Dr. Dr. Slavko Rogan

Dr. Dr. Slavko Rogan Dozent, Leiter Qualifikation/Prüfung
Berner Fachhochschule
Fachbereich Physiotherapie
Stadtbachstrasse 64
3012 Bern
Parcours professionnel
- Dr. Slavko Rogan is a lecturer and research scientist. In 1992 Slavko completed education as a masseur and medical spa therapist at the Massageschool Bad Säckingen, Germany. In 2000 he qualified as a physiotherapist at the Physiotherapieschule (PHYTHERAS) Bad Krozingen, Germany. Slavko's research interest focus on the development of prevention and training programs, investigation of manual therapy effectiveness and sensorimotor training and in the field of adult education he focusses on learning methods, mentoring and (guided) self-study.
- 2010 - 2016 PhD Maastricht University
- 2016 - 2018 M.A school management Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 2015 - 2017 MSc Osteopathy Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol, Austria
- 2014 - 2016 M.A. further adult education Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 2005 - 2007 MSc Phsical Therapy University College Physiotherapy, Landquart, Switzerland
- 2000 - 2003 Bhealth Physiotherapy Hogeschool Amsterdam, NL
Autres projets
2018 - ongoing: Effects of thoracic spine mobilization on sympathetic nervous systems
2017 - ongoing: RePTusule - Retired PhysioTherapists'Tutor Supported Learning KEK-Nr:2018-01683
2010 - 2018: Influence of stochastic resonance therapy (SRT) on postural control, gait and strength performance capacity in patients suffering from stroke or traumatic brain injury (SNF, 13DPD6_127280)
Peer-reviewed Journal Publication
Engel J, Kaelin M & Rogan S. Verletzung im Unihockey - Eine Fragebogenerhebung bei Schweizer Nationalliga A Unihockey Spielern. Sportschaden Sportverletzung. 2018. accepted
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Zuber S, Clarys P & Tal-Akabi A [Comparison of the effects of thoracic spine mobilization with anterior versus posterior thrust on the sympathetic nervous system]. physioscience. 2017. 13(03):129-132
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Radlinger L, Naepflin S, Ruppen S, Bruelhart Y & Hilfiker R Effects of whole-body vibration on postural control in elderly: an update of a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2017. 73:95-112 (Impact Factor: 2.241)
Rogan S, Rufener A, Holzer M & Luginbühl H Mentoring questionnaire for health profession students in Switzerland - validation study. Eur J Physiotherap. 2017. 20(1): 1-5
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Bangerter C, Simon S, Terrier P & Hilfiker R Influence of single task and dual task on gait stability and gait speed in elderly - an explorative study. Z Gerontol Geriat. 2017. [Epub ahead of print] (Impact Factor: 1.160)
Ringgenberg M, Sager R, Rogan S Endurance performance and stretch-shortening cycle in two male amateur soccer teams - a cross-sectional study. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2017. 17(1):194-197
Rogan S, de Bie RA & de Bruin ED Sensor-based foot-mounted wearable system and pressure sensitive gait analysis. Z Gerontol Geriat. 2017. 50(6): 488-497 (Impact Factor: 1.160)
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Luginbuehl H, Aebi M, Mahnig S & Gebruers N Therapy modalities to reduce lymphedema in female breasts cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2016, 159(1):1-14 (Impact Factor: 3.605)
Rogan S, Brülhart Y, Ledermann T, Schmutz N & Lujickx E Effectiveness of muscle stretching during interferential current in soccer players - a pilot study. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2016. 16(2):465-470
Jaggi J, Kneubühler S & Rogan S [Influence of ankle brace on the prevalence of ankle inversion injuries in the Swiss Volleyball National League A]. Sportverletzung-Sportschaden. 2016. 30(02): 101-105 (Impact Factor: 0.347)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Baur H, Schmidtbleicher D, de Bie RA & de Bruin ED Sensory-motor training targeting motor dysfunction and muscle weakness in long-term elderly combined with motivational strategies: a single blind randomized controlled study. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 2016. 13: 4 (Impact Factor: 3.091)
