The project aims to facilitate the access of older persons to the opportunities offered by online communities. At the same time, the project harnesses the growing number of older persons to advance charitable projects of online communities.
Schools involved
School of Social Work
Business School - Institute(s) Institute for Digital Technology Management
- Research unit(s) Digtial Innovation and Transformation
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration 01.10.2010 - 31.12.2014
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Andreas Ninck
Project staff
Thomas Schwarze
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett
Olga Vallier
Prof. Dr. Eduard Klein
Karen Torben-Nielsen
Prof. Dr. Andreas Ninck
Stefanie Becker
Prof. Dr. Dirk Richter
Regula Guggisberg
Beat Estermann -
Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI
Stiftung Zugang für alle
University of Maastricht - MERIT
Zeix AG
Wikimedia Deutschland
Universität Ulm - Zentrum für allgemeine wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW)
Seniorweb NL
MD Systems GmbH
Seniorweb CH - Keywords e-inclusion, seniors, gerontology, online communities, usability, accessibility, web 2.0
Promote older persons’ participation in online communities through appropriate measures and to foster their social integration in a sustainable way.
Course of action
The goals of the project are: (1) Development and implementation of measures for the promotion of older persons’ participation in online communities; (2)Design of a handbook for online-communities and operators of community platforms, respectively, containing effective strategies for an improved inclusion of older persons in online communities; (3) Implementation of technological solutions in community platforms in order to improve user experience.
The transnational project TAO (CH, DE, NL) was concluded in December 2013 with a symposium in Bern and a detailed final report, available at www.thirdageonline.eu.