Prof. Dr. Bernhard Anrig

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Anrig Dozent
Vendredi -
Berner Fachhochschule
Technique et informatique
Höheweg 80
2502 Biel
Directeur des études informatiques
Michael Luggen and Adrian Gschwend and Bernhard Anrig and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. Uduvudu: a Graph-Aware and Adaptive UI Engine for Linked Data. LDOW 2015 Linked Data on the Web.
Mireille Hildebrandt and Bernhard Anrig. Ethical Implications of ICT Implants. Chapter , Pages 135-158 of: Mark N. Gasson and Eleni Kosta and Diana M. Bowman (eds.), Human ICT Implants: Technical, Legal and Ethical Considerations. T. M. C. Asser Press.
Pawel Rotter and Barbara Daskala and Ramon Campano and Bernhard Anrig and Claude Fuhrer. Potential Application Areas for RFID Implants. Chapter , Pages 29-39 of: Mark N. Gasson and Eleni Kosta and Diana M. Bowman (eds.), Human ICT Implants: Technical, Legal and Ethical Considerations. T. M. C. Asser Press.
B. Anrig and E. Benoist and D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle. Biometric pseudonyms and iris recognition. Chapter , Pages of: A. Sprokkereef and Bert-Jaap Koops (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable D3.16: Biometrics: PET or PIT? FIDIS
C. Fuhrer and B. Anrig. Virtually Living in Virtual Reality. Chapter , Pages of: D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 2.12 Identity REvolution - Multi Disciplinary Perspectives (Booklet). FIDIS
B. Anrig and C. Fuhrer. Socio-ethical considerations on ICT implants. Pages of: E. Kosta and M. Gasson (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 12.6 A Study on ICT Implants. FIDIS
B. Anrig and W. Browne and M. Gasson. The Role of algorithms in profiling. Pages of: M. Hildebrandt and S. Gutwirth (eds.), Profiling the European Citizen: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Springer.
D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle and B. Anrig and E. Benoist and R. Haenni (eds.). D2.13 Virtual Persons and Identities, Deliverable of FIDIS' Workpackage2. FIDIS
C. Fuhrer and B. Anrig. Virtually Living in Virtual Reality. Chapter , Pages of: M. Gasson (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 12.5 Use Cases and Scenarios of Emerging Technologies. FIDIS
D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle and H. Zwingelberg and B. Anrig (eds.). D17.1 , Modelling New Forms of Identities: Applicability of the Model Based on Virtual Persons, Deliverable of FIDIS' Workpackage 17. FIDIS
D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle and B. Anrig and E. Benoist (eds.). D13.8: Applicability of privacy models, Deliverable of FIDIS' Workpackage 13. FIDIS
B. Anrig and E. Benoist and D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle . Ethical aspects / Code of conduct approaches to privacy friendliness. Pages of: Simone Fischer-Hübner and Hans Hedbom (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 12.3 A Holistic Privacy Framework for RFID Applications. FIDIS
E. Benoist and B. Anrig and D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle . Internet-Voting: Opportunity or Threat for Democracy? Pages of: A. Alkassar and M. Volkamer (eds.), E-Voting and Identity, First International Conference, VOTE-ID 2007, Bochum, Germany, October 4-5, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle and Emmanuel Benoist and Bernhard Anrig (eds.). D2.6 Identity in a Networked World, Deliverable of FIDIS' Workpackage 2. FIDIS
B. Anrig and D. Baziukaite. Probabilistic argumentation systems with decision variables. Informatica International Journal, 16(1), 3-18.
B. Anrig and E. Benoist. Mathematical Tools for Data Mining. Chapter , Pages 83-87 of: M. Hildebrandt, and J. Backhouse (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 7.2 Descriptive analysis and inventory of profiling practices. FIDIS
B. Anrig and E. Benoist and D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle. Identity and Government. Chapter , Pages of: T. Nabeth (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 2.3 Models. FIDIS
B. Anrig, E. Benoist, and D.-O. Jaquet-Chiffelle. Virtual? Identity. Chapter , Pages 22-34 of: T. Nabeth (eds.), FIDIS Deliverable 2.2: Set of use cases and scenarios. FIDIS
B. Anrig and D. Baziukaite. Probabilistic Argumentation and Decision System. Environmental research, engineering and management, 4(26), 56-61.