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Schürmann S, Wörn L-M, Clarys P & Clijsen R [Segmental skin blood reaction during and after thoracic spine stimulation techniques - a single case study for building a neurophysiological hypothesis]. physioscience. 2016. 12(03):92-99
Obrist S, Rogan S & Hilfiker R Development and evaluation of an online fall risk questionnaire for non-frail community dwelling elderly persons. A pilot study. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research. 2016. 1520932
Rogan S & Radlinger L. From No-Go to Go-Go - Future training procedures for elderly. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics Research. 2016; 5: 1
Rogan S, de Bruin ED, Radlinger L, Jöhr C, Wyss C, Stuck N-J, Brülhart Y, de Bie R A & Hilfiker R Effects of whole-body vibration on proxies of muscle strength in old adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis on the role of physical capacity level. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 2015; 12:12 (Impact Factor: 3.091)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Schmidtbleicher D, de Bie R & de Bruin ED Preliminary inconclusive results of a randomised double blinded cross-over pilot trial in long-term-care dwelling elderly assessing the feasibility of stochastic resonance whole-body vibration. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 2015; 12:5 (Impact Factor: 3.091)
Jäggi U, Joray C, Brülhart Y, Luijckx E & Rogan S Verletzungen in den Kampfsportarten Judo, Taekwondo und Ringen - eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit. Sportschaden-Sportverletzung. 2015; 29(04):219-225 (Impact Factor: 0.347)
Ferraro M, Stalder S, Baur H, Radlinger L & Rogan S Evaluation of a foot switch system for the maximal instep kick in soccer - results from a single-case study. Journal of Physical Education and Sports (JPES). 2015; 15(1): 57-63.
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Imhasly C, Kneubühler A & Hilfiker R Validity study of a jump mat compared to the reference standard force plate. Asian Journal Sports Medicine. 2015; 6(4)
Agner S, Bernet J, Brülhart Y, Radlinger L & Rogan S Spatio-temporal gait parameters during dual task in need of care elderly and young adults - a cross sectional study. Z Gerontol Geriat. 2015; 48(8): 740-746 (Impact Factor: 1.023)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Hilfiker R, Schmidtbleicher D, de Bie R & de Bruin ED Feasibility and effects applying stochastic resonance whole-body vibration on untrained elderly: A randomized crossover pilot study. BMC Geriatr. 2015; 15: 25 (Impact Factor: 2.611)
Rogan S Comparison of two kinds of endurance training programs on the effects of the ability to recover in amateur soccer players. Asian J Sports Medicine. 2015;6 (2):e22585. DOI: 10.5812/asjsm.6(2)2015.22585
Rogan S, Riesen J & Taeymans J [Core muscle chains activation during core exercises determined by EMG - systematic review]. Praxis. 2014. 103(21): 1263-1270. DOI 10.1024/1661-8157/a001803. (H index: 11)
Kessler J, Radlinger L, Baur H & Rogan S Effect of stochastic resonance whole-body vibration on functional performance in the frail elderly: a pilot study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2014; 59 (2): 305-311 (Impact Factor: 1.704)
Rogan S, Hilfiker R, Schenk A, Vogler A & Taeymans J Effects of whole-body vibration with stochastic resonance on balance in persons with balance disability and falls history - a systematic review. Res Sports Med. 2014; 22(3):294-313 (Impact Factor: 1.143)
Calendo, L-R, Taeymans J & Rogan S [Does muscle activation during whole-body vibration induce bone density improvement in postmenopausal women? - a systematic review]. Sportverletzung-Sportschaden. 2014; 28(03): 125-131 (Impact Factor: 0.61)
Rogan S, Schmidtbleicher D & Radlinger L Immediate effects after stochastic resonance whole-body vibration on physical performance on frail elderly for skilling up training: a blind cross-over randomised pilot study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2014; 26(5): 519-527 (Impact Factor: 1.006)
