Business Integration Platform for the Wood Industry

For the first time, a scalable, robust business integration platform is being created for wood-processing SMEs that automates processes along the value chain, even between separate companies.


  • Lead school School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
  • Institute(s) Institute for Digital Construction and Wood Industry IDBH
  • Research unit(s) Digital Fabrication group FGDF
  • Funding organisation Innosuisse
  • Duration (planned) 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
  • Project management Prof. Katharina Lindenberg
  • Head of project Dr. Ronny Standtke
  • Project staff Prof. Stefan Jack
  • Keywords Business integration, digital sustainability, protocols, interfaces, formats, automation


The production of furniture components and wooden house elements has already attained a certain degree of automation in wood-processing SMEs in Switzerland, thanks to the integration of ERP systems, CAD/CAM products and modern CNC and cutting systems. However, all of these systems store their data in their own separate files or databases, which results in technically complicated and financially costly redundancies, not to mention inconsistencies and problems exchanging data. Automation can often only be achieved through the costly implementation of proprietary interfaces between individual software and machine providers. Current practice shows that a lack of standards often prevents investment in more modern systems, as the cost of integrating new solutions into existing structures represents a significant barrier.

Course of action

We design and implement a scalable, robust business integration platform that automates processes along the value chain, even between separate companies. This makes it easy and efficient to connect products from a wide range of hardware and software manufacturers and integrate them into individual operating processes. Access to all relevant company information for reporting or business intelligence is significantly simplified. Looking to the future, AI will be easier to use because the data is centralised and ESG reports can be generated easily. With its prepared interfaces, the solution is designed to be open so as to allow further innovations from third parties to be integrated in future.


The costs incurred by the sector-specific hardware and software manufacturers will fall from the current level of around CHF 4m to an estimated CHF 200k per year. Licences of CHF 7,200 per year with a potential of 4,000 users can generate additional income for the partners, although the total annual costs for the sector are significantly reduced.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 4: Quality education
  • 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure