Project to establish a support platform for student initiatives for sustainable

BFH SUSTAINS, the platform for student engagement for sustainable development, aims to connect students interested in sustainability and to promote projects, activities and initiatives for sustainable development.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Sustainable Business
  • Research unit(s) Circular Economy
  • Funding organisation BFH
  • Duration 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020
  • Project management Prof. Dr. Tobias Stucki
  • Head of project Manuel Fischer
  • Project staff Lilian Laub
  • Partner Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
  • Keywords nachhaltigkeit, sustainability, uchange, engagement, platform, bfhsustains, nachhaltiges unternehmertum, sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, transformative learning, transformatives Lernen, certificate of engagement in sustainability


Sustainability is one of the most urgent and complex development tasks. The global ecological, social and economic problems present us with a major transformation challenge. Universities are generally seen as central players in this social transformation. After their studies, BFH students usually take on responsible tasks in business, politics, civil society and applied research. A critical examination of societal issues during their studies and the practice of inter- and transdisciplinary working methods is therefore central in view of the major global challenges. Sustainability-relevant competencies can often only be taught and tested with difficulty in traditional courses. Such competence building is particularly promoted by self-directed, collaborative and informal learning. BFH SUSTAINS aims to create such a learning environment that promotes transformative learning.

Course of action

Establishment of a virtual platform, a BFH-wide sustainability certificate, and various curricular and extracurricular offerings with the aim of promoting student engagement in the field of sustainable development. The project was accompanied by a monitoring committee consisting of representatives of WWF Switzerland, Swiss Association of Student Organizations for Sustainability (VSN), Impact Hub and the BFH student organization VSBFH.


The platform BFH SUSTAINS connects students interested in sustainability and promotes and supports student projects, activities and initiatives that want to contribute to sustainable development. A special focus is on sustainable entrepreneurship. In addition, the platform is responsible for the Certificate of Engagement in Sustainability (CES), which is open to all students of all bachelor and master programs at BFH.

Looking ahead

BFH SUSTAINS is intended to make an important contribution to transformative learning at BFH. The activities and offerings are regularly evaluated and continuously developed. More info at