Rogan S, Baur H, Sargent A, Schori M & Taeymans J [Feasibility of a balance training on Airex-mats in healthy, moderately sportive women in old age - a pilot study]. Z Gerontol Geriat. 2015; 48(2): 135-141 (Impact Factor: 1.023)
Rogan S, Blasimann A, Nyffenegger D, Zimmerli N & Radlinger L [The relevance of core muscle in ice hockey players: a feasibility study]. Sportverletzung-Sportschaden. 2013; 27(4):212-218 (Impact Factor: 0.61)
Rogan S Klassifikation in der Physiotherapie erklärt anhand von Rückenschmerz. manuelletherapie. 2013;17(5):201-205
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Portner-Burkhalter C, Sommer A & Schmidtbleicher D Feasibility study evaluating four weeks stochastic resonance whole-body vibration training with healthy female student. International Journal of Kinesiology & Sport Science. 2013;1(2):1-9
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Hirschmüller A, Niemayer P & Baur H Wirkung von passiven Motorbewegungsschienen nach Knorpelregenerativen Eingriffen - eine systematische Literaturübersicht. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. 2013; 151:468-474 (Impact Factor: 0.522)
Rogan S, Wüst D, Schwitter T & Schmidtbleicher D Static stretching of the hamstring muscle for injury prevention in football codes: a systematic review. Asian J Sports Medicine. 2013;4(1):1-9
Rogan S & Hilfiker R Muskelkraftsteigerung durch Ganzkörpervibration. Sportverletzung-Sportschaden. 2012;24(4):185-187 (Impact Factor: 0.61)
Rogan S, Blasimann A, Steiger M, Torre A & Radlinger L [Acute effects of fast dynamic stretching on rate of force development in ice hockey players: a pilot study]. Sportverletzung-Sportschaden. 2012;26(4):207-211 (Impact Factor: 0.61)
Rogan S, Hilfiker S, Schmid S & Radlinger L Stochastic resonance whole-body vibration training for chair rising performance on untrained elderly: a pilot study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2012;55(2):468-473 (Impact Factor: 1.704)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Schmid S, Herren K, Hilfiker R & de Bruin ED. Skilling up for training: a feasibility study investigating acute effects of stochastic resonance whole-body vibration on postural control of older adults. Ageing Research. 2012;3(1):e5
Rogan S, Hilfiker R, Herren K, Radlinger & de Bruin ED. Effects of whole-body vibration on postural control in elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Geriatr. 2011 Nov 3;11:72 (Impact Factor: 2.611)
Rogan S, Hilfiker R, Clarys P, Clijsen R & Taeymans J Position-specific and Team-ranking related morphological characteristics in German Amateur soccer players - a descriptive study. IJASS. 2011;23(1):168 - 182
Books / Chapter Books
Rogan S (2017) Klassifikationssysteme zur Kategorisierung von Patienten mit lumbalem Rückenschmerz. Bessler, J., Beyerlein, C., Davies-Knorr, T., Klien, S., van Minnen, J. H., Vielitz, A., ... & Schomacher, J. (Eds.). (2017). Manuelletherapie Expertenwissen: Die besten Schwerpunktartikel 2012-2016. Georg Thieme Verlag.
Rogan S (2015) Begleitendes Selbststudium in der Hochschulausbildung Physiotherapie, eBook, GRIN Verlag
Wirz M, Köhler B, Marks D, Kool J, Sattelmeier M, Oesch O, Hilfiker R, Rogan S & Schädler S Lehrbuch Assessments in der Rehabilitation, Huber Verlag, 2014.
Karstens S & Rogan S Der Einsatz von Fragebögen in der Praxis. Physioscience 2018;14(03):101-102
Rogan S & Karstens S Die Verwendung der Begriffe Machbarkeits- bzw. Pilotstudien. physioscience 2018;14(01):1-2
Karstens S & Rogan S Die eigene Arbeit in physioscience veröffentlichen! physioscience 2016;12(02):45-46
Rogan S & Karstens S Innovative Trainingsprogramme für "junge" Alte und "alte" Hochbetagte. physioscience 2016;12(01):1
Review (read and commented)
Rogan S physioscience. 2018;14(01):45-47 Tissue flossing on ankle range of motion, jump and sprint performance: A follow-up study Driller, M., Mackay, K., Mills, B., & Tavares, F Physical Therapy in Sport, 2017;28: 29-33
Rogan S physioscience. 2018; 14(01):43-45 Self-Mobilization Using a Foam Roller Versus a Roller Massager: Which Is More Effective for Increasing Hamstrings Flexibility? De Bruyne D.M, Dewhust M.M, Fischer K.M. et al. J Sport Rehabil. 2017 Jan;26(1):94-100.
