«In hommage from the multitude»
This project is dedicated to the work of five composers of microtonal music from different cultural backgrounds.
- Schools involved Bern Academy of the Arts
- Institute(s) Institute Interpretation
- Research unit(s) Intersection of Contemporary Music
- Funding organisation SNSF
- Duration 01.08.2018 - 31.12.2021
- Head of project Dr. Roman Brotbeck
Project staff
Mathias Gredig
Dr. Marc Kilchenmann
Nemanja Radivojevic
Dr. Eleni Ralli
João Carlos Victor Alves -
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Universität Bern
Universität Bern
They either ignored (Johnston, Sandberg) or fought against (Partch, Risset, Smetak) the main trends of the equidistant tonal system that has dominated music life down to the present day. Their goal was not to limit themselves to a few standardised intervals, but to explore their potential for endless diversity. To this end they designed and built new instruments, conceived new notational systems and created their own aesthetic world view. This search for ‘biodiversity’ in music makes their respective stances highly topical today.