Prof. Dr. Tiziano Ronchetti

Prof. Dr. Tiziano Ronchetti Dozent
Contact hours
Wednesday morning
Friday morning -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Quellgasse 21
2501 Biel
Coordination with the vocational (baccalaureate) schools in Ticino, presentation of the University of Applied Sciences and the Bachelor's (and Master's) degree courses in Mechatronics and Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Data Technology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, organization of students from the University of Applied Sciences in Ticino to accompany us on the information days in Ticino.
Degree programmes
BSc in Mechatronic and Systems Engineering: Analysis 1&2
BSc in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology: Analyse 2
BSc in Informatics: Discrete Mathematics 1&2, Analysis and Linear Algebra
BSc in Data Engineering: Discrete Mathematics
Medical image analysis with a particular focus on kernel methods for image registration.
Deep Learning methods for image segmentation and registration.
Ophthalmic medical image analysis, in particular the development of hybrid Deep Learning-based segmentation algorithms for the 3D reconstruction of the blood vessels network in OCT-Angiography.
Natural language processing for implementation of Artificial Intelligence Chatbot in Optimizing Customer Service for the optimization of administrative processes in companies, e.g. information preparation, mediation and processing.
Professional experience
- since 2007: Lectures in Mathematics, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) in Biel, Bern and Burgdorf
- since 2003: Teaching in Mathematics, Berufsmaturitätsschule BMS/GIBB, Bern
- 1998-2003: Lectures in Mathematics, Ingenieurschule ISBE-HTA, Bern
- 1993-1998: High school teaching in Mathematics, Gymnasium Langenthal, Neufeld Gymnasium and Freies Gymnasium Bern
- 2015-2020: PhD (Dr. sc. med) in Biomedical Engineering, CIAN/DBE, Medical Faculty, University of Basel
- 1997-2001: High school teacher diploma in Mathematics and Chemistry, Höheres Lehramt, University of Bern
- 1992-1997: Master of Science (Lic. phil.-nat.) in Mathematics (major) and Chemistry (minor), University of Bern
- 1989-1992: Matura (type B), Literaturgymnasium, Liceo Lugano 1, Lugano
- Specialization in image processing with MATLAB, Mathworks (2014)
- Participation in the two-day workshop on science communication organized by the Klaus Schira Foundation - for applicants for the KlarText Prize for Science Communication. 26./27.01.2023.
Supervised theses
Ali Sahandabadi A web application for manual expert segmentation of retinal and choroidal layers 2019
Emeline Lieberherr and Rayner Oswaldo Daeppen A deep learning framework to generate synthetic ground truth for evaluation of automated detection of intraretinal thickness changes 2021
Fabian Jegerlehner A pattern recognition C++ algorithm for retinal and/or choroidal thickness changes detection 2021
Yanis Joël Lupberger 3D-Visualization of OCT-Angiography Datasets 2024
Jonathan Hector An appropriate graphic user interface for ophthalmic medical image analysis 2021
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- Italian - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- English - Professional working proficiency
- Spanish - Professional working proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Austria
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Canada
- France
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Egypt