Non Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Rogan S Mobilität im Alter - Herausforderung im Gesundheitswesen. pt-Zeitschrift. 2019
Rogan S Welche Therapie ist die richtige? Phsiopraxis. 2018. 10(18):38-41
Rogan S Generation Z - Unterrichsentwicklung in der Physiotherapie. Frequenz. 2018. Juni:32-33
Rogan S Innovative Sturzprävention. VPT-Magazin. 2017; 3(8):16-17
Rogan S, Garlich C, Poetting A, Schoch W & Supp G World Congress of Physiotherapy 2nd-4th July 2017 in Cape Town. Physioscience. 2017;13(3):138-140
Lüdtke K, Pötting A & Rogan S physioswiss-Congress 2016 in Basel. physioscience. 2016;12(04):172-173
Wüst D & Rogan S Physiotherapie im Profifussball. med & move. 2017
Wolf M & Rogan S Sichere Mobilität für Senioren. Heime und Spitäler. 2015
Rogan S & Radlinger L Sturzprävention: mehr Sicherheit. med & move. 2015; 32-34
Rogan S Erfolgreiches Bewegungstraining für gebrechliche Betagte. Heime und Spitäler. 2014; 3: 24-25
Rogan S & Hilfiker R Muskelkraftsteigerung durch Ganzkörpervibration. Physiopraxis. 2012; 10: 40-43
Rogan S Muskelkraftmessung Alternativen zur manuellen Muskelfunktionsmessung- Einsatz in der Praxis. pt_Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten. 2012; 64(11): 46-49
Rogan S Muskelkraftmessung Alternativen zur manuellen Muskelfunktionsmessung - Grundlagen. pt_Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten. 2012; 64(10):48-51
Herren K, Rogan S & Radlinger L Ganzkörpervibration als Krafttrainingsmethode. Physioactive. 2012; 5:23-29
Rogan S, Pichierri G & de Bruin E Denk Sport-Dual Tasking Training mindert Sturzrisiko. Ergopraxis. 2012;3:18-21
Rogan S, Pichierri G & de Bruin E Denk Sport-Dual Tasking Training mindert Sturzrisiko. Physiopraxis. 2011;10:34-37
Rogan S & Leitner M Bern-Amsterdam retour: Am Weltkongress der Physiotherapie 2011. Frequenz. 2011;28
Rogan S & Stäldi B verhelfen Vibrationen zu einem sicheren Stand? terz. 2010;16-17
Herren K, Rogan S, Hilfiker R & Radlinger L Vibrationen mit therapeutischen interessanten Effekten. Physioactive. 2009;5:39-44
Rogan S Nach dem Training ist vor dem Training. Physiopraxis. 2008;6:24-28
Focused Symposia
de Bruin E, Allet L, Rogan S, van het Reve E & Wüst S Future trends in geriatric rehabilitation using novel technologies, Arbeitskreis "Novel Technologies" 6. Jahrestagung der SGS 2014 in Fribourg/Freiburg, Switzerland.
Abstracts Published in Scientific Peer-Reviewed Journals or Conference Proceedings
Rogan S, Maurer J & Raess D. Effects of antagonist-contraction stretching during interferential current on biomechanical properties of passive resting tension torque determined by biomechanics measurement tools, 16th Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy, April 2019, Dubrovnik
Rogan S (2018) Mobilität im Alter – Herausforderung im Gesundheitswesen. pt HOLidays spezial, September, 2018; 20
Buss B, Luijckx E, Rogan S & Zinsen E Objective structure Examination (OSCE) in Physiotherapy: What is the difference between communication competence and therapeutic climate? Abstract Book, AMEE, Basel, Switzerland, 2018; 818
Haehni M, Taeymans J, Clijsen R & Rogan S The extended view of the patellofemoral joint. Book of Abstract, 23rd Annual Congress of the ECSS Dublin, 2018; 407
Luginbuehl H, Taeymans J, Buss B, Zinzen E & Rogan S (2018) Portfolio programs in medical education: what kind of assessments should be used to objectively assess learning success? Abstract Book, 21st European Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Vilnius, Lithuania; 86
Luginbuehl H, Taeymans J, Buss B, Zinzen E & Rogan S Portfolio programs in medical education: what kind of assessments should be used to objectively assess learning success? Ottawa-ICME, Abu Dhabi, UAC. JIIMC. 2018; (13):107-108 Supplement
Buss B, Lujickx E, Brandt S & Rogan S Ottawa-ICME, Portfolio as a tool to stimulate physiotherapy students to reflect their learning process: a systematic review. Abu Dhabi, UAC. JIIMC. 2018; (13):24 Supplement
