Prof. Dr. Stefan Grösser

Prof. Dr. Stefan Grösser Leiter Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Contact hours
Wednesday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Quellgasse 21
2501 Biel
Stefan Grösser is Professor of Strategic Management and Business Analytics. He is dean of the Division Industrial Engineering and Management Science at the Department of Engineering and Information Technology at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
In addition, he lectures in the Master of Engineering (MSE) modules and seminars on simulation methodology, innovation management, new technologies and business analytics and is involved in several research projects.
His research focuses on simulation methodology (system dynamics, agent-based modeling, discrete event simulation), managerial decision making and strategy tools, circular economy and business models (business models).
Focus areas
Dean of the Industrial Engineering and Management Science Department.
Lecturer in the bachelor’s program «Industrial Engineering and Management»
Applied research and development in the fields of simulation, business models, circular economy and strategic management
Head of the research group «Strategy, Technology and Innovation Management (STIM)».
Degree programmes
Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering and Management (link siehe oben)
Master of Science in Engineering, Profile Business Engineering and Production
Continuous Education
Basics in Programming, Python
Systems Thinking and System Dynamics
Computational Modelling (e.g., and
Success Competences
System Dynamics
Business Analytics
Strategic Management
Circular Economy and Business Models
Mental Models
System Dynamics
Business Analytics
Strategic Management
Circular Economy and Business Models
Mental Models
- Stefan Grösser has been working at the Bern University of Applied Sciences since 2011 and at the Department of Engineering and Information Technology since 2016. He is dean of the Industrial Engineering division as well as the "Strategy, Technology and Innovation Management" research group. Previously, he was Professor of Strategic Management at the Business School and headed the Strategy and Simulation Labs (S-Lab). From 2015 to 2017, he was deputy head of the Institute for Corporate Development at Bern University of Applied Sciences. In addition, he was in charge of the key topic "Strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation". Since 2016 he is deputy head of the BFH Energy Storage Centre.
Professional experience
- Since 2016 Head of the Division Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Professor of Strategic Management and Business Analytics Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2011 - 2016 Professor of Strategic Management Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2005 - 2011 Research Assistant in SNF Research Project University of Bern and Assistant University of St. Gallen
- 2006 – 2011 Doctorate University of St. Gallen
- 2004 – 2005 Master of Philosophy University Bergen, Norway
- 2000 – 2004 • Master degree (Diplom) in technically oriented business administration University of Stuttgart
Other projects
2017 - 2019: Medicine Shortages: An SNF-funded research project that evaluates root causes of drug shortages and aims to create a better understanding of this complex issue
2018 – 2022: Circular value chains for PV systems and batteries.
Decision Methods and Decision Research
Grösser, Stefan N. (2018) Zirkuläre Geschäftsmodelle für die Solarbranche gesucht. spirit biel/bienne, (2). 6-7.
Schaffernicht, M. & Grösser, Stefan N. : Competing in a New Market. A Dynamic Approach to Growth by Diffusion. Wiley-Publishing, 2018.
Schwaninger, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: System Dynamics Modeling: Validation for Quality Assurance. In Meyers, Robert A. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Berlin, Heidelberg : S
Grösser, Stefan N. & Maag, Patrick: Medikamentenknappheit: eine komplexe Wertschöpfungskette. In: Swiss Engineering STZ (2018), 6, S. 31-33.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit für die Solarindustrie. In: Bulletin SEV/VSE (2018), 9, S. 29-32.
Meyer, Benjamin & Grösser, Stefan N.: Geschäftsführermodell im semiprofessionellen Fussball. In Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Schellinger, Jochen & Berchthold, Philipp (ed.): Zukunftstrends Wirtschaft 2020 : Strategische Handlungsfelder für Unternehmen und Non-Profit-Organisationen. Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017, S. 5-28.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Complexity Management and System Dynamics Thinking. In Grösser, Stefan N.; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio & Granholm, Göran (ed.): Dynamics of Long-Life Assets : From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 69-92.
Granholm, Göran; Grösser, Stefan N. & Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio: Dynamics of Long-Life Assets: The Editors’ Intro. In Granholm, Göran; Grösser, Stefan N. & Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio (ed.): Dynamics of Long-Life Assets : From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 3-8.
Hurni, Dominic & Grösser, Stefan N.: Innovation Management with an Emphasis on Co-Creation. In Grösser, Stefan N.; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio & Granholm, Göran (ed.): Dynamics of Long-Life Assets : From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 45-68.
