Data-driven visualisation platform for social integration in classrooms

DAVI is a platform that uses innovative technology to support teachers in promoting the social inclusion of pupils. Moreover, it supports research into peer relations and inclusive education.


  • Lead school School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Institute(s) Institute for Data Applications and Security (IDAS)
  • Research unit(s) IDAS / Business Information Systems Engineering (BISE)
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration (planned) 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
  • Project management Prof. Dr. Kenneth Ritley
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Kenneth Ritley
  • Project staff Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fiedler
    Sergej Wüthrich
  • Partner BeLEARN
  • Keywords Inclusion, social integration, well-being, classroom climate, social networks


Social relationships, well-being and classroom climate are central to children’s social, emotional and academic development. Research shows that children learn better when they feel at ease, integrated and accepted at school. On the other hand, experiences of rejection, bullying and social isolation have serious short and long-term effects on their development. Children with disabilities who are taught in integrated classes are still more likely than their peers to suffer from social exclusion. Although teachers are expected to support social processes and create a positive classroom climate, there are hardly any data-based tools allowing them to systematically record and promote children’s social well-being. Diagnostic tools and methods such as sociometry and social network analysis have been widely adopted in research and are used to analyse and evaluate social processes. However, this reality has not been translated into school practice yet, not least because of the long implementation time of such procedures.

Course of action

The modular platform DAVI is designed to support teachers and professionals in analysing and improving the social integration of pupils. The tool is designed to enable teachers to systematically record data on well-being, classroom climate and social relations. Existing instruments and research methods such as rating scale surveys, sociometry and social network analysis are used. The development of the platform is planned with its future expansion and its further development in mind: it’s meant to be used not only by teachers and specialists but also by researchers. The development of the platform builds on expertise in social integration, pupil well-being and classroom climate (PHBern, University of Bern), software development (BFH) and the implementation of technology-enhanced learning (FFHS). To this end, regular exchange meetings are held with the project partners and people active in research and practice. Furthermore, the platform will be developed in a participatory manner with teaching and special education professionals and tested in practice to ensure that it meets requirements encountered in the field and that it brings real benefits to the target group. Feedback will be used for further development of the platform, the aim being to develop a tool that can be used in the field and expanded later on.


To ensure widespread adoption and use of our platform, we are developing a scalable and user-friendly interface that is intuitive and extensible. Teachers will be able to easily record, visualise and interpret data on pupils’ social interactions through automated surveys. In addition, the platform will enable them to make data-based decisions to improve their pupils’ social processes through preventive measures and appropriate interventions. Our system architecture goes beyond intermittent measurements, in that it enables secure data storage and can perform data linking over time. The progress and the effects of interventions will thus be more comprehensible. Finally, thanks to a secure and anonymous data aggregation, our system will provide valuable analytics for the entire education community. It will support research, teacher training and educational management with action-relevant findings and will remain open to future developments.

Looking ahead

DAVI will continue to be a valuable tool once the project comes to an end, not only for teachers and specialists, but also for research and educational institutions. Thanks to its flexible and agile architecture, DAVI will offer interesting opportunities for a cost-effective adaptation and expansion. As a result, a high level of interest from other researchers for further data analyses, developments and technical innovations can be guaranteed. As a result, DAVI will make a lasting and valuable contribution to educational research, teacher awareness and the promotion of inclusion in the classroom, not to mention the social, emotional and academic development of all children and youth.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 3: Good health and well-being
  • 4: Quality education
  • 5: Gender equality
  • 10: Reduced inequalities