Prof. Dr. Beat Neuenschwander


Prof. Dr. Beat Neuenschwander Leiter Institut ALPS

  • Présence Lundi
  • Adresse Berner Fachhochschule
    Technique et informatique
    Pestalozzistrasse 20
    3400 Burgdorf


  • Innosuisse 30051, “New concepts for ultrafast high resolution OCT”, 01.12.2018, 18 months

  • CTI 25548, “Ultra Short Pulses at high average power in the Laser MicroJet (USP LMJ)“, 18 months

  • Innosuisse 35418, “Impulse: Smart LAser Manufacturing for precision industry 4.0 (SLAM)”, 01.05.2019,
    18 months

  • CTI 26112, „Prädikatives Modell für Digitalisierte Laseranwendungen“, 1.8.2017, 24 months

  • CTI 25550, “TransMatLas – Bearbeitung transparenter Materialien mit Laserstrahlung“, 12 months

  • Innosuisse 37502, "Functional Surfaces for Stainless Steel", 01.06.2019, 24 months

  • Innosuisse 44150, “Smart Laser Structuring of Tools for Advanced Manufacturing of Functional Films (STAFF)”, 01.09.2020, 18 Months

  • CTI 18008.1, “SCULL – Stent Cutting with Ultra-fast laser Radiation by Line-Scanning”, 24 months

  • CTI 17858.1, “High Speed trepanning optic for short pulse laser drilling and cutting (SPEEDO)”, 24 months

  • EU GA 609355, “Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing”, 01.09.2013, 48 months

  • CTI 17130.2, “Qualitätsfaktoren des Laserschneidens”, 01.01.2015, 24 months

  • CTI 16438.2, „Ultra Short Pulses for the Laser Microjet“, 01.06.2014, 24 months

  • CTI 16435.1, „High Speed tunable Lens“, 01.06.2014, 25 months

  • CTI 16049.1, “PICOFAB Fabrikation von Komponenten für die Präzisionsmechanik mit Picosekunden-Ultrakurpulslasern“, 01.11.2013, 18 months

  • CTI 13892.1, “Laser-based fabrication of biomimetric dental restorations”, 01.06.2012, 18 months

  • CTI 11257.2, “High Throughput Surface Structuring with ultra-short Laserpulses (HiTSLa), 01.11.2010, 35 months

  • CTI 11196.1, „PicoHi: Picosecond High Power Yb3+ power Amplifier“. 01.11.2010, 24 months

  • CTI 11080.2, “Makroschneiden mit Nahinfrarotlaser und Temperaturabhängige Werkstückellipsometrie” 01.06.2010, 24 months

  • CTI 10726.1, “Laserbearbeitung von Solarpanels”, 01.04.2010, 18 months

  • CTI 9114.2, „Pulsed Yb3+ power amplifier based on next generation microstructured fibers“, 01.09.2007, 27 months

  • CTI 8697.2, „Laser Patterning of Cu(In,Ga)SE2 solar cells on flexible foils for monolythic integration“, 01.07.2007, 24 months


  • Pimenov, S. M., Zavedeev, E. V., Zilova, O. S., Lepekhov, A. P., Jaeggi, B., & Neuenschwander, B. (2021). Tribological Performance of Diamond-like Nanocomposite Coatings: Influence of Environments and Laser Surface Texturing. In Coatings (Vol. 11, Issue 10). MDPI.

  • Förster, D. J., Jäggi, B., Michalowski, A., & Neuenschwander, B. (2021). Review on Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Ablation of Metals with Burst Pulses. In Materials (Vol. 14, Issue 12).

  • Gafner, M., Kramer, T., Remund, S. M., Holtz, R., & Neuenschwander, B. (2021). Ultrafast pulsed laser high precision micromachining of rotational symmetric parts. In Journal of Laser Applications (Vol. 33, Issue 1).

  • Gafner, M., Remund, S. M., Chaja, M., Mähne, T., & Neuenschwander, B. (2020). Ultrafast stamping by combination of synchronized galvanometer scanning with DOE’s or SLM. In Procedia CIRP (Vol. 94).

  • Remund, S. M., Gafner, M., Chaja, M., Urniezius, A., Butkus, S., & Neuenschwander, B. (2020). Milling applications with GHz burst: Investigations concerning the removal rate and machining quality. In Procedia CIRP (Vol. 94).

