
Digitization is also an important trend in agriculture. This development creates new dependencies. Consultants exchange digital tools, methods and expertise, empowering practitioners to act independently.


  • Lead school School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
  • Institute(s) Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Sharing
  • Research unit(s) Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Sharing
  • Funding organisation Europäische Union
  • Duration (planned) 01.11.2018 - 31.12.2023
  • Project management Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
  • Project staff Prof. Robert Lehmann
    Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
    Eléonore Tran
  • Partner Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentatión
    Instituto Navarro De Technologias E Infrastructuras Agralmentar
    Stichting Wageningen Research, WR
    Präsidentenkonferenz der Landwirtschaftskammer Österreichs
    Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
    Stiftelsen Ruralis Institutt for raural-org regionalforskning
    Comite Europeen Des Groupements De Constructeurs Du Machinisme Agr
    Association de Coordination Technique Agricole
    The Circa groupe Europe Limited
    Innovation for Agriculture
    South Eastern Europe Advisory Service Network ( SEANS)
    Consulai, Consultoria Agro Industrial LDA
    Zuidenlijke Land, En Tuinbouworganisation Vereiniging
    Association Des Chambres D Agriculture de l Arc Atlantique
    Öko-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH
    Agricultural University of Athens
    Fundacion Cajamar
    Magyar Agrar - Elmisze Gazdasagi es Videkfejlesztesi Kamara
  • Keywords Precision Agriculture, Digital Social Innovation Knowledge Transfer, Extension.


The rural advisory community is mobilised to take ownership of digital tools and to advocate at the user interface. The project will enable and empower the independent farm advisor community, through sharing of tools, expertise and motivations.

Course of action

Digitization is also an important trend in agriculture. This development creates new dependencies. Consultants exchange digital tools, methods and expertise, empowering practitioners to act independently.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 2: Zero hunger
  • 4: Quality education