Dr. Barbara Franco Lucas

Dr. Barbara Franco Lucas Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Vendredi -
Berner Fachhochschule
Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Autres projets
09/2022 – 08/2023: Microalgae as an alternative protein and a sustainable option to improve nutrition worldwide: Swiss consumer perceptions and attitudes.
03/2017 – 10/2021: Centres of Technological Vocation (CVTs) of the Agrobiodiversities Bailique - Rio Grande.
09/2017 – 11/2018: Tutorial Working Group on Biochemical Engineering (GTTEB).
03/2015 – 10/2021: Microalgae culture in Brazil: Food Security, Sustainable Development and Alternative Work.
03/2024 – 10/2024: Bentomo circular
Patents and licenses (deposited)
BARRA DE CEREAIS COM MICROALGA(S), 2018. Category: Product. Institution where it was deposited: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Country: Brazil. Type: Patent of Invention. Number of the registration: BR1020180111493. Date of deposit: 30/05/2018. Inventors: Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa, Michele Greque de Morais, Ana Priscila Centeno da Rosa, Thaisa
Duarte Santos, Bárbara Franco Lucas, Lisiane Fernandes de Carvalho,. Depositor/Owner: Federal University of Rio Grande.SNACK ENRIQUECIDO COM Spirulina E/OU OUTRA(S) CIANOBACTÉRIA(S) E/OU OUTRA(S) MICROALGA(S), 2017. Category: Product. Institution where it was deposited: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Country: Brazil. Type: Patent of Invention. Number of the registration: BR1020170137899. Date of deposit: 26/06/2017. Inventors: Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa Bárbara Franco Lucas, Michele Greque de Morais, Thaisa Duarte Santos. Depositor/Owner: Federal University of Rio Grande.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Desenvolvimento de snacks a partir de farinhas de arroz e milho orgânicas adicionados de Spirulina. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2016, Gramado - RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Efeito da adição de Spirulina nas propriedades estruturais de snacks extrusados. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2016, Gramado - RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; MELO, R. M.; CAVENAGHI, A. D.; PINEDO, R. A.
Elaboração e caracterização sensorial de embutidos tipo “salame” elaborados com diferentes proporções de carne. In: 3° Graduation Teaching Meeting, 5° Postgraduate Meeting, 6° Scientific Initiation Meeting - ENEPE, 2012, Dourados – MS, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; FONSECA, G. G.
Produção de biodiesel a partir de óleo de pescado. In: XVIII National Bioprocess Symposium, 2011, Caxias do Sul - RS, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção de óleo a partir do processamento de surimi de CMS de tilápia do Nilo. In: 7º Brazilian Congress of Oleaginous Plants, Oils, Fats and Biodiesel, 2010, Belo Horizonte – MG, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção e Caracterização de Óleo de Tilápia do Nilo e Pintado. In: 1° Graduation Teaching Meeting, 3° Postgraduate Meeting, 4° Scientific Initiation Meeting - ENEPE, 2010, Dourados – MS, Brazil.
Abstracts published in conferences
Consumer attitudes toward superfoods: a study in Switzerland. In: 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland.COSTA, J. A. V.; LUCAS, B. F.; MORAIS, M.G.; SANTOS, T. D.; ROSA, A. P. C.
Development of snack bars with Spirulina biomass: effect of microalga concentration in color and microbiological parameters. In FFC’s 26th International Conference and Expo on Functional Foods, 2019, San Diego, USA.LUCAS, B. F.; ROSA, A. P. C.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Influence of Spirulina on textural and microstructural properties of cereal bars. In: XII CIBIA - Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, 2019, Faro - Portugal.LUCAS, B. F.; ROSA, A. P. C.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Snack bars enriched with microalga: sensory evaluation by schoolchildren. In: XII CIBIA - Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, 2019, Faro - Portugal.LUCAS, B. F.; MORAIS, M. G.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Nutritional enrichment of snacks developed by thermoplastic extrusion using Spirulina. In: Algae Biomass Summit 2017, 2017, Salt Lake City, USA.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Caracterização de biomassa microalgal para aplicação em alimentos. In: 2º Ibero-American Congress of Food Engineering - CIIAL 2016, 2016, Punta del Este - Uruguay.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Efeito da temperatura de extrusão no desenvolvimento de snacks adicionados de Spirulina In: 2º Ibero-American Congress of Food Engineering - CIIAL 2016, 2016, Punta del Este - Uruguay.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Efeito da umidade nas propriedades físicas de snacks extrusados adicionados de Spirulina. In: 2º Ibero-American Congress of Food Engineering - CIIAL 2016, 2016, Punta del Este - Uruguay.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; PETENUCI, M.E.; FONSECA, G. G.
Extraction of oil from waste fish. In: XIV Congress and exhibition on fats and oils of the Latin American section of AOCS., 2011, Cartagena, Colombia.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; ALCADE, L. B.; PETENUCI, M.E.; FONSECA, G. G.