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Zavedeev, E.V.; Arutyunyan, N. R.; Pimenov, S. M. (2019). Heat accumulation effects in laser processing of diamond-like nanocomposite films with bursts of femtosecond pulses Journal of Applied Physics, 126(11), S. 115301. AIP publishing 10.1063/1.5121424

  • Pimenov, S.M.; Zavedeev, E.V.; Arutyunyan, N.R.; Presniakov, M.Yu.; Zilova, O.S.; Shupegin, M.L.; Jaeggi, B; Neuenschwander, Beat (2019). Femtosecond-laser-ablation induced transformations in the structure and surface properties of diamond-like nanocomposite films Applied Surface Science, 509, S. 144907. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.144907

  • Zavedeev, E.V.; Jaeggi, B.; Zürcher, Josef; Neuenschwander, Beat; Zilova, O. S.; Shupegin, M. L.; Presniakov, M. Yu.; Pimenov, S. M. (2018). Effects of AFM tip wear on frictional images of laser-patterned diamond-like nanocomposite films Wear, 416-41, S. 1-5. Elsevier 10.1016/j.wear.2018.09.008

  • Kramer, Thorsten; Remund, Stefan M.; Jäggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc Jean-Christophe; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). Ablation Dynamics - from absorption to heat accumulation/ultra-fast laser matter interaction Advanced Optical Technologies, 7(3), S. 129-144. De Gruyter 10.1515/aot-2018-0010

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Foerster, Daniel J.; Weber, Rudolf; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). Residual heat during laser ablation of metals with bursts of ultra-short pulses Advanced Optical Technologies, 7(3), S. 175-182. 10.1515/aot-2018-0003

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Foerster, Daniel J.; Kramer, Thorsten (2018). Influence of the Burst Mode onto the Specific Removal Rate for Metals and Semiconductors Journal of Laser Applications, 31(2), 022203. 10.2351/1.5096083

  • Kramer, Thorsten; Remund, Stefan Marco; Gafner, Markus; Zwygart, Daniel; Neuenschwander, Beat; Holtz, Ronald; Witte, Reiner; Dury, Noémie (2018). Novel Strategy for Ultrafast Pulsed Laser Micromachining of Rotational Symmetric Metallic Parts Procedia CIRP, 74, S 611-617. Elsevier 10.1016/j.procir.2018.08.076

  • Chaja, Michalina; Kramer, Thorsten; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). Influence of laser spot size and shape on ablation efficiency using ultrashort pulse laser system Procedia CIRP, 74, S. 300-304. 10.1016/j.procir.2018.08.119

  • Zavedeev, E.V.; Zilova, O.S.; Barinov, A.D.; Shupegin, M.L.; Arutyunyan, N.R.; Jäggi, B.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Pimenov, S.M. (2017). Femtosecond laser microstructuring of diamond-like nanocomposite films Diamond related Materials, 74, S. 45-52. Elsevier 10.1016/j.diamond.2017.02.003

  • Kramer, Torsten; Zhang, Yiming; Jaeggi, Beat; Michalowski, Andreas; Grad, Lisa; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). Increasing the Specific Removal Rate for Ultra Sdhort Pulsed Laser-Micromachining by Using Pulse Bursts JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 12(2), S. 107-114. 10.2961/jlmn.2017.02.0011

  • Pimenov, S.M.; Zavedeev, E.V.; Arutyunyan, N.R.; Zilova, O.S.; Shupegin, M.L.; Jäggi, B.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). Femtosecond-laser surface modification and micropatterning of diamond-like nanocomposite films to control friction on the micro and nanoscale. Journal of Applied Physics, 122(14), S. 145301. 10.1063/1.4998586

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Streubel, Rene; Goekce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stefan; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). Laser micromachining of metals with ultra-short pulses: Factors limiting the scale-up process JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 12(3), S. 267-273. 10.2961/jlmn.2017.03.0016

  • Jäggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Zhang, Yiming; Kramer, Thorsten; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). Optimizing the specific removal rate with the burst mode under varying conditions JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 12(3), S. 258-266. 10.2961/jlmn.2017.03.0015

  • Kramer, Thorsten; Neuenschwander, Beat; Jäggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Hunziker, Urs; Zürcher, Josef (2016). Influence of Pulse Bursts on the Specific Removal Rate for Ultra-Fast Pulsed laser Micromachining of Copper. Physics Proceedia, 83, S. 123 – 134. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2016.08.024

