Prof. Sebastian Tobler

Prof. Sebastian Tobler Dozent
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Quellgasse 21
2501 Biel
Teaching vehicle design to 3rd year students (project work and bachelor's degree)
Head of SCI-Mobility Lab (SCI = Spinal Cord Injury)
Focus areas
Technical innovation in all aspects of vehicles
Collaboration with companies
Degree programmes
Automotive and vehicle engineering, project work, bachelor's degree work
Biomedical Engineering, generator and supervisor of master's work
Development of light to heavy vehicle
Development of therapy equipment
Development of therapies
Vehicle development
Therapy development
Development of therapy equipment
Evaluation of paraplegia-related therapies and rehabilitation equipment
Focus areas
Knowledge of intellectual property: 4 patents registered, including 1 in the vehicle field and 3 in rehabilitation technology
Experience as a patient: participation in several studies: Swiss Paraplegic Centre, University of Lausanne, EPFL, CHUV, Swiss Paraplegic Research
Exploratory and therapeutic training: 11,000 hours related to my tetraplegia recorded (2014/2024)
Prototyping: >40 prototypes of rehabilitation equipment
Work with students: >50 projects, bachelor or master related to disability
Industrialisation: single product to small series
- I forged my technical engineering skills through rigorous academic training and rewarding practical experience in industry. My life was shaped by competitive sport, until an accident turned it upside down. Rehabilitation, a true test of resilience, enabled me to regain partial use of my legs and keep moving forward. This personal adventure made me want to found a start-up to innovate and offer solutions that will enable people affected to live better.
Professional experience
- 2016 / ... CEO & Cofounder GBY Ltd, Fribourg
- 2011 / ... Professor BFH-TI, Bern
- 1996 / ... Development Engineer, Technical Office Manager Zbinden Posieux Ltd, Fribourg
- 2000 / 2003 Postegrade vehicle design, HES BFH-TI, Bern
- 1992 / 1995 Automotive Engineer, ETS BFH-TI, Bern
- 1987 / 1991 automotive mechanic ETML, Vaud
Internal memberships
Automotive Engineering Department
Institut Human Centered Engineering
External memberships
Member of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation (SPS)
Member of the Swiss Paraplegics Association (SPV)
Member of the Steering Committee of the Benefactors' Association of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation
Member of the Nomination Committee of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation Board
Member of the Board of Directors of Banque Raiffeisen Fribourg-Ouest
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Professional working proficiency
- English - Professional working proficiency