Pascal Tribolet

Pascal Tribolet Dozent / Leiter Weiterbildung EuD
Berner Fachhochschule
Fachbereich Ernährung und Diätetik
Murtenstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Autres projets
EFFORT 1 Studie (Effect of early nutritional support on Frailty, Functional Outcomes, and Recovery of malnourished medical inpatients Trial)
EFFORT 2 Studie (Effect of Continued Nutritional support at Hospital Discharge on Mortality, Frailty, Functional Outcomes and Recovery Trial)
Schuetz, P., Fehr, R., Baechli, V., Geiser, M., Deiss, M., Gomes, F., . . . Mueller, B. (2019). Individualised nutritional support in medical inpatients at nutritional risk: a randomised clinical trial. Lancet, 393(10188), 2312-2321. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(18)32776-4
Schuetz, P., Fehr, R., Baechli, V., Geiser, M., Gomes, F., Kutz, A., . . . Mueller, B. (2018). Design and rationale of the effect of early nutritional therapy on frailty, functional outcomes and recovery of malnourished medical inpatients trial (EFFORT): a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized-controlled trial. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 5(3), 1-9. doi:10.18203/2349-3259.ijct20182085
Tribolet, P., Fehr, R., Bächli, V., Geiser, M., Toplak, H., Stanga, Z., & Schuetz, P. (2017). Was sind Barrieren der Ernährungstherapie bei mangelernährten, hospitalisierten Patienten der Inneren Medizin? Aktuel Ernahrungsmed, 42(03), 167-179. doi:10.1055/s-0043-109233
Friedli, N., Fehr, R., Tribolet, P., & Schuetz, P. (2017). Können wir klinische Outcomes der internistischen Patienten mit Ernährungstherapie verbessern? internistische praxis, 57, 1-8.
Baumgartner, A., Kägi-Braun, N., Tribolet, P., Gomes, F., Stanga, Z., & Schuetz, P. (2020). Individualised nutritional support in medical inpatients - a practical guideline. Swiss Med Wkly, 150, w20204. doi:10.4414/smw.2020.20204
Friedli, N., Baumann, J., Hummel, R., Kloter, M., Odermatt, J., Fehr, R., . . . Schuetz, P. (2020). Refeeding syndrome is associated with increased mortality in malnourished medical inpatients: Secondary analysis of a randomized trial. Medicine (Baltimore), 99(1), e18506. doi:10.1097/md.0000000000018506
Hersberger, L., Bargetzi, L., Bargetzi, A., Tribolet, P., Fehr, R., Baechli, V., . . . Schuetz, P. (2019). Nutritional risk screening (NRS 2002) is a strong and modifiable predictor risk score for short-term and long-term clinical outcomes: secondary analysis of a prospective randomised trial. Clin Nutr. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2019.11.041
Merker, M., Amsler, A., Pereira, R., Bolliger, R., Tribolet, P., Braun, N., . . . Schuetz, P. (2019). Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in malnourished inpatients and associated with higher mortality: A prospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore), 98(48), e18113. doi:10.1097/md.0000000000018113
Merker, M., Felder, M., Gueissaz, L., Bolliger, R., Tribolet, P., Kägi-Braun, N., . . . Schuetz, P. (2020). Association of Baseline Inflammation With Effectiveness of Nutritional Support Among Patients With Disease-Related Malnutrition: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open, 3(3), e200663. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.0663
Tribolet, P., & Schuetz, P. (2020). Hat eine Ernährungstherapie im Krankenhaus wirklich einen Einfluss auf die Sterblichkeit? Nutrition News(1/20), 1-5.
