Best4Soil / H2020
The BEST4SOIL project will build a community of practice network across Europe by inter-connecting growers, advisers, educators and researchers. Knowledge ready for practice on D105best practices will be promoted.
- Schools involved School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
- Institute(s) Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Sharing
- Research unit(s) Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Sharing
- Funding organisation Europäische Union
- Duration 01.10.2018 - 24.12.2024
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
Project staff
Prof. Robert Lehmann
Dr. Mirjam Pfister
Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
Eléonore Tran
Prof. Dr. Andreas Keiser -
Delphy BV
European Commission
The BEST4SOIL thematic network aims to maintain, improve or re-establish soil health in Europe. Central to the network is the knowledge exchange between all stakeholders concerning soil health, quantity and quality of production.
Course of action
The BEST4SOIL project will build a community of practice network across Europe by inter-connecting growers, advisers, educators and researchers. Knowledge ready for practice on best practices will be promoted.