AHV-Nummer als Personenidentifikator

There is no universal personal identifier in Switzerland. The results confirm the assumption that the lack of a unique personal identifier can lead to risk situations.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
  • Research unit(s) Data and Infrastructure
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration 01.05.2015 - 30.09.2015
  • Project management lic.phil.hist. Angelina Dungga Winterleitner
  • Head of project lic.phil.hist. Angelina Dungga Winterleitner
  • Project staff Dr. Andreas Spichiger
    Katinka Weissenfeld
    Olivier Brian
    Jérôme Brugger
  • Keywords Personal identifier, Interoperability, AHV number, Data protection


Identification of the dangers and risks resulting from the non-use of a universal personal identifier. To show the regulations in other countries where a universal personal identifier is used.

Course of action

The subject of the study are cases within the public administration where a unique personal identifier is used or requested. However, only case studies are described in which an exchange of information between authorities is required by law and permitted by sufficient legal provisions.


The results confirm the assumption that the lack of a unique personal identifier can lead to risk situations. It was also found that Switzerland already has the necessary infrastructure to operate such an identifier.

Looking ahead

It is recommended to solve the identification problems that occur in numerous administrative processes in a holistic way. The introduction of the AHVN13 as a personal identifier is strongly recommended due to the lack of real alternatives.