Kaegi-Braun, N., Tribolet, P., Gomes, F., Fehr, R., Baechli, V., Geiser, M., . . . Schuetz, P. (2020). Six-month outcomes after individualized nutritional support during the hospital stay in medical patients at nutritional risk: Secondary analysis of a prospective randomized trial. Clin Nutr. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2020.08.019
Mueller, M., Braun, N. K., Baumgartner, A., Tribolet, P., Stanga, Z., & Schütz, P. (2020). Individuelle, evidenzbasierte Ernährung des medizinischen Spitalpatienten: Wo stehen wir heute? Aktuel Ernährungsmed, 45(05), 356-362. doi:10.1055/a-1142-6360
Baumgartner, A., Hasenboehler, F., Cantone, J., Hersberger, L., Bargetzi, A., Bargetzi, L., . . . Schuetz, P. (2020). Effect of nutritional support in patients with lower respiratory tract infection: Secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2020.10.009
Efthymiou, A., Hersberger, L., Reber, E., Schönenberger, K. A., Kägi-Braun, N., Tribolet, P., . . . Stanga, Z. (2021). Nutritional risk is a predictor for long-term mortality: 5-Year follow-up of the EFFORT trial. Clin Nutr, 40(4), 1546-1554. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2021.02.032
Rufener, A., Jent, S., Kurmann, S., Tribolet, P., Zimmermann, I., (2021). Der ernährungstherapeutische Prozess In: Ernährungstherapie – Ein evidenzbasiertes Kompaktlehrbuch (S. 16-23). utb
Baumgartner, A., Pachnis, D., Parra, L., Hersberger, L., Bargetzi, A., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2021). The impact of nutritional support on malnourished inpatients with aging-related vulnerability. Nutrition, 89, 111279. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2021.111279
Hersberger, L., Dietz, A., Bürgler, H., Bargetzi, A., Bargetzi, L., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2021). Individualized Nutritional Support for Hospitalized Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol, 77(18), 2307-2319. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2021.03.232
Bargetzi, A., Emmenegger, N., Wildisen, S., Nickler, M., Bargetzi, L., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2021). Admission kidney function is a strong predictor for the response to nutritional support in patients at nutritional risk. Clin Nutr, 40(5), 2762-2771. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2021.03.013
Kaegi-Braun, N., Faessli, M., Kilchoer, F., Dragusha, S., Tribolet, P., Gomes, F., . . . Schuetz, P. (2021). Nutritional trials using high protein strategies and long duration of support show strongest clinical effects on mortality.: Results of an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Nutr ESPEN, 45, 45-54. doi:10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.08.003
Kurmann, S., Tribolet, P. (2021). Mangelernährung In: Theobald, Steffen (Hg.) Ernährungstherapie – Ein evidenzbasiertes Kompaktlehrbuch (S. 266-277). utb
Tribolet, P., Kaegi-Braun, N., Baumgartner, A., Fehr, R., Baechli, V., Geiser, M., . . . Schuetz, P. (2021). Value of handgrip strength to predict clinical outcomes and therapeutic response in malnourished medical inpatients: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqab042
Bargetzi, L., Brack, C., Herrmann, J., Bargetzi, A., Hersberger, L., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2021). Nutritional support during the hospital stay reduces mortality in patients with different types of cancers: secondary analysis of a prospective randomized trial. Ann Oncol. doi:10.1016/j.annonc.2021.05.793
Bretscher, C., Boesiger, F., Kaegi-Braun, N., Hersberger, L., Lobo, D. N., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2022). Admission serum albumin concentrations and response to nutritional therapy in hospitalised patients at malnutrition risk: Secondary analysis of a randomised clinical trial. eClinicalMedicine, 45. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101301
Kaegi-Braun, N., Boesiger, F., Tribolet, P., Gomes, F., Kutz, A., Hoess, C., . . . Schuetz, P. (2022). Validation of modified GLIM criteria to predict adverse clinical outcome and response to nutritional treatment: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition, 41(4), 795-804. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2022.02.009
Kaegi-Braun, N., Germann, S., Faessli, M., Kilchoer, F., Dragusha, S., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2022). Effect of micronutrient supplementation in addition to nutritional therapy on clinical outcomes of medical inpatients: results of an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. European journal of clinical nutrition. doi:10.1038/s41430-021-01061-7
