden, B. (2020). Back to the Roots: Applying the Concept of Individual Human Values to Understand Family Firm Behavior. Family Business Review. (VHB: B, IF: 8.8)
Ruf, P. J., Moog, P. M., & Rius, I. B. (2020). Values as antecedents of socioemotional wealth behaviour in family firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. (VHB: C, IF: 1.7)
Buchkapitel, Monografien & Arbeitsberichte
Ruf, P. J., & Köhn, P. (2020). The life cycle of academia and its impact on early career researchers publishing behaviour. In F. Welter & D. Urbano, How to Make your Doctoral Research Relevant (pp. 106– 118). Edward Elgar Publishing.
• Ruf, P. J., Meisner, K., & Moog, P. M. (2020). Ordnung muss sein: Unternehmensnachfolge in dysfunktionalen Familien.
In B. Felden, A. Hack, & C. Hoon (Eds.), Fallstudien zum Management von Familienunternehmen: Teaching Cases für Lehre und praktische Anwendung (pp. 83–94). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
• Graffius, M.A., Ruf, P. J., Wolff, S. (2021). Zurück in die neue Normalität - Wahrnehmungen und Anforderungen der Auswirkungen durch die COVID-19 Pandemie von und an Unternehmen durch junge und ältere Beschäftigte.