Eichelberger P & Rogan S Extended perspective of sensorimotor training - do we train functionally enough? Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine. 2017;1(1):40
Eichelberger P, Zuber S, Taeymans J & Rogan S Manuelle Therapie bei chronischer Sprunggelenksinstabilität - eine Forschungslinie. Book of Abstract, Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie. Osnabrück, Germany. 2017;51-52
Eichelberger & Rogan S Erweiterte Perspektive des sensomotorischen Trainings - trainieren wir funktionell genug? Zukunft Rehabilitation. Book of Abstract, 1. Kooperationskongress Reha Schweiz und Physioswiss. Davos, Switzerland. 2017;82
Rogan S, Eichelberger P, Jost K, Stuker N, Zimmerli T & Zuber S Impact of ankle joint mobilization on time-to-stabilization and on the tibias anterior muscle activity - a single case study. Zukunft Rehabilitation. Book of Abstract, 1. Kooperationskongress reha Schweiz und physioswiss. Davos, Switzerland. 2017;60
Rogan S, Hähni M & Taeymans J Effects of hip abductor muscle exercises on pain and function in people with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. WCPT-Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. 2017 (RR-PL-477)
Herren K, Schmid S, Rogan S & Radlinger L What are the functional benefit of a complementary two-week stochastic resonance whole-body vibration training in patients with acute brain lesion? A randomized controlled trial. WCPT-Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. 2017 (RR-PO-09-19-MON)
Rogan S, Zuber S, Jost K, Stuker N, Zimmerli T & Eichelberger P Impact of ankle joint mobilization on time-to-stabilization and on the peroneus longus muscle activity - single case study. WCPT-Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. 2017 (SI-PO-16-04-SUN)
Rogan S Physical activity in elderly population - the best drug. Book of Abstract, The 4th Int'l Healthy and Active Aging Conference, Hangzhou, China. 2017;5-6
Stuker N, Zimmerli T, Jost K, Eichelberger P, Rogan S & Zuber S Influence de la mobilisation d’une articulation de cheville instable sur l’activité musculaire lors des sauts à cloche-pied. Kinésithérapie, la Revue. 2017; 17 (184):115-116
Buss B, Luijckx E, Rogan S & Brandt S. Kompetenzorientiertes Examinieren - Das Rollenmodell in der Physiotherapie. Wie wird es geprüft? Book of Abstract, 3. Internationaler Ausbildungskongress 2017, Bielefeld, Germany. 2017;3
Rogan S, Baur H, Radlinger L & Taeymans J Ganzkörpervibration mit stochastischer Resonanz als Skilling-Up bei No-Goes. Book of Abstract, Forschungssymposium 2016, Bochum, Germany. 2016;38-39
Rogan S Movement as therapy in elderly population to orthopaedic conditions. BIT´s 3rd Annual World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (TW). 2015;121
Rogan S Innovative training program for elderly in long-term care. Euro Health Care and Fitness Summit (2015). Journal of Health Care: Current Reviews. 2015;2(4):40
Eichelberger P, Radlinger L, Fankhauser R, Geering R & Rogan S Trunk muscle activity and acceleration of the spine during partial-body vibration on a new vibration plate in a sitting position - a single case study. Physiotherapy. 2015;101:e347
Rogan S, Dietrich E, Wobmann A & Baur H Effects of kinesio taping with fascia stimulatory bowls on neuromuscular activity of knee extensor synergistic during walking and sideward jump - single case study. Physiotherapy. 2015;101:e129 -e13
Rogan S, Kessler J, Baur H & Radlinger L Feasibility study evaluating the effects of a four weeks stochastic resonance whole-body vibration intervention on functional performance in frail elderly. Physiotherapy. 2015;101:e1250
Rogan S & de Bruin ED Skilling-up exercise for deconditioned nursing home dwellers. Book of Abstract, 18th Annual Congress of the ECSS Barcelona, 2013; 600
Gilgen H-P, Schmid S, Hilfiker R, Leitner M, Rogan S & Radlinger L Rolle der Schnellkraft beim "Sit-to-Stand" bei älteren Menschen physioscience. 2012;8:77
