Empowering Women and Youth in Horticulture Production and Marketing Project (KIB

KIBOWAVI seeks to increase smallholder women and youth farmers' income and nutrition in the Southern Highlands, Songwe, Mbeya, and Katavi Regions

Fiche signalétique

  • Département responsable Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
  • Institut(s) HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini
  • Unité(s) de recherche Agriculture internationale et développement rural
  • Organisation d'encouragement Autres
  • Durée 01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023
  • Responsable du projet Dr. Zenebe Uraguchi
  • Direction du projet Dr. Zenebe Uraguchi
  • Équipe du projet Dr. Zenebe Uraguchi
    Tabea Therese Allen
  • Partenaire Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
  • Mots-clés Sustainable production systems;Food and nutrition security, safety and quality;Access to markets and value chains;Society, policy and rural development;Climate change mitigation and adaptation;Project


Agriculture remains the predominant sector in Tanzania accounting for 24.1% of GDP, 30% of export earnings and providing employment of about 65% of the labour force in the country. The Tanzania National Agriculture Policy (2013) identifies the horticulture sector to be promoted for local and export markets to generate national income and farmers’ earnings. The Tanzania Agricultural Sector Development Programme Phase II (ASDP II) 2016/17-2025/26 emphasises the promotion of horticulture in the Southern Highlands for household (HH) nutrition, market supply and for diversification. The horticultural industry is the fastest growing agriculture sub-sector, with a growth rate of 8-10% per year. Despite this growth, the Tanzania Horticulture Development Strategy (THDS) 2012-2021 identifies several challenges in the horticulture value chains including low productivity due to poor access and adoption of improved cultivars and inputs, low adherence to good agricultural and nutrition practices, poor postharvest management (PHM) techniques and infrastructure resulting in large losses, weak agro-processing capacity, long distances to markets, unequal price competition, weak industry linkages, lack of appropriate packaging materials, market information asymmetries, and poor access to finance. Moreover, producers are unable to regularly supply quantities that sustain a growing national and international market demand.


The project aims at improving the livelihoods of 75,000 rural people, including 15,000 directly targeted poor smallholder farmers (at least 70% women, 50 % youth) with an average HH size of 5 members (rural Tanzania: average HH size: 5.1, female-headed HH: 27.3 %, source: National Bureau of Statistics (2017) Tanzania; National Panel Survey Wave 4, 2014 – 2015 ), organised in up to 500 groups (25-35 members/group). About 200 organised groups are in the area and another 300 will be formed. The general organisational level of existing groups is relatively weak but interest in horticulture is high. Smallholders are looking out for opportunities to step up into the sector but mentioned during the consultations that their main constraints are lack of access to information, finance and services to improve their horticulture production and link to other VC actors and markets. The overall objective of the proposed action is to contribute to inclusive economic growth, promote private sector development and job creation in the horticulture sector, and to increase food and nutrition security in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The action aims to improve the income and nutrition of small-scale women and youth farmers in the Southern Highlands’ Songwe, Mbeya and Katavi regions.

Ce projet contribue aux objectifs de développement durable suivants

  • 1: Éradication de la pauvreté
  • 2: Lutte contre la faim
  • 5: Égalité entre les sexes
  • 10: Réduction des inégalités
  • 12: Consommation responsable
  • 13: Lutte contre le changement climatique