Fusepool SME
Fusepool integrates and interlinks internal and external data for specific application areas so that data can be pooled and analyzed to support decision making.
Schools involved
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Business School - Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
- Research unit(s) Data and Infrastructure
- Funding organisation Europäische Union
- Duration 01.07.2012 - 31.03.2015
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Matthias Stürmer
Project staff
Adrian Gschwend
Prof. Dr. Michael Klassen
Reto Gmür
Luigi Selmi
Prof. Dr. Eduard Klein
Michael Luggen
Regula Guggisberg
Sarven Capadisli -
GeoX Kft.
Treparel Information Solutions BV
Xerox Research Centre Europe
searchbox SA - Keywords Decision support, Decision support systems, Semantic web, Linked open data
Fusepool integrates and interlinks internal and external data for specific application areas so that data can be pooled and analyzed to support decision making.
Course of action
Data is an integral element of the business value chain. But barriers impede leveraging the full potential across existing data silos. Fusepool SME integrates patents, publications and other data to support product development and research and thus to preserve the intellectual property of SMEs.
- A flexible tool stack supporting the linked data life-cycle - A web based semantic search engine “patent explorer” supporting questions such as: “What is patented in my product area?” - The search engine supports autocomplete search, faceted and graph browsing, highlighting relevance of search results through classifiers, landscape view for visualization of large result sets, reweighing search results based on user feedback, and predicted and user-customized Labels
Looking ahead
The tool stack will be used and extended in future projects, e.g. in Fusepool P3 The project results are availble as open software on github.