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Schmidtbleicher D, de Bie R & de Bruin ED The Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Balance and Gait in the Elderly: a Pilot Study. Book of Abstract, 16th Annual Congress of the ECSS Liverpool, 2011;492 - 493
Gilgen H-P, Schmid S, Hilfiker R, Leitner M, Rogan S & Radlinger L The role of Rate of Force Development and Power Measurements during a Chair Rising Task in the Elderly. Physiotherapy. 2011;97:eS409
Leitner M, Schmid S, Hilfiker R, Rogan S & Radlinger L Reliability of Vertical Ground Reaction Forces during Stair Climbing in the Elderly Population. Physiotherapy. 2011;97:eS679
Radlinger L, Schmid S, Leitner M, Rogan S & Hilfiker R Analysis of Three-Dimensional Balance Recovery Parameters following a Sit-to-Stand Movement in Young and Elderly People. Physiotherapy. 2011;97:eS1029
Rogan S, Schmid S, Hilfiker R & Radlinger L Acute Effects of Stochastic Resonance Whole-Body Vibration on Chair Rising Performance in the Elderly: a Pilot Study. Physiotherapy. 2011;97:eS1053
Rogan S, Schmid S, Hilfiker R & Radlinger L The Effects of a Four-Week Stochastic Resonance Whole-Body Vibration on Chair Rising Performance in the Elderly: a Pilot Study. Physiotherapy. 2011;97:eS1053
Schmid S, Hilfiker R, Leitner M, Rogan S & Radlinger L Reliability and Validity of Performance Measurements using Trunk Accelerometry during a Standardized Heel-Rise Test in Young and Elderly Subjects. Physiotherapy. 2011;97:eS1110
Rogan S, Taeymans J & Duquet W Anthropometrische Daten bei Verbandsliga-Fussballspielern im Verhältnis zu Tabellenplatz, Spielposition und Leistungsklasse, Sportschaden - Sportverletzung, 2007;21(4):17
Haller A.I.H, Buetzberger J & Rogan S Beneficial effects of thoracic spine mobilization on heart rate reliabiluty and heart rate frequency – a randomized controlled pilot study, 59. Jahreskongress SAMM; Interlaken 2018, Switzerland. (Poster)
Eichelberger P, Zuber S, Taeymans J & Rogan S Auswirkung von befundorientierten manualtherapeutischen Techniken bei chronischer Sprunggelenksinstabilität auf die Muskelaktivität und posturale Kontrolle. Bundeskongress Physiotherapie, Bad Soden am Taunus 2018, Germany. (Oral)
Taeymans J, Jaspers T, Hirschmüller A, Baur H & Rogan S Continuous passive motion does improve range of motion, pain and swelling after ACL reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, Winterthur 2018, Switzerland. (Poster)
Taeymans J & Rogan S Der Weg aus dem Hörsaal – Digitale Medien in der Unterrichtsentwicklung. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, Winterthur 2018, Switzerland. (Poster)
Eichelberger P & Rogan S Sensorimotor training in rehabilitation- are the stimuli functionally enough? 21st European Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Vilnius 2018, Lithuania. (E-Poster)
Rogan S Unterrichtsentwicklung - vom Hörsaal zu digitalen Medien. UCAN Partnertreffen in Heidelberg 2018, Germany. (Oral)
Buss B, Luijckx E, Rogan S, Teaymans J & Zinsen E Objective structure Examination (OSCE) in Physiotherapy: What is the difference between communication competence and therapeutic climate? UCAN Partnertreffen in Heidelberg 2018, Germany. (Oral)
Eichelbeger P, Zuber S, Taeymans J & Rogan S Auswirkung von befundorientierten manualtherapeutischen Techniken bei chronischer Sprunggelenksinstabilität auf die Muskelaktivität und posturale Kontrolle. Bundeskongress Physiotherapie in Bad Soden am Taunus 2018, Germany. (Oral)
Eichelberger P, Leiser L, Mueller M, Zesiger L & Rogan S Auswirkungen von Sprunggelenksmobilsationen auf das dynamische Gleichgewicht bei chronischer Sprunggelenksinstabilität – eine Pilotstudie. 58. Jahreskongress SAMM; Interlaken 2017, Switzerland. (Poster)
Buss B, Luijckx E, Brandt S & Rogan S Portfolio as a tool to stimulate physiotherapy students to reflect their learning process: a systematic review. UCAN Kongress in Düsseldorf 2017, Germany. (Poster)
Rogan S Aktuelle Forschungsansätze und -erkentnisse in der Physiotherapie, Physiotherapie in der Rehabilitation, DEGEMED Fachtagung in Berlin 2017, Germany. (Oral)