Tribolet, P., Kaegi-Braun, N., Gressies, C., Baumgartner, A., Wagner, K.-H., Stanga, Z., & Schuetz, P. (2022). Handgrip Strength Values Depend on Tumor Entity and Predict 180-Day Mortality in Malnourished Cancer Patients. Nutrients, 14(10), 2173. doi: 10.3390/nu14102173
Seraina, R., Tribolet, P. (2022). Vorschlag für Algorithmus - Handkraftmessung in der Akutgeriatrie Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin
Gressies, C., Tribolet, P., & Schuetz, P. (2022). Nutrition issues in the general medical ward patient: From general screening to specific diagnosis and individualized treatment. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. doi:10.1002/jpen.2423
Stalder, L., Kaegi-Braun, N., Gressies, C., Gregoriano, C., Tribolet, P., Lobo, D. N., . . . Schuetz, P. (2022). Prospective validation of five malnutrition screening and assessment instruments among medical inpatients: Secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Clin Nutr, 41(6), 1307-1315. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2022.04.025
Baumgartner, A., Olpe, T., Griot, S., Mentil, N., Staub, N., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2023). Association of CT-based diagnosis of sarcopenia with prognosis and treatment response in patients at risk of malnutrition – A secondary analysis of the Effect of early nutritional support on Frailty, Functional Outcomes, and Recovery of malnourished medical inpatients Trial (EFFORT) trial. Clinical Nutrition, 42(2), 199-207. doi:
Müller, N. A., Kaegi-Braun, N., Durmisi, M., Gressies, C., Tribolet, P., Stanga, Z., . . . Schuetz, P. (2022). Low T3 syndrome upon admission and response to nutritional support in malnourished medical inpatients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgac743
Bretscher, C., Buergin, M., Gurzeler, G., Kägi-Braun, N., Gressies, C., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2023). Association between prealbumin, all-cause mortality, and response to nutrition treatment in patients at nutrition risk: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 47(3), 408-419. doi:10.1002/jpen.2470
Boesiger, F., Kaegi-Braun, N., Tribolet, P., Stanga, Z., Mueller, B., & Schuetz, P. (2023). Is The Monitoring Of Serum Albumin Concentrations Helping In Predicting Clinical Outcomes And Response To Nutritional Support Among Medical Inpatients? A Secondary Analysis Of A Randomized Clinical Trial. Clin Nutr ESPEN, 54, 518. doi:10.1016/j.clnesp.2022.09.177
Kaegi-Braun, N., Gressies, C., Tribolet, P., Stumpf, F., Keller, B., & Schuetz, P. (2023). Malnutrition in internal medicine : Screening, assessment and importance. Inn Med (Heidelb), 64(6), 515-524. doi:10.1007/s00108-023-01525-x
Boesiger, F., Poggioli, A., Netzhammer, C., Bretscher, C., Kaegi-Braun, N., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2023). Changes in serum albumin concentrations over 7 days in medical inpatients with and without nutritional support. A secondary post-hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial. European journal of clinical nutrition, 77(10), 989-997. doi:10.1038/s41430-023-01303-w
Durmisi, M., Kaegi-Braun, N., Müller, N. A., Wunderle, C., Tribolet, P., Stanga, Z., . . . Schuetz, P. (2023). Association of admission cortisol levels with outcomes and treatment response in patients at nutritional risk : A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Nutr J, 22(1), 59. doi:10.1186/s12937-023-00881-6
Gyger, A., & Tribolet, P. (2023). Potenzielle Chancen und Herausforderungen des neuen interdisziplinären Schwerpunkts Ernährungsmedizin in der Schweiz. [Potential Opportunities and Challenges of the New Interdisciplinary Focus in Nutritional Medicine in Switzerland]. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin, 48(06), 405-409. doi:10.1055/a-2183-0607
Haenggi, E., Kaegi-Braun, N., Wunderle, C., Tribolet, P., Mueller, B., Stanga, Z., & Schuetz, P. (2024). Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) - A new nutritional biomarker to assess nutritional risk and response to nutritional therapy? Clin Nutr, 43(2), 575-585. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2024.01.001
Wunderle, C., von Arx, D., Mueller, S. C., Bernasconi, L., Neyer, P., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Association of Glutamine and Glutamate Metabolism with Mortality among Patients at Nutritional Risk; A Secondary Analysis of the Randomized Clinical Trial EFFORT. Nutrients, 16(2), 222.