  • Binetti, Simiona; Le Donne, Allessia; Rolfi, Andrea; Jaeggi, Beat ; Neuenschwander, Beat; Busto, Chiara; Frigeri, Cesare; Scorticati, Davide; Longoni, Luca; Pellegrino, Sergio (2016). Picosecond laser texturization of mc-silicon for photovoltaics: A comparison between 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm radiation wavelengths Applied Surface Science, 371, S. 196 - 101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.02.187

  • Kramer, Torsten; Zhang, Yiming; Jaeggi, Beat; Michalowski, Andreas; Grad, Lisa; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). Increasing the Specific Removal Rate for Ultra Short Pulsed Laser-Micromachining by Using Pulse Bursts JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 12(2), S. 107-114. 10.2961/jlmn.2017.02.0011

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Markovic, Vesna; Resan, Bojan; Weingarten, Kurt; de Loor, Ronny; Penning, Lars (2016). Laser surface structuring with 100W of average power and sub-ps pulses Journal of Laser Applications, 28(2), 022506. Laser Institute of America (LIA) 10.2351/1.4944104

  • Pimenov, Sergei M.; Khomich, Andrey A.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Jäggi, Beat; Romano, Valerio (2016). Picosecond-laser bulk modification induced enhancement of nitrogen-vacancy luminescence in diamond Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 33(3), B49. 10.1364/JOSAB.33.000B49

  • Pimenov, Sergei M.; Khomich, Andrey A.; Vlasov, Igor I.; Zadedeev, Evgeny V.; Khomich, Alexander V.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Jeggi, Beat; Romano, Valerio (2014). Metastable carbon allotropes in picosecond-laser-modified diamond Applied Physics A, 116(2), S. 545-554. Springer 10.1007/s00339-014-8530-0

  • Pimenov, Sergei M.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Jäggi, Beat; Romano, Valerio (2014). Effect of crystal orientation on picosecond-laser bulk microstructuring and Raman lasing in diamond Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing, 114(4), S. 1309-1319. Springer 10.1007/s00339-013-7953-3

  • Lauer, Benjamin; Jäggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat (2014). Influence of the pulse duration onto the material removal rate and machining quality for different types of Steel Physics Procedia, 56, S. 963-972. ScienceDirect 10.1016/j.phpro.2014.08.116

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc; Hennig, Guido (2014). Surface structuring with ultra-short laser pulses: Basics limitations and needs for high throughput Physics Procedia, 56, S. 1047-1058. ScienceDirect 10.1016/j.phpro.2014.08.017

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Meier, T.; Zimmermann, M.; Hennig, G. (2013). High Precision Surface Structuring with Ultra-Short Laser Pulses and Synchronized Mechanical Axes Physics Procedia, 41, S. 319-326. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2013.03.084

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc (2013). From fs to Sub-ns: Dependence of the Material Removal Rate on the Pulse Duration for Metals Physics Proceedia, 41. 794 – 801. 10.1016/j.phpro.2013.03.150

  • Pimenov, Sergei M.; Khomich, Andrey A.; Vlasov, Igor I.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Muralt, Martin,; Romano, Valerio (2011). Picosecond-laser-induced structural modifications in the bulk of single-crystal diamond Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing, 105, S. 673 – 677. Springer 10.1007/s00339-011-6645-0

  • Simmen, F.; Lippert, T.; Novák, P.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Döbeli, M.; Mallepell, M.; Wokaun, A. (2009). Influence of the substrate material on the properties of pulsed laser deposited thin Li1+xMn2O4−δ films Applied Surface Science, 255(10), S. 5303-5306. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.08.016

  • Simmen, F.; Lippert, T.; Novák, P.; Neuenschwander, Beat; Döbeli, M.; Mallepell, M.; Wokaun, A. (2008). The influence of lithium excess in the target on the properties and compositions of Li1+x Mn2O4−δ thin films prepared by PLD Applied Physics A, 93(3), S. 711-716. Springer 10.1007/s00339-008-4701-1

  • Neuenschwander, B., Remund, S. M., Wildbolz, C. A., Chaja, M., Molpeceres, C., Narazaki, A., & Qiao, J. (2021). Machining of [100], [110] and [111] oriented silicon with ultrashort laser pulses in the NIR. Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXVI. SPIE.