Flück, Michael & Grösser, Stefan N.: Sicherung der Versorgung mit Arzneimitteln bei außerordentlichen Ereignissen. In Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Schellinger, Jochen & Berchthold, Philipp (ed.): Zukunftstrends Wirtschaft 2020 : Strategische Handlungsfelder für Unternehmen und Non-Profit-Organisationen. Heidelberg : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017, S. 231-269.
Frangakis, Nikos; Grösser, Stefan N.; Katz, Stefan; Stratis, Vassilis; Cauchi, Eric C. B. & Papakonstantinou, Vangelis: Supporting the Small-to-Medium Vessel Industry. In Grösser, Stefan N.; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio & Granholm, Göran (ed.): Dynamics of Long-Life Assets : From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 277-301.
Bosch, Tim; Verploegen, Karin; Grösser, Stefan N. & van Rhijn, Gu: Sustainable Furniture That Grows With End-users. In Grösser, Stefan N.; Reyes Lecuona, Arcadio & Granholm, Göran (ed.): Dynamics of Long-Life Assets: From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 303-326.
Granholm, Göran & Grösser, Stefan N.: The Use-it-Wisely (UIW) Approach. In Grösser, Stefan N.; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio & Granholm, Göran (ed.): Dynamics of Long-Life Assets: From Technology Adaptation to Upgrading the Business Model. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 21-42.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Schwenke, Markus: The Blind Men and the Elephant: Dynamics in Strategy Research. 2016. - 36th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference. Berlin, Germany.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Developing a Smart Electricity Market: Systemic interventions in the Swiss Smart Electricity Distribution Grid. 2016. - 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Delft, The Netherlands.
Zerzuben, Pascal & Grösser, Stefan N.: Dynamic Data Visualization to Improve Managerial Decision-Making: The Dynamic Portfolio Matrix Tool (DPMT). 2016. - 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Delft, The Netherlands.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Beisswenger, Stefan: The Impact of Technical Debt and Organizational Maturity on Software Maintenance Productivity. 2016. - 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Delft, The Netherlands.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Wunderle, Norman: Improving Managerial Decision-Making: Molecules about Decision Biases and First Application. 2016. - 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Delft, The Netherlands.
Schaffernicht, Martin & Grösser, Stefan N.: Mental model comparison: current methodic challenges and advances. 2016. - 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Delft, The Netherlands.
Seiler, Leonard & Grösser, Stefan N.: Dynamisierung des EFQM Excellence Modells : Eine Fallstudie zur Zuginstandhaltung im Personenverkehr der Schweizer Bundesbahnen. In Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Schellinger, Jochen & Berchtold, Philipp (ed.): Unternehmensentwicklung : Strategien und Instrumente aus Forschung und Praxis. Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2016, S. 193-211.
Nägeli, Heidi & Grösser, Stefan N.: Strategieinstrumente - Untersuchung kognitiver Verzerrungen von Entscheidungsträgern. In Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Schellinger, Jochen & Berchtold, Philipp (ed.): Unternehmensentwicklung : Strategien und Instrumente aus Forschung und Praxis. Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2016, S. 39-59.
Grösser, Stefan N.; Müller, Philipp & Steiner, Markus (2015) Wie Schweizer KMU Zukunftsarbeit verstehen und umsetzen. KMU-Magazin, (9). 88-95.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Stettler, Adrian: Tell Me How You Gaze at Strategy Tools and I Tell You How You Decide. 2015. - 35th Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference. - Denver, USA.
Schwenke, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: Boom and Bust Dynamics of Management Tool Implementation. 2015. - 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Cambridge, MA.
Schaffernicht, Martin & Grösser, Stefan N.: Capturing Managerial Cognition in Chilean Wineries: Hardening a New Method to Elicit and Code Mental Models of Dynamic Systems. 2015. - 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Cambridge, MA.
Katz, Stefan & Grösser, Stefan N.: Dynamic Balanced Scorecard: Taking stock and looking ahead. 2015. - 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Cambridge, MA.
