Sustainability advice for your farm

Do you want to run your farm sustainably so that you, your family, your employees and your livestock enjoy a good life while your agricultural production base is maintained?

RISE sustainability consultancy provides an independent and individual analysis of all relevant areas. It helps you to make decisions with a view to long-term profitable, site-appropriate and socially equitable operational development.

Balancing the farm

On a sustainable agricultural holding, ecology, social aspects and economic efficiency are in balance. For you as a farm manager, it is challenging to stay on top of all the important issues and to assess and prioritise them correctly. You need to deal with difficult questions such as:

  • Where is our farm headed? Are we on the right track?
  • Will our holding be economically stable, solvent and profitable in the long run?
  • Will our soils remain fertile in the future?
  • Are the people on the farm motivated and content?

RISE provides you with a systematic overview of your farm’s current situation. All aspects of sustainability are analysed and assessed. Taking into account the farm’s strengths and weaknesses as well as your aspirations and options, suitable development steps and balanced measures are planned together with the consultant.

What are the benefits of RISE sustainability consultancy?

  • You get a detailed overall picture of your farm. 48 indicators provide key performance data for all relevant areas such as solvency, profitability, quality of life, farm management, fertiliser use, soils, and animal welfare.
  • You will receive a workbook and an analysis report.
  • You can use the results for communications with clients and customers.
  • On request, scenario analyses, such as conversion to organic farming, can be calculated for you.
  • If you so wish, your development process can also be further assisted subsequent to the consultancy.

In which situations does RISE bring particularly great benefits?

  • You are faced with decisions for the development of your farm.
  • You are planning major investments.
  • You are planning a farm handover.
  • There are conflicts or or crises.
  • You want to make a stopover to review your situation and develop new ideas.
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Farm managers during the analysis (Photo: Bern 2018, BFH-HAFL)

The RISE consultancy process

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Holdings that participate in a RISE sustainability consultation can make their participation and commitment visible to the public. This is not about communicating the analysis results but rather about demonstrating that the business is committed to sustainable development and acts accordingly. This means (1) that the farm manager, together with RISE consultants, periodically engages with the issues, (2) takes a holistic view of the farm, (3) sets development and/or performance targets based on this information, (4) plans and implements tangible measures and (5) reviews target achievement after a certain period of time. (6) Subsequently, new targets are set, etc.

How much does the RISE consultancy cost?

CHF 800.- incl. VAT. (plus travel expenses) 
We can only offer this discounted price for a limited number of consultations in Switzerland. They are conducted by experienced HAFL staff.

If you are interested in RISE counselling outside of Switzerland, please contact us so that we can find a RISE advisor in your region.

Case study

«Thanks to RISE, I was able to visualise my farming practices and possible improvements. The findings encouraged me to change my farming strategy – an enormous challenge that I would not have been able to meet without the support of RISE. The adjustments brought me great professional satisfaction and a significant growth in turnover.»

Claude-Alain Gebhard, a farmer in Vaux-sur-Morges VD.

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Claude-Alain Gebhard

RISE - Around the globe

Experienced RISE consultants and users are working all over the world. Contact them if you would like to use RISE to advance the sustainability of your farming operation or if you are interested in sharing your experiences.

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