  • Remund, S. M., Gafner, M., Chaja, M., Urniežius, A., Butkus, S., Neuenschwander, B., Molpeceres, C., Narazaki, A., & Qiao, J. (2021). Comparison of ultrashort pulse laser ablation with GHz pulse bursts and MHz pulse bursts of metals, silicon, and dielectric materials. Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXVI. SPIE.

  • Chaja, M., Laporte, G., Cam, P., Remund, S. M., Neuenschwander, B., Molpeceres, C., Narazaki, A., & Qiao, J. (2021). Ultra-short pulses at high average power in the Laser MicroJet. Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXVI. SPIE.

  • Hirsiger, Thomas; Gafner, Markus; Remund, Stefan M.; Chaja, Michalina W.; Urniezius, Aivaras; Butkus, Simas; Neuenschwander, Beat (2020). Machining metals and silicon with GHz bursts: Surprising tremendous reduction of the specific removal rate for surface texturing applications In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXV (112670T). SPIE 10.1117/12.2543948

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Kramer, Thorsten (2019). Laser machining of silicon with bursts of ultra-short laser pulses: Factors influencing the process efficiency and surface quality (Conference Presentation) In: Račiukaitis, Gediminas; Makimura, Tetsuya; Molpeceres, Carlos (Hg.) Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXIV (1090503). SPIE 10.1117/12.2513297

  • Kramer, Thorsten; Remund, Stefan Marco; Chaja, Michalina; Gafner, M.; Maehne, T.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2019). High Throughput and High Quality Surface Texturing with Ultrafast Lasers In: Laser Applications Conference (CW1C.5). Washington, D.C.: OSA 10.1364/LAC.2019.CW1C.5

  • Remund, Stefan M.; Chaja, Michalina V.; Zhang, Yiming; Neuenschwander, Beat (2019). Influence of pulse duration in the pico- and femtosecond regime on the absorptance and specific removal rate (Conference Presentation) In: Račiukaitis, Gediminas; Makimura, Tetsuya; Molpeceres, Carlos (Hg.) Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXIV (S. 3). SPIE 10.1117/12.2511294

  • Jaeggi, B.; Cangueiro, L.; Bruneel, D.; Ramos de Campos, J.A.; Hairaye, C.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). Micromachining using pulse bursts: Influence of the pulse duration and the number of pulses in the burst on the specific removal rate Proc. SPIE, 10519.

  • Hennig, Guido; Bruening, Stephan; Jäggi, Beat; Stirnimann, Adrian; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). Beam delivery methods for highly efficient USP-laser micro structuring of large cylindrical surfaces for printing and embossing Proc. SPIE, 10519, S. 7. 10.1117/12.2290356

  • Schmid, Marc; Zehnder, S.; Cam, Peter; Schwaller, Patrick; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). Temperature dependency of optical properties of metals: comparing ellipsometric data with theoretical models In: 19th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication. Edinburgh / UK. 25.-28.06.2018.

  • Oehler, A.E.H.; Ammann, A.; Benetti, M.; Wassermann, D.; Jäggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Neuenschwander, Beat (2018). How a new random trigger-feature for ultrashort-pulsed lasers increases Throughput, quality and accuracy in micromachining applications In: 19th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication. Edinburgh / UK. 25.-28.06.2018.

  • Gafner, Markus; Remund, Stefan Marco; Neuenschwander, Beat; Mähne, Torsten (2018). Optimized Strategies for Galvo Scanning in Fully Synchronized Mode Leading to Massive Improvement in Maching Time In: 37th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro Optics ICALEO. Orlando, Florida / USA. 14.-18.10.2018.

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Foerster, Daniel J.; Neuenschwander, Beat; (2018). Process Optimization by Bursts of Ultrafast Laser Pulses and Considerations of Absorptance and Residual Heat In: 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). Washington, D.C.: OSA 978-1-943580-42-2

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jäggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Zavedeev, E.; Pimenov, Sergei M. (2018). Machining of semiconductors and dielectrics with ultra-short pulses: Influence of the wavelength and pulse bursts (Conference Presentation) In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXIII (S. 3). SPIE 10.1117/12.2291909

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Eilzer, S.; Funck, M. C.; Wedel, B. (2017). Laser-micro-processing with ultrashort pulses using flexible beam delivery In: WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing. Munich / Germany. 26.-29.06 2017.