Hoffmann, Christian Hugo & Grösser, Stefan N.: Unpacking the black box of causality: What is it we assume with every link? 2015. - 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Cambridge, MA.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Lab or Reality: Entwicklung und Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen durch das kybernetische Unternehmensmodell Blue Company©. In Jeschke, Sabina; Schmitt, Robert & Dröge, Alicia (ed.): Exploring Cybernetics : Kybernetik im interdisziplinären Diskurs. Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2015, S. 109-135.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Schwenke, Markus: Strategische Entscheidungsfindung: Managementmethoden erfolgreich implementieren. In: KMU : das Magazin für Unternehmer, Geschäftsführer, höheres Kader (2015), 10, S. 18-24.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Schwenke, Markus: Der Markt wird smart : Kausales Modell als Diskussionsbasis für Interventionen im Schweizer Elektrizitätsmarkt. In: Bulletin SEV / VSE 106 (2015), 9, S. 16-20.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Wettbewerbsvorteile dank Modellkompetenz. In: Organisator : Schweizerische Monatsschrift für moderne Geschäftsführung, Organisation und Propaganda (2015), 7-8, S. 18-19.
Schaffernicht, Martin & Grösser, Stefan N. (2014) The SEXTANT Software: A Tool for Automating the Comparative Analysis of Mental Models of Dynamic Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 238 (2). 566-578. ISSN 0377-2217
Grösser, Stefan N. (2014) Co-Evolution of Legal and Voluntary Standards: Development of Energy Efficiency in Swiss Residential Building Codes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 87 (1). 1-16. ISSN 0040-1625
Grösser, Stefan N. & Buergi, Michael: Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen und Entwicklung von Massnahmen durch computerbasierte Simulationsexperimente. In Modellbasiertes Management. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2014, S. 53-65.
Schwaninger, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: Kybernetische Grundlagen eines modellbasierten Managements. In Grösser, Stefan N. & Schwaninger, Markus (ed.): Modellbasiertes Management. Konferenz für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik KyWi 2013 vom 4. bis 5. Juli 2013 in Bern. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2014, S. 15-34.
Schwenke, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: Modellbasiertes Management für dynamische Problemstellungen zur Erweiterung statischer Managementwerkzeuge. In Modellbasiertes Management - Konferenz für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik KyWi 2013 vom 4. bis 5. Juli 2013 in Bern. Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 2014, S. 139-150.
Schwenke, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: Wechsel von formal zu emergent und zurück: Ein organisationstheoretisches Modell zum Wandel strategischer Planungssysteme. In Kybernetik und Wissensgemeinschaft - Konferenz für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik KyWi 2011 vom 7. bis 8. Juli 2011 in Stuttgart. Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 2014, S. 149-164.
Grösser, Stefan N.; Schwaninger, Markus; Tilebein, Meike; Fischer, Thomas & Jeschke, Sabine : Modellbasiertes Management : Konferenz für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik KyWi 2013 vom 4. bis 5. Juli 2013 in Bern. 1. Auflage Januar 2014. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2014, - ISBN 978-3-428-14267-5.
Grösser, Stefan N.; Preller, Mark & Zwahlen, Stefan: Studium künftig ohne Papier? In: Tages-Anzeiger 122 (2014), 142, S. 1.
Schwenke, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: Aufstieg und Fall von Managementmethoden. In: Präsenz: Magazin des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft (2014), 1, S. 14-15.
Katz, Stefan & Grösser, Stefan N. (2013) Explicate the links between external trends, stakeholder objectives, and an organization's strategy by an augmented Balanced Scorecard. SEM Radar, 12 (2). 29-47. ISSN 1649-8914.
Schaffernicht, Martin & Grösser, Stefan N.: Learning objectives for successive development stages of system dynamics competency. 2013. - 31st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Cambridge, MA.
Schaffernicht, Martin & Grösser, Stefan N.: Absent or distant? On the use of indirect causal links and chains of causal links to compare mental models of dynamic systems. 2013. - 31st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. - Cambridge, MA.
Schwaninger, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N.: Escaping the Linearity Trap: Better Simulation Models for Management Support. In Moreno-Díaz, Roberto; Pichler, Franz & Quesada-Arencibia, Alexis (ed.): Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, S. 92-101.
Ulli-Beer, Silvia; Grösser, Stefan N. & Kaufmann-Hayoz, Ruth: A Research Method for Integrative Transition Simulation. In Dynamic Governance of Energy Technology Change. Berlin: Springer, 2013, S. 49-81.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Co-Evolution of Standards in Innovation Systems: The Dynamics of Voluntary and Legal Building Codes. 1. Auflage. Berlin: Physica-Verlag, 2013, - ISBN 978-3-7908-2857-3.
Thommen, Jean-Paul & Grösser, Stefan N.: Organization and Change Management. 1. Auflage März 2013. Zürich : Versus Publishing, 2013, - ISBN 978-3-03909-140-9.
