Dr. Franziska Götze

Dr. Franziska Götze Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Head of the research group ‘Sustainability analyses and assessments for the food industry and consumer behaviour’
Teaching and module responsibility
Acquisition and implementation of research and service projects
Supervision of student theses (Master's, Bachelor's and semester theses)
Focus areas
Demand analyses in the food sector
Meat and fish consumption and meat alternatives
Demand for organic food
Sustainable food consumption and sustainable food systems
F6 Journal Club “Food and Nutrition Sciences” (Master's module, module coordinator)
AF-13 Quality Management, Traceability and Corporate Responsibility (Master's module)
AF-12 Consumer Behavior, Markets and Trade (Master's module)
Scientific working and writing (Bachelor's module)
Methods of data collection (Bachelor's module)
Consumption and consumer behaviour with regard to food
Perception, preferences and acceptance of food
Focus areas
Sustainable consumption patterns and demand analyses in a regional and international context
Segmentation of consumers
Participatory and interdisciplinary research for more sustainable housing, nutrition and lifestyles
Social inequalities in access to sustainable and healthy foods
Perception and acceptance of new foods, e.g. meat alternatives and insects
Professional experience
- Since 2016 Research Associate for Consumer Behaviour Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
- 2016 Research Associate Agroscope, Institute for Sustainablity Sciences ISS, Socioeconomics
- 2013-2016 PhD student Agroscope, Institute for Sustainablity Sciences ISS, Socioeconomics & University of Bonn, Chair of Economic and Agricultural Policy
- 2019 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Dr. agr.) University of Bonn, Germany
- 2012 Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (M. Sc.) Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
- 2007 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences (B. Sc.) University of Göttingen, Germany
Other projects
The «whey» against food waste: Achieving sustainable local bioeconomy clusters through byproduct valorization
Estimation of demand elasticities for different foods
Better Taste! Less waste. Methodology development: Food acceptance, food intake and plate waste. A pilot study in Swiss school canteens.
"Säuelen, böckelen, gräselen": How do false aromas develop in meat and how can they be avoided? (project finalised)
Development of a Food Lexicon of Tamil Food and Beverages (project finalised)
Agrifood & Tourism Grindelwald/Switzerland (project finalised)
Consumption of agricultural products (Federal Office for Agriculture – FOAG) (project finalised)
3D printing of food products (project finalised)
Promotion of regional products in community gastronomy – Analysis of the procurement and logistics structure in community gastronomy for regional foodstuffs in the canton of Aargau (project finalised)
The tasty, healthy and sustainable alternative to meat (project finalised)
Weitere Publikationen
Götze, F. & Mann, S. (2015): Junge Konsumenten für Bio gewinnen. Ökologie & Landbau 1-2015: 36-38.
Götze, F. & Mann, S. (2014): "Bio": Der Mehrpreis ist das geringste Problem. Lebensmittel Technologie 10-2014: 8-10.
Götze, F., Ferjani, A., Mann, S. & Kohler, A. (2015): Who buys organic food in Switzerland. 6th EAAE PhD Workshop, 06.-10.06.2015 in Rome (Italy).
Götze, F., Mann, S., Ferjani, A., Kohler, A. & Heckelei, T. (2015): A hedonic approach towards explaining market shares of organic food – evidence from Swiss household data. 55. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues (GEWISOLA) e.V. "Perspektiven für die Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft nach der Liberalisierung", 23.-25.09.2015 in Giessen (Germany).
External memberships
SSA (The Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology)
GEWISOLA (German Association of Agricultural Economists)
Supervised theses
Möller, E. Konsumentenpräferenz in Bezug auf Lammfleisch – Eine qualitative Studie in der Deutschschweiz 2019
Valori, Y. Welche Rolle spielt die Nachhaltigkeit beim Käsekonsum? 2019
Hofstetter, E. Einfluss des Tierwohls auf den Kaufentscheid von Bio-Konsument / innen beim Kauf von tierischen Bio-Lebensmitteln 2018
Löffel, M. 5 am Tag – Ursachen eines geringen Früchte- und Gemüsekonsums 2018
Recher, B. Bern: Die lebendige Food-Hauptstadt – Welche Ansprüche und Vorstellungen haben nachhaltigkeitsbewusste Berner Food Pioniere von einem regionalen und nachhaltigen Ernährungssystem? 2018
Zaugg, T. Aquakultur – Möglichkeit zur Diversifikation der Schweizer Landwirtschaft 2018
Waeber, B. Einstellung von Schweizer Landwirten gegenüber Fleischalternativen 2017
Maurer, N. Ernährung im Schweizer Militär Zufriedenheit und Bedürfnisse 2017
Arnaudova, M. Examination of students’ willingness to change behaviour regarding meat consumption 2018
Andrighetto, L.J. Sustainable foodservice providers in Thailand: Motivation, challenges, strategies, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
Ackermann, L.E. Bedeutung von Fleisch in der Schweizer Bevölkerung: Eine qualitative Studie mit jungen Schweizer Eltern 2019
Christen, M. Nudging in der Gemeinschaftsgastronomie – Eine qualitative Metaanalyse 2019
Gysin, C. Fermentierte Lebensmittel: Wie steht es um das Wissen der Schweizer Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten? 2019
Jäggi, A. Social Media und Food: Was wir bisher wissen (Gemüse und Früchte) 2019
Tröhler, U. Tierwohl in der Schweizer Schweinehaltung – Wissensstand und Informationsbedürfnis von Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten 2019
Hodel, S. Der Schweizer Lammfleischmarkt – Eine Übersicht und Analyse der aktuellen Marktsituation 2018
Steinmann, S.J. Fischkonsum in der Schweiz: Das Konsumentenverhalten beim Kauf von Fisch 2018
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Professional working proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Viet Nam