Participatory smartvote Lenzburg

Through a participatory process (online platform and workshops), citizens of Lenzburg have the opportunity to help shape the smartvote questionnaire for the elections in September and November 2021.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
  • Research unit(s) Digital Democracy
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration (planned) 01.05.2021 - 31.01.2022
  • Project management Prof. Stephan Haller
  • Head of project Jan Fivaz
  • Project staff Flurina Wäspi
  • Partner Politools
  • Keywords Democracy, Experiment, participation, opinion making


In the elections in Lenzburg (Sept. and Nov. 2021) the city will offer its citizens the online voting tool smartvote. In the run-up to these elections, a participative experiment will be launched: Citizens will be asked to develop/contribute to a large part of the smartvote questionnaire themselves in a participatory process, including forums/workshops (online and offline). The BFH expert group "Digital Democracy" will scientifically accompany and evaluate this process on behalf of smartvote.

Course of action

For BFH, the project consists of four work packages: The collaboration in the conception of the participatory process, the quality control of the participatory output, an interim evaluation and a final reporting. As part of the participative process, BFH accompanies two workshops with citizens from Lenzburg who want to actively shape the smartvote questionnaire.

Bürger*innen von Lenzburg können den smartvote-Fragebogen mitgestalten.
Bürger*innen von Lenzburg können den smartvote-Fragebogen mitgestalten.