Dr. Alessandra Giuliani

Dr. Alessandra Giuliani Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Berner Fachhochschule
Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Autres projets
Environmental Education Coordinator, WWF and Save the Children, Myanmar Developing a curriculum and producing teaching learning material for a pilot programme for strengthening environmental education through project-based extracurricular learning in 120 schools, including training of teachers.
Case Studies on impact of biodiversity of potential BioTrade products in Myanmar (Helvetas Regional Biotrade Project in South East Asia)
Value chain analysis on the existing and potential markets of agricultural commodities for small producers in Northern Shan State (CARE International Myanmar)
Analysis of the current food and nutrition security situation and nutrition-sensitive agriculture practices in Northern Shan State (CARE International Myanmar)
Research on the aspirations of rural youth in dry land agricultural livelihoods systems (ICARDA and YPARD)
Several short missions in the frame of the SDC funded development project ASAP-M to support rural professionals’ associations in Morocco
Planning the Project Exit Phase of the Mongolian Potato Program (funded by SDC) on potato and vegetable seed system
Organisation of a stakeholder Workshop on market opportunities for local fruit trees in the Tajik Pamir valleys and a case study for Bioversity International
Applied research on value chains of , agrobiodiversity products and livelihoods in rural communities in Syria
Biodiversity and Andean grains: balancing market potential and sustainable livelihoods.
Giuliani A and Padulosi S. 2013. Adding value to traditional mountain crops. In Wymann con Dach S, Romeo R, Vita A, Wurzinger M, Kohler T (eds). Mountain Farming Is Family Farming: A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Family Farming 2014. Rome, Italy: FAO, CDE, BOKU
Gruère G, Smale M, Giuliani A. 2009. Marketing underutilized species for the benefit of the poor: a conceptual framework. In Kontoleon A., U. Pascual. and M. Smale (Eds.). Agrobiodiversity, Conservation and Economic Development, Routledge, London and New York, pp.62-81
Giuliani A. 2007. Developing markets for agrobiodiversity: Securing livelihoods in dryland areas, Earthscan Publications, London, UK
WWF and Save the Children. 2020. Facilitators’ guidebooks and children flipbooks for six environmental education units, WWF and Save the Children, Myanmar Ministry of Education and MoNREC. (content author: Alessandra Giuliani)
Kruijssen F, Keizer M, Giuliani A. 2009. Collective action for small-scale producers of agricultural biodiversity products. Food Policy 34 (1): 46-52 . doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.10.008.