B. Anrig and J. Kohlas. Model-Based Reliability and Diagnostic: A Common Framework for Reliability and Diagnostics. Int. J. of Intell. Systems, 18(10), 1001-1033.
B. Anrig and J. Kohlas. Probabilistic Argumentation and Decision Systems. An Application to Reliability Theory. Pages 75-82 of: B. Wolfinger and K. Heidtmann (eds.), 2. MMB-Arbeitsgespräch: Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und verteilten Systemen.
B. Anrig and J. Kohlas. Model-Based Reliability and Diagnostic: A Common Framework for Reliability and Diagnostics. Pages 129-136 of: M. Stumptner and F. Wotawa (eds.), DX'02, 13th Intl. Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Semmering, Austria.
B. Anrig and J. Kohlas. Model-Based Reliability and Diagnostic: A Common Framework for Reliability and Diagnostics. Tech. report 02-01. Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg.
D. Berzati and B. Anrig and J. Kohlas. Embedding Default Logic in Propositional Argumentation Systems. Pages 302-310 of: NMR 2002, 9th Intl. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Toulouse, France.
B. Anrig. Importance Measures from Reliability Theory for Probabilistic Assumption-Based Reasoning. Pages 692-703 of: S. Benferhat and P. Besnard (eds.), European Conf. ECSQARU'01, Toulouse. Springer. Lecture Notes in Artif. Intell.
B. Anrig. Importance Measures for Probabilistic Assumption-Based Reasoning. Tech. report 01-02. Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg.
B. Anrig and F. Beichelt. Disjoint Sum Forms in Reliability Theory. ORiON J. OR Society South Africa, 16(1), 75-86.
R. Haenni and B. Anrig and J. Kohlas and N. Lehmann. A Survey on Probabilistic Argumentation. Pages 19-25 of: ECSQARU'01, Toulouse. Workshop: Adventures in Argumentation.
J. Kohlas and B. Anrig and R. Bissig. Reliability and Diagnostic of Modular Systems. ORiON J. OR Society South Africa, 16(1), 47--62.
B. Anrig. Probabilistic Argumentation Systems and Model-Based Diagnostics. Pages 1-8 of: A. Darwiche and G. Provan (eds.), DX'00, Eleventh International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Morelia, Mexico.
B. Anrig. A Generalization of the Algorithm of Abraham. Pages 95-98 of: M. Nikulin and N. Limnios (eds.), Proceedings of MMR'2000, Second Int. Conf. on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Bordeaux, France.
B. Anrig. Probabilistic Model-Based Diagnostics. Ph.D. Thesis. Institute of Informatics, University of Fribourg.
P.-A. Monney and B. Anrig. Computing the Probability of Formulas Representing Events in Product Spaces. Chapter , Pages 197-208 of: B. Bouchon-Meunier and R.R. Yager and L.A. Zadeh (eds.), Information, Uncertainty and Fusion. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
B. Anrig and P.A. Monney. Using Propositional Logic to Compute the Probability of Diagnoses in Multistate Systems. Int. J. Approximate Reasoning, 20(2), 113-143. 1999
J. Kohlas and B. Anrig and R. Haenni and P.A. Monney. Model-Based Diagnostics and Probabilistic Assumption-Based Reasoning. Artificial Intelligence, 104, 71-106. 1998.
P.A. Monney and B. Anrig. Computing the Probability of Formulas Representing Events in Product Spaces. Pages 1724-1731 of: IPMU'98, Proceedings of the seventh international conference, Paris, France. 1998.
B. Anrig and R. Haenni and J. Kohlas and N. Lehmann. Assumption-based Modeling using ABEL. D. Gabbay and R. Kruse and A. Nonnengart and H.J. Ohlbach (eds.), Lecture Notes in Artif. Intell.. Springer. 1997.
B. Anrig and R. Haenni and J. Kohlas and P.A. Monney. Probabilistic Analysis of Model-Based Diagnosis. Pages 123--128 of: IPMU'96, Proceedings of the sixth international conference, Granada, Spain. 1996.
B. Anrig. Die Newton-Iteration in der komplexen Ebene. Institut für Mathematik, Universität Freiburg, Schweiz. 1994.