SRT for pelvic floor muscle insufficiency
Stochastic resonance therapy (SRT) is a new therapeutic training method that uses whole-body vibration as an effective therapy supplement to improve sensorimotor skills and power (rate of force development).
- Schools involved School of Health Professions
- Institute(s) Physiotherapy
- Research unit(s) Pelvic Floor Health
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2010
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Lorenz Radlinger
Project staff
Prof. Dr. med Annette Kuhn
Dr. Roger Hilfiker
Dr. Helena Luginbühl
Regina Gerber
Corinne Lehmann - Partner Insel Gruppe AG
This study evaluates the optimal duration of SRT to activate the pelvic floor muscles and thus contributes to the optimization of therapy in older or postpartum women with pelvic floor muscle insufficiency.
Course of action
In a cross-sectional study, the optimal duration of exercise for stochastic resonance therapy of the pelvic floor muscles were tested: an interval method and a continuous method were compared with regard to the activation of the pelvic floor muscles. For this purpose, older and postpartum women with pelvic floor muscle weakness were examined using intravaginal EMG recording with simultaneous stochastic resonance therapy.
Vibration increases the activation of the pelvic floor muscles. The intermittent and continuous methods lead to comparably high activation of the pelvic floor muscles and to no decrease in activation over the exercise period.
Looking ahead
Therefore, we recommend to use the continuous method in futher studies as well as in clinical practice because it is easier to carry out in terms of organization.