  • Pimenov, Sergei; Zavedeev, Evgeny; Arutyunyan, Natalia; Zilova, Olga; Shupegin, Mikhail; Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). Femtosecond-laser surface micropatterning of diamond-like nanocomposite coatings to improve friction on the microscale In: WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing. Munich / Germany. 26.-29.06 2017.

  • Oehler, Andreas; Ammann, Hubert; Benetti, Marco; Wassermann, Dominique; Jaeggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan Marco; Neuenschwander, Beat (2017). New random trigger-feature for ultrashort-pulsed laser increases throughput, accuracy and quality in micromachining applications In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXII (100910I). SPIE 10.1117/12.2252599

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Kramer, Thorsten; Remund, Stefan Marco (2017). Influence of the pulse duration and the experimental approach onto the specific removal rate for ultra-short-pulses In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXII (100910J). SPIE 10.1117/12.2253696

  • Zhang, Yiming; Neuenschwander, Beat; Romano, Valerio (2017). Numerical study of the influence of picosecond laser spot size on laser ablation of metal for high laser fluence cases In: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10091, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXII (100910S). SPIE 10.1117/12.2253629

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jeggi, Beat; Kramer, Thorsten (Oktober 2016). Influence of the initial Surface Finish of the Ample onto the Machining Quality for Ultra Short Laser Pulses Journal of Laser Applications.

  • Jäggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat (Oktober 2016). Optimized Strategies for Seamless Stitching with Synchronized Galvo Scanner and Linear Axis In: 35th ICALEO. San Diego. 16.10.2016 - 20.10.2016. 10.2351/1.5118606

  • Jaggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Zecherle, Markus; Boeckler, Ernst W. (2016). Time-optimized laser micro machining by using a new high dynamic and high precision galvo scanner Proc. SPIE, 9735, S. 973513. SPIE 10.1117/12.2210791

  • Zhang, Yiming; Lauer, Benjamin; Neuenschwander, Beat; Romano, Valerio (2016). Numerical study of the influence of picosecond laser spot size on ablated depth and threshold fluence of metal In: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9735 97350M-1, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXI (97350M). SPIE 10.1117/12.2210981

  • Lauer, Benjamin; Jäggi, Beat; Zhang, Yiming; Neuenschwander, Beat (Oktober 2015). Measurement of the maximum specific removal rate : unexpected influence of the experimental method and the spot size In: The 34th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) (S. 146-154). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5063162

  • Zimmermann, Markus; Jäggi, B.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2015). Improvements in ultra-high precision surface structuring using synchronized galvo or polygon scanner with a laser system in MOPA arrangement In: SPIE Photonics WEST (S. 935016). SPIE 10.1117/12.2076724

  • Cam, Peter; Neuenschwander, Beat; Schwaller, Patrick; Köhli, Benjamin; Lüscher, Beat; Senn, Florian; Kounga, Alain; Appert, Christoph (2015). A novel laser-based method for controlled crystallization in dental prosthesis materials In: SPIE BiOS: Lasers in Dentistry XXI. San Francisco, United States. 24.02.2015. 10.1117/12.2076567

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Kramer, Thorsten; Lauer, B.; Jäggi, B. (März 2015). Burst mode with ps- and fs-pulses: Influence on the removal rate, surface quality and heat accumulation In: SPIE Photronics WEST Conference 9350. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jäggi, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Hennig, Guido (2014). Influence of Particle Shielding and Heat Accumulation Effects onto the Removal Rate for Laser Micromachining with Ultra-Short Pulses at High Repetition Rates. In: 33rd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optic. San Diego. 19.10.2014 - 23.10.2014. 10.2351/1.5063063

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; de Loor, R.; Penning, L. (2014). High throughput ps-laser micro machining with a synchronized polygon line scanner In: LANE 2014 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies. Fürth / Germany. 8.-11.9.2014.