Wunderle, C., Siegenthaler, J., Seres, D., Owen-Michaane, M., Tribolet, P., Stanga, Z., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Adaptation of nutritional risk screening tools may better predict response to nutritional treatment: a secondary analysis of the randomized controlled trial Effect of early nutritional therapy on Frailty, Functional Outcomes, and Recovery of malnourished medical inpatients Trial (EFFORT). Am J Clin Nutr, 119(3), 800-808. doi:10.1016/j.ajcnut.2024.01.013
Ritz, J., Wunderle, C., Stumpf, F., Laager, R., Tribolet, P., Neyer, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Association of tryptophan pathway metabolites with mortality and effectiveness of nutritional support among patients at nutritional risk: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Front Nutr, 11, 1335242. doi:10.3389/fnut.2024.1335242
Stumpf, F., Wunderle, C., Ritz, J., Bernasconi, L., Neyer, P., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Prognostic implications of the arginine metabolism in patients at nutritional risk: A secondary analysis of the randomized EFFORT trial. Clin Nutr, 43(3), 660-673. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2024.01.012
Vonzun, N., Minery, K., Tribolet, P (2024). Wie sich die Kodierung der Mangelernährung auf den Krankenhauserlös auswirkt. [How the Coding of Malnutrition affects Hospital Revenue]. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin, 49(03), 208-211. doi:10.1055/a-2286-5185
Negri, C., Raia, M., & Tribolet, P. (2024). Ambulante Ernährungstherapie nach stationärem Aufenthalt. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin.
Olpe, T., Wunderle, C., Bargetzi, L., Tribolet, P., Laviano, A., Stanga, Z., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Muscle matters: Prognostic implications of malnutrition and muscle health parameters in patients with cancer. A secondary analysis of a randomised trial. Clin Nutr, 43(9), 2255-2262. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2024.07.020
Wunderle, C., Haller, L., Laager, R., Bernasconi, L., Neyer, P., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). The Association of the Essential Amino Acids Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine with Clinical Outcomes in Patients at Nutritional Risk: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Nutrients, 16(16). doi:10.3390/nu16162608
Keller, B., Wunderle, C., Tribolet, P., Stanga, Z., Kaegi-Braun, N., Mueller, B., & Schuetz, P. (2024). Nutritional support in hospitalised patients with diabetes and risk for malnutrition: a secondary analysis of an investigator-initiated, Swiss, randomised controlled multicentre trial. BMJ Open, 14(8), e084754. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084754
Wunderle, C., Suter, S. S., Endner, N., Haenggi, E., Kaegi-Braun, N., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Sex differences in clinical presentation, treatment response, and side effects of nutritional therapy among patients at nutritional risk: a secondary analysis of the randomized clinical trial EFFORT. Am J Clin Nutr, 120(5), 1225-1232. doi:10.1016/j.ajcnut.2024.09.020
Wunderle, C., Ciobanu, C., Ritz, J., Tribolet, P., Neyer, P., Bernasconi, L., . . . Schuetz, P. (2025). Association of leucine and other branched chain amino acids with clinical outcomes in malnourished inpatients: a secondary analysis of the randomized clinical trial EFFORT. European journal of clinical nutrition, 79(1), 42-49. doi:10.1038/s41430-024-01507-8
Buchmueller, L. C., Wunderle, C., Laager, R., Bernasconi, L., Neyer, P. J., Tribolet, P., . . . Schuetz, P. (2024). Association of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism with mortality and response to nutritional support among patients at nutritional risk: a secondary analysis of the randomized clinical trial EFFORT. Front Nutr, 11, 1451081. doi:10.3389/fnut.2024.1451081
Nutridays 2019, Nestlé Health Science- Symposium, Bern. Ernährungstherapie im Spital- Lohnt sich der EFFORT? Co-Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Schütz.
Berner Symposium & GESKES- Zertifikatskurs 2018, Bern. Ergebnisse der multizentrischen EFFORT-Studie- Evidenz in der Ernährungsmedizin: Facts. Co-Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Schütz.
Nutridays 2018, Abbott- Symposium, Biel. Das Geheimnis Ihrer Muskeln- Die Bedeutung der Muskelmasse für die Ernährung und Ihre Patienten. Eine Praxisnahe Betrachtung. Co-Referentin und Co-Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Laurence Genton und PD Dr. med. Christophe Graf.
AKE- Herbsttagung 2017, Schladming (AT). Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) in der Akutphase und nach Spitalentlassung.
Schweizerische Adipositasstiftung- SAPS- Tag 2016, Zürich. Ernährung nach bariatrischen Operationen.
Schweizerischer Verband der Ernährungsberater/innen- Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel Update plus 2016, Zürich. Ernährungsdiagnosen bei endokrinologischen Erkrankungen.
Schweizerischer Verband der Ernährungsberater/innen- Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel Update 2015, Zürich. ET beim metabolischen Syndrom – eine Herausforderung für Klient und Beratende.