Extraction of waste fatty fish from surimi production of Nile tilapia. In: XIV Congress and exhibition on fats and oils of the Latin American section of AOCS., 2011, Cartagena, Colombia.LUCAS, B. F.; GOMES, B. S.; MENEGAZZO, M. L.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção e caracterização de óleo bruto de tilápia. In: V Scientific Initiation Meeting, 2010, Dourados – MS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; BRUNNER, T.
Consumers attitude change after providing information about microalgae-based foods. In: 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 2023, Nantes, France. Meeting new challenges in a changing world, 2023.Bárbara Franco Lucas; Kate Dassesse; Anna Nicolet; Joachim Marti; Thomas Brunner. Consumer’s knowledge and attitude towards true cost accounting and true price: Evidence from a pilot survey conducted in Switzerland. Agroecology Science days, Lausanne - Switzerland, 2024.
Bárbara Franco Lucas; Thomas A. Brunner. Determinanten der Bereitschaft zum Kauf und Verzehr von Lebensmitteln auf Mikroalgenbasis in der Schweiz: eine explorative Studie. D-A-CH Algen Summit 2024 - AGROSCOPE, Liebefeld-Switzerland, 2024
Bárbara Franco Lucas; Evelyn Markoni; Franziska Götze; Minh Hai Ngo; Thanh Mai Ha; Nhu Thinh Le; Thi Lam Bui; Anh Duc Nguyen; Bao Duong Pham; Thomas A. Brunner. Drivers and barriers of the intention to increase vegetable consumption: a cross-cultural study with Swiss and Vietnamese consumers. 187 th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Frick-Switzerland, 2024.
Bárbara Franco Lucas; Evelyn Markoni; Franziska Götze; Minh Hai Ngo; Thanh Mai Ha; Nhu Thinh Le; Thi Lam Bui; Anh Duc Nguyen; Bao Duong Pham; Thomas A. Brunner. Segmentation of consumers in Switzerland and Vietnam by psychological drivers and stages of behaviour change in meat consumption reduction. 11th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research - EUROSENSE 2024, Dublin-Ireland, 2024.
Sophie Ghvanidze; Bárbara Franco Lucas; Thomas A. Brunner; J. H. Hanf. Unveiling Wine and Cannabis Consumption Motivations: A Segmentation Study of Wine Consumers in Germany. 16th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists, Lausanne - Switzerland, 2024.
Extended abstracts published in conferences
Elaboração e análise sensorial de snacks enriquecidos com Spirulina. In: 16ª University Production Conference of FURG - MPU, 19º Postgraduate Meeting, 2017, Rio Grande – RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Desenvolvimento de extrusados enriquecidos com microalga. In: III Symposium of Biochemical Engineering and Bioprocesses, 2016, Rio Grande – RS, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, T. D.; COSTA, J. A. V.
Incorporação de Spirulina em snacks extrusados. In: 15ª University Production Conference of FURG - MPU, 2016, Rio Grande – RS, Brazil.AILIM YUKI NAKASHIMA; ALESSANDRA DE OLIVEIRA DE QUEIROZ; BÁRBARA FRANCO LUCAS, et al. Avaliação da rotulagem de produtos alimentícios comercializados em feiras livres no município de Dourados/MS. In: IX ECONPET - IX Central-West and North Meeting of P.E.T Groups, 2011, Palmas – TO, Brazil.
NAKASHIMA, Ailim Yuki; QUEIROZ, Alessandra de Oliveira; LUCAS, Bárbara Franco et al. Avaliação e elaboração da rotulagem de produtos alimentícios comercializados em feiras livres de Dourados/MS. In: XVI ENAPET - National Meeting of the Groups of the Tutorial Education Program (PET), 2011, Goiânia –GO, Brazil.
PEIXOTO, T. S.; LUCAS, B. F.; SANTOS, L. N. B.; SANJINEZ-ARGANDOÑA, E.J; OHATA, S.M.; FILGUEIRAS, C.T. Avaliação e elaboração das rotulagens de conservas alimentícias comercializadas nas feiras livres de Dourados-MS. In: 14º Workshop of Medicinal Plants from Mato Grosso do Sul, 2011, Dourados-MS, Brazil.
Caracterização do óleo de tilápia do Nilo obtido a partir de duas diferentes metodologias. In: II International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - II SIGERA, 2011, Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil.LUCAS, B. F.; FERREIRA, L. O.; PEIXOTO, T. S.; FRIPP, M. C.; ARGANDOÑA, E. J. S. Desidratação de Fatias de Batata Inglesa. In: 2° Graduation Teaching Meeting, 4° Postgraduate Meeting, 5° Scientific Initiation Meeting - ENEPE, 2011, Dourados-MS, Brazil.
Obtenção e caracterização de óleo de pescado pintado. In: II International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - II SIGERA, 2011, Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil.MENEGAZZO, M. L.; LUCAS, B. F.; FONSECA, G. G.
Obtenção e Caracterização de Óleo de Tilápia do Nilo. In: II International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - II SIGERA, 2011, Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil.