The SWEET funding programme supports research and innovation that contributes to the successful implementation of the Energy Strategy 2050. As a consortium partner, Bern University of Applied Sciences is also contributing to the integration of the decentralised supply of renewable energy into the Swiss energy system.


  • Lead school(s) School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Institute(s) Institute for Energy and Mobility Research IEM
  • Research unit(s) IEM / Photovoltaic systems
  • Funding organisation Swiss Federal Office of Energy
  • Duration (planned) 01.07.2021 - 30.06.2027
  • Project management Christof Bucher
  • Head of project David Joss
  • Project staff Luciano Borgna
    Peter Wüthrich
  • Keywords Energy Strategy 2050, Renewable energies, Decentralised supply, Photovoltaics, Grid connection, Inverters

Starting Point

Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050 involves large-scale restructuring of the power supply system. SWEET EDGE takes a look into the future. What will Switzerland’s energy supply systems look like in 2050? Three model regions are also defined: the cities, the Swiss Plateau and the alpine regions. A broad-based consortium of research institutions, private industry and network operators will model and simulate these scenarios and use this to define requirements that will enable the implementation of the Energy Strategy 2050.


SWEET EDGE’s main goal is to model energy systems of the future for the cities, the Swiss Plateau and the alpine regions, to identify the challenges involved and to respond to them with recommended courses of action as far as possible.

Bern University of Applied Sciences’ Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory is conducting research into a key sub-aspect: the connection of decentralised generators to the grid. The following questions will be addressed:

  • How will decentralised generators (in particular photovoltaic systems) need to perform in future in order for them to be connected to the power grid in sufficient quantities and achieve the scenarios defined by SWEET EDGE?
  • How can compliance with the requirements be ensured and verified?
  • How do things currently stand in this respect? Which aspects have already been resolved and what steps still need to be taken?


Firstly, the current SWEET EDGE-relevant issues facing distribution network operators (DNOs) with regard to the connection of decentralised energy generation systems to the grid will be identified and categorised. The Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory will then work with the DNOs to assess the requirements of the energy generation systems and their grid conformity. Where sub-aspects of grid connection have not yet been resolved satisfactorily, requirements will be defined and test documents produced.

There will be close collaboration with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Test norms will be drawn up with the IEC to ensure the decentralised generators perform correctly.

As part of the SWEET EDGE pilot projects, the performance of the decentralised energy generation systems will be evaluated on site and compared with the results from SWEET EDGE.