Rogan S Erlernen von Untersuchungs- und Behandlungstechniken im Rahmen eines begleitenden Selbststudiums im Physiotherapiestudium. Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Basel 2016, Switzerland. (Poster)
Rogan S Ein dreiwöchiges hochintensives Intervalltraining verbessert die fussballspezifische Ausdauerfähigkeit bei Amateurfussballspielern. DFB-Wissenschaftskongress 2016 in Frankfurt, Germany. (Poster)
Calendo L-R & Rogan S Hat die Aktivierung der Muskulatur durch Ganzkörpervibration einen Effekt auf die Knochendichte von postmenopausalen Frauen und älteren Betagten? Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Bern 2014, Switzerland. (Oral)
Jaggi J, Kneubühler S & Rogan S Einfluss von Sprunggelenksorthesen auf die Prävalenz von Supinationstraumen bei Volleyballspielerinnen der Nationalliga A. Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Bern 2014, Switzerland. (Poster)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Schmidtbleicher D, de Bie R. & de Bruin ED Anwendung von Ganzkörpervibration mit stochastischer Resonanz und Virtuelle Spiele bei gebrechlichen Menschen: Wirkung auf die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit. Ouvertüre Swiss Congress for health professions in Bern 2014, Switzerland. (Oral)
Jaggi J, Kneubühler S & Rogan S Einfluss von Sprunggelenksorthesen auf die Prävalenz von Supinationstraumen bei Volleyballspielerinnen der Nationalliga A. Sportfysio Symposium in Bern 2013, Switzerland. (Oral, Posterpreis Bachelorarbeit)
Rogan S Stabilisatoren Lokal – global – piepegal? Thieme Kongress 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany. (Oral)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Schmidtbleicher D, de Bie R & de Bruin E Effekte einer Ganzkörpervibrations mit stochastischer Resonanz und Tanztherapie bei älteren Menschen: Wirkung auf die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit. Ouvertüre Swiss Congress for Health Professions in Winterthur 2012, Switzerland. (Poster)
Hilfiker R, Schmid S, Leitner M, Rogan S & Radlinger L. Der Hel-Rise Test mit Beschleunigungsmessung als wichtiger Test bei älteren Menschen. Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Geneva 2012, Switzerland. (Oral)
Obrist S, Rogan S, Sattelmayer M, Tschopp M & Hilfiker R. Manuelle Triggerpunkttherapie und Dry-Neddling: Eine systematische Literaturübersicht und Meta-Analyse. Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Geneva 2012, Switzerland. (Poster)
Radlinger L, Schmid S, Leitner M, Rogan S & Hilfiker R. Biomechanische Analyse des Gleichgewichts beim Aufstehen von einem Stuhl bei jungen und alten Personen. Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Geneva 2012, Switzerland. (Oral)
Rogan S, Hilfiker R, Schmid S & Radlinger L Auswirkung von Ganzkörpervibration mit stochastischer Resonanz auf das aufstehen und das dynamische Gleichgewicht bei älteren Menschen: eine Pilotstudie (RCT). Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Geneva 2012, Switzerland. (Oral)
Rogan S, Radlinger L, Jöhr C, Nyffenegger C, Stuck N-J & Hilfiker R Auswirkung des Ganzkörpervibrationstrainings auf die Kraft im Alter- systematisches Review und Metaanalyse. Swiss National Physiotherapy Congress in Geneva 2012. (Poster- Prize for the best Bachelorthesis in Switzerland)
Rogan S, Taeymans J & Baur H CPM- Motorbewegungsschienen. Knorpeltage in Freiburg im Breisgau 2012, Germany. (Oral)
Baur H, Rogan S & Taeymans J Ganganalyse und Orthetik. Knorpeltage in Freiburg im Breisgau 2012, Germany. (Oral)
Rogan S, Taeymans J & Duquet W Anthropometrische Daten bei Verbandsliga-Fussballspielern im Verhältnis zu Tabellenplatz, Spielposition und Leistungsklasse. EISCSA Symposium "Strength and Balance" in Landquart 2007, Switzerland. (Oral)
Affiliations externes
Scientific advisory board: Hochschule Trier
Scientific advisory board: Swiss Frei AG
Scientific advisory board: (Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Manuelle Therapie)
Editorial board: physioscience
Editorial board: Plos One