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Penning, L.; deLoor, R. (2014). High Throughput Laser Processing with Ultra-Short Pulses by High Speed Line-Scanning in Synchronized Mode In: CLEO: Applications and Technology (ATu3L.2). Washington, D.C.: OSA 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2014.ATu3L.2

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Penning, L.; deLoor, R.; Weingarten, K.; Oehler, A.; (2014). High-throughput and high-precision laser micromachining with ps-pulses in synchronized mode with a fast polygon line scanner In: SPIE LASE. San Francisco, California, United States. 06.04.2014. 10.1117/12.2037379

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Romano, Valerio; Pimenov, Sergei (2014). Picosecond-laser bulk modification, luminescence and Raman lasing in single-crystal diamond In: Proc. SPIE 8967, Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XIX, 89670B. San Francisco / USA. 1.-6.2.2014. 10.1117/12.2040545

  • Lauer, Benjamin; Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc (2013). From fs – ns: Influence of the pulse duration onto the material removal rate and machining quality for metals In: ICALEO® 2013: 32nd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing (S. 763-770). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5062963

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jäggi, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Penning, Lars; de Loor, Ronny; Weingarten, Kurt; Oehler, Andreas (2013). High throughput surface structuring with ultrashort pulses in synchronized mode with fast polygon line scanner In: ICALEO® 2013: 32nd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing (S. 677-685). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5062949

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Meier, Thomas; Zimmermann, Markus; Hennig, Guido (2013). High throughput laser micro machining on a rotating cylinder with ultra short pulses at highest precision In: SPIE LASE (86070E). SPIE 10.1117/12.2004099

  • Schmid, Marc; Zehnder, Sarah; Schwaller, Patrick; Neuenschwander, Beat; Zürcher, Joseph; Hunziker, Urs (2013). Measuring the complex refractive index of metals in the solid and liquid state and its influence on the laser machining Proc. SPIE, 86071I. SPIE 10.1117/12.2003744

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc; Dommann, A.; Neels, A.; Bandi, T.; Hennig, Guido (2013). Factors controlling the incubation in the application of ps laser pulses on copper and iron surfaces In: SPIE LASE (86070D). SPIE 10.1117/12.2004136

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc (2012). From ps to fs: Dependence of the material removal rate and the surface quality on the pulse duration for metals, semiconductors and oxides In: ICALEO® 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing (S. 959-968). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5062570

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Hunziker, Urs; Zuercher, Joseph; Meier, Thomas; Zimmermann, Markus; Hennig, G. (2012). High precision and high throughput surface structuring by synchronizing mechanical axes with an ultra short pulsed laser system in MOPA arrangement In: ICALEO® 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing (S. 1046-1053). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5062381

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc; Rouffiange, Vincent; Martin, Paul-E.; Hennig, Guido (2012). Optimization of the volume ablation rate for metals at different laser pulse-durations from ps to fs In: SPIE LASE. San Francisco, California, USA. 15.02.2012. 10.1117/12.908583

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Hunziker, Urs; Zuercher, Joseph; Meier, Thomas; Zimmermann, Markus; Selbmann, Karl-Heinz; Hennig, Guido (2012). Ultra-high-precision surface structuring by synchronizing a galvo scanner with an ultra-short-pulsed laser system in MOPA arrangement In: SPIE LASE. San Francisco, California, USA. 15.02.2012. 10.1117/12.909844

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc; Lüscher, Beat; Nocera, Carmine (2011). Processing of Industrially Relevant Non Metals with Laser Pulses in the Range Between 10Ps and 50Ps In: International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-optics. Orlando, FL, USA. 23. - 27. October 2011. 10.2351/1.5062327

  • Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Schmid, Marc; Muralt, Martin; Zuercher, Joseph C.; Hunziker, Urs (2011). Influence of the Pulse Duration in the ps-Regime on the Ablation Efficiency of Metals Physics Procedia, 12, S. 164-171. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2011.03.118

  • Schwaller, Patrick; Zehnder, S.; von Arx, U.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2011). A novel Model for the Mechanism of Laser-Induced Back Side Wet Etching in Aqueous Cu Solutions using ns Pulses at 1064nm Physics Procedia, 12, S. 188-194. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2011.03.121

  • Zehnder, S.; Schwaller, Patrick; von Arx, U.; Bucher, Guido; Neuenschwander, Beat (2011). Micro structuring of transparent materials with NIR ns-laser pulses Physics Procedia, 12, S. 195-200. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2011.03.122

  • Hennig, Guido; Resing, Markus; Mattheus, Stefan; Neuenschwander, Beat; Brüning, Stephan (2011). Laser Microstructuring and Processing in Printing Industry In: CLEO: Applications and Technology (AMD4). Washington, D.C.: OSA 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2011.AMD4

