Symposium citelligent 2020 – Smart City Lenzburg

For the citelligent 2020 symposium, the Bern University of Applied Sciences has led the working group "Data" and developed a concept for a participation platform for Smart City Lenzburg in cooperation with partners of the working group.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
  • Research unit(s) Data and Infrastructure
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration 16.09.2019 - 30.06.2020
  • Project management Alessia Neuroni
  • Head of project Stephan Haller
  • Project staff Jan Fivaz
  • Partner Savisio AG
  • Keywords Smart City, Participation, Lenzburg, Data


savisio AG launched a project for creating a series of specialist symposia on Smart City issues. In the preparatory phase leading to each symposium, working groups develop feasible technological solutions for existing or foreseeable problems - such as energy, mobility, payment systems, and data in general. At the symposia, the results are presented, discussed in greater depth and follow-up activities are initiated.

Course of action

The partners in the "Data" working group developed a concept for a participation platform for Lenzburg, evaluated various possible providers for the implementation of such a platform, and launched a first attempt at citizen participation using the Crossiety platform. In addition, a hackathon should have provided further ideas regarding the use of data and the MyData concept. Due to Corona though, the hackathon had to be postponed until the end of the year.


The result is a first concept for a participation platform in Lenzburg and a first comparison of different providers of participation platforms. The citelligent 2020 was held as an online event due to the corona crisis, but the planned hackathon unfortunately had to be postponed. The video stream, presentations and other documents are available on the symposium website.

Looking ahead

The symposium series “citelligent” will be continued based on the results achieved so far. In November 2020 the postponed Smart City Lab Lenzburg hackathon will take place. The exact focus for the following year is currently being defined.