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This project examines teaching and learning scenarios and related training materials that can draw on the sighted environment of blind and severly visually impaired children of pre-school age in order to help them to learn Braille.


  • Lead school Bern Academy of the Arts
  • Institute(s) Institute of Design Research
  • Research unit(s) Social Design
  • Funding organisation SNSF
  • Duration 01.01.2013 - 31.05.2015
  • Project management Andreas Netthoevel
  • Head of project Fabienne Meyer
  • Project staff Martin Gaberthüel
    Frank Laemers
  • Partner Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
    Stiftung für blinde- und sehbehinderte Kinder und Jugendliche, Zollikofen
    Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde-, Seh- und Lesebehinderte


This project is based on the results of a two-year preliminary BUA project. With the aim of providing barrier-free access to education for all people, Art. 24 of the UN Convention of 2006 states that measures are needed to make acquiring Braille easier. Since disabled and non-disabled children are situated more and more in a context where they learn together, learning materials for Braille should essentially be accessible also to sighted children and their sighted caregivers. These new support materials are thus designed equally for sighted and blind or severely visually impaired people, and this in turn leads to research questions in the field of design.