Strategic management

Do you want to be able to develop and analyse corporate strategies? With this modular course you will make a significant contribution to strengthening the competitiveness of your company.

Do you want to reposition your company on the market? In this work-study course in strategic management, you will analyse the needs of your current and future customers while deepening your knowledge of the market conditions that will affect your business. 

This DAS allows you to 

  • choose the order of your CAS modules 

  • choose the time taken to complete your CAS (1.5 to 5 years) 

  • focus on specific aspects of skills in strategic corporate management 

  • develop your personal leadership skills 

  • complete supplementary CAS to gain an EMBA degree. 


  • Degree/Certificate Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)
  • Duration 1.5 to 5 years
  • Schedule Depending on chosen CAS
  • Application deadline Depending on chosen CAS
  • ECTS credits Min. 30 ECTS-Credits
  • Costs CHF 18,300
  • Teaching language German
  • Location Bern, Schwarztorstrasse 48
  • School Business School
  • Next session Depending on chosen CAS

Content + Structure


With the DAS Strategic Management, you have a choice of two CAS, which you combine with a CAS from the Leadership section. The degree course is concluded with a DAS diploma thesis on a topic from the CAS you chose. 


Elective (1 out of 2): 

  • CAS Strategic Management  

  • CAS Public Management & Development 

* Leadership experience, a current management position and at least ten days of training or further training in leadership to attend the CAS Advanced Leadership.

Course objectives

In this DAS you will build on leadership and social skills and learn how to ensure the long-term success of your company. 

  • You intensively deal with your own leadership behaviour. 

  • You will improve your planning, monitoring and analysis skills 

  • You will understand the impacts on your organisation of changes in business and society. 

  • Through the thesis you will demonstrate using scientific methods that you are able to solve current strategic and leadership issues in a structured way. 

You are free to decide which CAS you would like to begin your studies. However, you must complete either the CAS Leadership or the CAS Leadership Advanced. 

For the DAS Diploma Thesis, you will select a suitable topic from one of the two CAS. The thesis comprises a maximum of 35 pages. You will also write a media article on the topic of the thesis. You will have eight weeks to complete the thesis and submit it on time. To register for the DAS thesis, please contact the DAS study organisation. There will be no oral presentation.  

In an empathic and modern atmosphere, you can expect a wide variety of learning forms. 

  • Lectures, teaching talks and exchange of experience

  • Simulations, group work

  • Company simulation, company visits

  • Study of best practice examples, case studies

  • E-Learning learning platform Teams

  • Individual coaching, development meetings, development centre

The examination forms in the CAS are modern and suitable for adults. Traditional written knowledge examinations are not usually used.  

The proof of competence of the DAS Diploma Thesis module consists of the diploma thesis and an accompanying media report.  

Title + degree

Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) of the Bern University of Applied Sciences in "Strategic Management" (at least 30 ECTS credits) 


Our lecturers are proven experts with extensive practical and theoretical knowledge in their subject areas. They have at least a university degree plus many years of experience in higher education. 

Requirements + Admission

Do you want the benefits of studying subjects that are most relevant to you? Do you want to develop your company strategically? Then this diploma of advanced studies is exactly the right course for you. Regardless of your industry or your experience this course will sharpen your leadership abilities and knowledge.

University degree

You will be admitted to the programme with a degree from a university, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, or an equivalent foreign university and at least two years of professional experience.

Higher vocational training

If you have a qualification from a higher vocational education institution (Diploma Höhere Fachschule HF, Federal Diploma, Federal Certificate of Proficiency) and several years of professional experience, you will also be admitted to the programme. However, you will be required to attend our Introduction to Academic Study before starting the CAS. Completion of this module is a prerequisite for admission to the CAS.


In exceptional circumstances applicants may still  be admitted. The head of the degree programme will make a decision based upon your application and extenuating circumstances. Please contact us. If you are admitted, you will in any case attend the course «Introduction to Academic Writing» (in German) before the first CAS.

Important to know:

Specific admission requirements apply to the individual CAS.

Language skills

The language of instruction is always German. The compulsory literature is also in German. In some CAS a few texts are in English.

For all students of our CAS programmes we offer a half-day course Effective Learning. Attendance is recommended and is free of charge for CAS students. At this event, you will learn about the practice-oriented learning style used at universities of applied science.

Organisation + Registration

The duration of the DAS programme varies between 1.5 and 5 years. Depending on the choice of the individual CAS, different teaching models are possible

Please register via the CAS study programmes.

Documents required for registration

You can register online via registration form. For registration we require following documents (in PDF format, max. 1 MB per document): 

  • Diplomas 

  • Curriculum Vitae 

  • Passport-sized photo (in JPG format) 

Please upload these documents even if you have already submitted them for another application. 

Organisational aspects

Depending on the choice of the individual CAS, different teaching models are possible. The predominant model in the CAS programmes in this DAS is the full-day teaching block Thursday, Friday and Saturday approximately every 3 to 4 weeks.

Admission to the programme depends on the starting dates of the individual CAS. The registration deadline for the CAS courses is 6 weeks before the start of the course.   

The number of participants in each CAS is limited. We therefore recommend early registration.   

Registration for the thesis module is done directly with our administration. 

CHF 18,300 

The tuition fee comprises the costs of the two CAS (CHF 8,500 each) and the costs of the module DAS Diploma Thesis (CHF 1,300). All costs for compulsory literature, course materials and the costs of the certificates of competence are included in the tuition fee.  

Location + Facilities