Profile + Organization

As an alumni organisation, we primarily network people and promote the exchange of knowledge among them. Our aim is to continuously develop the alumni organisation and to strengthen and support BFH. This is what our mission, our values, our President and our Board stand for.

Alumni BFH introduces itself

Alumni BFH connects former students all over the world and supports them with mentoring and continuing education programmes, among other things. The new alumni video explains what else Alumni BFH does and offers.

Our vision

“Alumni BFH – Linking people and knowledge”

Our mission

  • We support students taking their first step into the working world and follow our former students in their professional development.
  • We promote the exchange of knowledge across disciplines and offer a platform for networking.
  • We strengthen the reputation of BFH and support its work.
  • We bring the alumni community up to date and help it grow with a focus on the future.

Our values

  • Linking – We offer platforms for exchange and networking
  • Flexible – We are agile thinkers and our offerings are current
  • Curious – We have a positive attitude towards new ideas
  • Versatile – We are open to different ideas and solutions
  • Transparent – Our conduct and communications are open and comprehensible

President Alumni BFH

Ernst Hegg studied at the HSG and BFH with an EMBA degree in General Management. He was president of the association Unternehmensführung Alumni BFH EMBA for several years, and worked as IT training manager for the SBB and is a part-time board member of Nexplore AG and Logjob AG.

As a fervent supporter of swiss dual education system, he is committed to new, practice-based training models aimed at a tertiary degree. He does this, on the one hand, as president of the Association for Digital Integration and Translation and, on the other hand, as a business representative of the project "IT Training 4.0" and the sub-project "Integra". He also supports the joint "BeLEARN" project of EPFL, UniBe, BFH, PH Bern and SVUFET with great enthusiasm. In his view, sustainable, value-creating and interdisciplinary networking is the key to success and innovation.

Board Members

Ahmad Albatal Alumni BFH Business
Ramona Casaulta Students concerns
Thomas Dalla Vecchia Alumni EHSM-HEFSM
Marc Germann Representative  «Alumni direct»
Sebastian Huber Representative of the BFH
Claudio Macaluso Alumni BFH-HAFL
Martin Schopfer Representative of the Vice-Rectorate Teaching
Michel Stämpfli Alumni BFH Social Work