  • Schmid, Marc; Neuenschwander, Beat; Romano, Valerio; Hennig, Guido; Jaeggi, Beat; Hunziker, Urs (2011). Processing of metals with ps-laser pulses in the range between 10ps and 100ps In: SPIE LASE (S. 792009). SPIE 10.1117/12.879498

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Bucher, Guido; Hennig, Guido; Nussbaum, Christian; Joss, Benjamin; Muralt, Martin; Zehnder, Sarah; Hunziker, Urs; Schütz, Peter (26 September 2010). Processing of Dielectric Materials and Metals with ps Laserpulses In: ICALEO 2010 (S. 707-715). AIP publishing 10.2351/1.5062103

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Bucher, Guido; Nussbaum, Christian; Joss, Benjamin; Muralt, Martin; Hunziker, Urs; Schütz, Peter (2010). Processing of metals and dielectric materials with ps-laserpulses: results, strategies, limitations and needs In: SPIE LASE (75840R). SPIE 10.1117/12.846521

  • Neuenschwander, Beat; Bucher, Guido; Schwaller, Patrick; Nussbaum, Christian; Joss, Benjamin; Schuetz, Peter (2009). Direct generation of conducting microstructures by laser induced plasma assisted ablation with ps-laserpulses In: proceedings of the Fifth International WLT-Conference Lasers in Manufacturing, LIM 2009 : Munich, Germany, June 15th - 18th. S. 819

  • ICALEO, October 18 - 20 2021
    Process Optimization in Laser Micro-Processing with Ultra-Short Pulses by Help of Artificial Intelligence

  • Laser Application Conference / Laser Congress / OPTICA, October 03 -07 2021
    Machining of (100), (110) and (111) oriented Silicon and Germanium with ultrashort laser pulses

  • LiM—Lasers in Manufacturing, 21 - 24 June 2021
    Ultrashort pulsed laser micro processing: Multi-pulse and beam forming strategies for high throughput at high average powers

  • Optics & Optoelectronics 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
    High Power Ultrafast Lasers: System Technology and Machining Strategies for Applications

  • World Laser Manufacturing Conference 2020, Shenzen, China
    Ultra-short Pulse Laser Micromachining: Scale-Up Strategies for High Throughput

  • OSA 2019 Laser Congress, Laser Applications Conference, Vienna, Austria
    High Throughput and High Quality Surface Texturing with Ultrafast Lasers

  • World Laser Manufacturing Conference 2019, Shenzen, China
    Laser Machining in Switzerland: A Versatile Tool for the Precision Industry

  • The third Smart Laser Processing Conference 2018, Yokohama, Japan
    High throughput surface texturing of embossing rollers with fs-laser and polygon line scanner in fully synchronized mode

  • JNPLI 2017, Strasbourg, France
    Scale-up high quality surface structuring of metals with ultra-short pulses above 100 W of average power

  • LPM 2017, Toyama, Japan
    Laser micromachining of metals with ultra-short pulses: factors limiting the scale-up process

  • OSA 2016 Laser Congress, Laser Applications Conference, Boston, USA
    Surface Texturing with Ultra Short Laser Pulses: Ways to Scale Up Throughput

  • The Second Smart Laser Processing Conference 2016, Yokohama, Japan
    Process Parameter Optimization for High Speed and High Quality Surface Structuring of Metals with 100 W of Average Power and Ultra-Short Pulses

  • ALT’15, Faros, Portugal 2015
    High throughput surface structuring with high power sub ps laser in synchronized mode

  • LANE, Fürth, Germany 2014
    Surface structuring with ultra-short laser pulses: Basics limitations and needs for high throughput

  • LPM, Vilnius, Lithuania 2014
    High efficient and high throughput surface texturing

  • CLEO, San José, USA 2014
    High throughput laser processing with ultrashort pulses by high speed line scanning in synchronized mode

  • ALT’11, Golden Sands, Bulgaria 2011
    Surface structuring of metals with ps-laserpulses: How to optimize process efficiency and surface quality

  • ICALEO, Anaheim, USA, 2010
    Processing of dielectric materials and metals with ps laserpulses

  • LAMOM XV, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2010
    Processing of metals and dielectric materials with ps-laserpulses: results, strategies, limitations and needs