Grösser, Stefan N. (2012) Dynamics of Journal Impact Factors. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29 (6). 624-644. ISSN 1092-7026.
Schwaninger, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N. (2012) Operational Closure and Self-Reference : On the Logic of Organizational Change. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29 (4). 342-367. ISSN 1092-7026.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Schwaninger, Markus (2012) Contributions to Model Validation: Hierarchy, Process, and Cessation. System Dynamics Review, 28 (2). 157-181. ISSN 0883-7066.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Schaffernicht, Martin (2012) Mental Models of Dynamic Systems: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. System Dynamics Review, 28 (1). 46-68. ISSN 0883-7066.
Müller, Matthias; Grösser, Stefan N. & Ulli-Beer, Silvia (2012) How do we know who to include in collaborative research? Toward a method for the identification of experts. European Journal of Operational Research, 216 (2). 495-502. ISSN 0377-2217.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Hunziker, Alexander W.: Ein dynamisches Experiment zum Vergleich von expliziten und impliziten Entscheidungsregeln. In Jeschke, Sabina (ed.): Interdisziplinarität und Komplexität : Konferenz für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik KyWi 2012 vom 28. bis 29. Juni 2012 in Aachen. Berlin : Duncker und Humblot-Publishing, 2012, S. 55-66.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Mental Model of Dynamic Systems. In Seel, Norbert M. (ed.): The Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. New York, NY: Springer, 2012, S. 2195-2200.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Model-Based Learning with System Dynamics. In Norbert M., Seel (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. New York: Springer, 2012, S. 2303-2307.
Grösser, Stefan N.: What Is a Validation Methodology? Analyzing and Synthesizing Two Meanings. In Grösser, Stefan N. & Zeier, René (ed.): Systemic Management for Intelligent Organizations: Concept, Model-Based Approaches, and Applications. Berlin: Springer, 2012, S. 47-60.
Thommen, Jean-Paul & Grösser, Stefan N. : Economy, Company, and Management : Introduction to Business Administration. Neuauflage Dezember 2012. Zurich : Versus Publishing, 2012, - ISBN 978-3039091379.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Zeier, René (ed.): Systemic Management for Intelligent Organizations: Concepts, Model-Based Approach, and Applications. 1. Auflage. Heidelberg : Springer-Publishing, 2012, - ISBN 978-3-642-29243-9.
Luger, Johannes; Zimmermann, Alexander & Grösser, Stefan N.: The Dynamics of Ambidextrous Decision Making. 2011. - 71st Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). - San Antonio, USA.
Grösser, Stefan N.: The Phenomenon of Dynamic Complexity: Development of a Measure for Simulation Models. 2011. - 71st Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). - San Antonio, USA.
Grösser, Stefan N. (2011) Projekte scheitern wegen dynamischer Komplexität : Qualitative Feedbackmodellierung zur Komplexitätsbewältigung. Projektmanagement Aktuell, 22 (5). 18-25. ISSN 0942-1017.
Schaffernicht, Martin & Grösser, Stefan N. (2011) A Comprehensive Method for Comparing Mental Models of Dynamic Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 210 (1). 57-67. ISSN 0377-2217.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Co-Evolution of Standards in Innovation Systems: The Dynamics of Voluntary and Legal Building Codes. Bamberg: Difo Druck GmbH, 2011.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Erfolgreiche Projekte dank Simulation. In: Swiss Engineering: Schweizerische technische Zeitschrift STZ (2011), 3, S. 41.
Knüsel-Rietmann, Melanie & Grösser, Stefan N.: Zu viele Projekte scheitern - noch : Interview mit Stefan Grösser. In: Handelszeitung (2009), 51, S. 19.
Grösser, Stefan N.: Intraindustry Differential Firm Performance: Extension of the Attention-Based Theory to Strategy Formation. 2008. - 68th Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) 2008 "The Questions We Ask". - Anaheim, CA.
Schwaninger, Markus & Grösser, Stefan N. (2008) System Dynamics as Model-Based Theory Building. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 25 (4). 447-465. ISSN 1092-7026.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Schwaninger, Markus: Lerneffekte durch computerbasierte Simulatoren : Status Quo und Hypothesen. In Tilebein, Meike (ed.): Innovation und Information : Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik vom 3. bis 5. Dezember 2008 in Oestrich-Winkel. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2011, S. 33-46.
Grösser, Stefan N. & Vaishnav, Chintan: Online Proceedings of the 8th System Dynamics Ph.D. Colloquium 2007. Boston: System Dynamics Society, 2007.