Interprofessional teaching

Successful interprofessional collaboration in healthcare practice requires the promotion of interprofessional skills in higher education. This is where the Competence Centre for Interprofessionalism comes in with its teaching.

Interprofessional teaching in the Bachelor's degree programmes

In three interprofessional modules, students on the full-time Bachelor's degree programmes in Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics and Physiotherapy acquire interprofessional and cross-professional skills.

Modulverbindende inhaltliche Schwerpunkte Enlarge image

The modules teach interprofessional skills such as communication and role allocation, as well as cross-professional skills that are directly related to interprofessionalism. These include person-centredness, health literacy, digitalisation, eHealth, health promotion and prevention. The MIX modules take place in the first, third and sixth semesters and account for a total of 12 ECTS credits of the entire Bachelor's degree programme (180 ECTS credits).

Interprofessionelle Module der Bachelor-Studiengänge an der BFH Gesundheit

Module 1 focusses on the person, embedded in their specific living environment and social relationships. Important topics include communication in the therapeutic context, understandings of health and illness, the Swiss healthcare system and its players, ethical and legal principles as well as analysing the situation of the person in the interprofessional treatment team. In cooperation with the Institute for Medical Teaching at the University of Bern and the Bern Institute for General Practitioner Medicine, a seminar on confidentiality is organised, which students from the Bern University of Applied Sciences attend together with medical students in Bern and Basel.

Digitalisation in society and the healthcare sector has a direct impact on interprofessional collaboration and patient treatment options.New technologies are changing information and communication channels and in some cases enabling new forms of cooperation. In order to navigate the increasingly complex healthcare system, health literacy on the part of the affected person and the treatment team is essential. In addition to these cross-professional topics, Module 2 focuses on specific aspects of interprofessionality, decision-making processes and communication in interprofessional teams.

Health is the result of multi-layered processes and is characterised by various influencing factors - including physical, psychological, systemic/social, cultural and material factors. Effective health promotion and prevention are therefore only possible if a wide variety of perspectives are taken into account. The basics of project management are deepened in Module 3 within the framework of a real, interprofessional health promotion and prevention project. In mixed-professional groups, students spend a few weeks developing information brochures, workshops, recommendations for action and other needs-orientated products for the various project partners. 

Interprofessional teaching in the MSc programmes

Our Master's programmes are interprofessionally oriented in order to train graduates to become strong players in the healthcare sector. Students complete selected interprofessional modules such as applied ethics, advanced practice or the basics of health economics together with other Master's students from the Department of Health. They are confronted with different perspectives, learn to question their own points of view and to understand others. As a result, they develop skills in interprofessional collaboration and are able to take a holistic approach to practical situations. The expertise of our graduates goes beyond the technical expertise of their own profession. They work agilely and on an equal footing with other healthcare professionals, as well as with patients, clients and their relatives.

As professionally and interprofessionally academically trained healthcare professionals, you will not only further develop your profession, but also the healthcare system.

Ethical questions always arise in the professional care of people with health concerns. In this module, you will discover how these questions can be discussed theoretically, illustrated practically and developed in your specific professional practice. You will also deepen your knowledge of the ethical principles of interprofessional collaboration and clinical ethics, which are indispensable for the field of activity of healthcare professionals at Master's level.

In this module, various types of communication are explored in depth. On the one hand, communication with clients and patients (therapeutic relationship) will take centre stage. You will also learn the advanced technique of motivational dialogue in an interprofessional context or in critical situations with clients or patients. On the other hand, you will professionalise your written expression in scientific writing, gain an insight into communication in research institutions and consolidate your public speaking skills in a public and health policy context.

This module examines the basics of leadership, project management and various leadership models. You will learn about organisational development options for initiating, implementing and subsequently evaluating change management processes. 

You will familiarise yourself with advanced practice and the corresponding roles. You will deal with the development and implementation of new roles for healthcare professionals in future or existing care models. The interprofessional context will help you gain a holistic understanding of such new models and roles. At the same time, you will learn about the legal foundations as well as health policy and health economic issues in connection with advanced practice roles. The course also looks at how such new care models can be implemented in practice.

In this module, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the healthcare system and the decision-making behaviour of key players on the demand side (insured persons, patients) and the supply side (healthcare professionals, doctors) of the healthcare market. A wide range of practice-relevant questions are analysed on the basis of theoretical and current empirical research results from health economics. The question of the causes of cost growth in the healthcare sector is discussed, as is the influence of financial incentives on the treatment decisions of healthcare professionals or the effect of deductibles on the utilisation of medical services by patients.

Food as medicine. The module deals with the effect of food on human behaviour in the context of psychoneuroimmunology. Current scientific findings on the connection between intestinal flora, pain and depression are also discussed, as are pre- and probiotics and phytotherapy in pain therapy.

The digital transformation in healthcare offers numerous opportunities for health promotion, prevention, diagnostics, therapy, care and treatment of people of all age groups and care settings. With a targeted, reflective, critical and active design, the digital transformation can maintain and optimise the quality and efficiency of the Swiss healthcare system.