Posterausstellung- Nutrition 2017, Zürich. Was sind Barrieren der Ernährungstherapie bei mangelernährten, hospitalisierten Patienten der Inneren Medizin? - eine Substudie des EFFORT-Trials. P. Tribolet, Z. Stanga, P. Schütz.
Posterausstellung- Kongress für Gesundheitsberufe 2012, Bern. Der Ernährungstherapeutische Prozess. A. Müller, S. Jent, A. Räss-Hunziker, N. Scura, L. Pollard Lichtsteiner, P. Jacobs, I. Zimmermann, R. Stadler, P. Tribolet.
Posterausstellung- Nutridays 2012, Lausanne. Evaluation vom Ernährungstherapeutischen Prozess. R. Stadler, P. Tribolet
Nutridays 2020, Nestlé Health Science- Symposium als Webinar. Mangelernährungs-Management- eine evidenz-basierte Praxisanleitung. Co-Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Schütz.
ESPEN-Schweiz Event 2020, Solothurn. Value of handgrip strength to predict clinical outcomes and therapeutic response in malnourished medical inpatients: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
Abbott Live-Webinar 2020. Evidence Based Nutrition- Von der Theorie zur Praxis. Co-Referentin: Dr. Klazine van der Horst
Weiterbildung Ernährungsmedizin Inselspital, online 2021. Prognostische Aussagekraft der Faustschlusskraft bei mangelernährten Spitalpatienten- Sekundäranalyse der randomisierten EFFORT-Studie.
Spital/Reha-ERB Tag 2021, online. EFFORT-Studie und Umsetzung der Resultate in der Klinik inkl. Diskussion. Co-Referentin: Rebbecca Fehr, Ernährungsberaterin SVDE.
Abbott Live-Webinar 2021. Mehr Muskeln- Mehr Kraft zum Leben Co-Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Peter E. Ballmer.
Nutrition 2021, Nestlé Health Science Symposium, online. Value of handgrip strength to predict clinical outcomes and therapeutic response in malnourished medical inpatients: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
Nutrition 2021, online. Ernährungstherapie bei Mangelernährung während und nach dem Spitalaufenthalt.
Posterausstellung- Nutrition 2022, Bremen (DE). Handgrip strength values depend on tumor entity and predict 180-day mortality in malnourished cancer patients. P. Tribolet, N. Käegi-Braun, C. Gressies, A. Baumgartner, K-H. Wagner, Z. Stanga, P. Schütz.
Jahrestagung der DGHO 2022, Wien (AT). Ernährungssubstitution in der Palliativmedizin.
SVDE-Tagung Update Ernährung unter Swiss DRG 2023, Bern. GLIM: Evidenz und Konsequenz für die klinische Praxis.
SGAIM Frühjahrskongress 2023, Basel. Orale und parenterale Ernährung – Was muss ich als Internist:in wissen? Co-Referentin: Manuela Deiss.
VDÖ-Seminar: Krankheitsbezogene Mangelernährung, 2023, online. Screening, Assessment, Diagnose.
Posterausstellung- Tag der Innovation und Forschung 2023, Aarau. Repeated handgrip strength measurements to predict clinical outcomes in malnourished medical patients during hospitalization: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. P. Tribolet, C. Wunderle, N. Kaegi-Braun, K-H. Wagner, Z. Stanga, P. Schuetz
Posterausstellung- ESPEN-Kongress 2023, Lyon (FR). Bench to bedside– Improve evidence-based nutritional management in daily clinical practice. V. Huwiler, P. Tribolet, G. Castelletti, Z. Stanga, P. Schuetz
Abbott Live-Webinar 2023. Updated ESPEN Guideline 2023- Die Individualisierung steht im Zentrum Co-Referentin und Co-Referent: Carla Wunderle, Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Schuetz.
Nutridays 2024. Neue Evidenz zur Behandlung der Mangelernährung: Hin zu einer personalisierten und Kosten-effizienten Therapie. Co-Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Schütz.
Posterausstellung- Tag der Innovation und Forschung 2024, Aarau. Implementation of Evidence-based Clinical Nutrition: A Usability Study of the New Digital Platform “” P. Tribolet, C. V. Huwiler, G. Castelletti, K-H. Wagner, Z. Stanga, P. Schuetz.
Careum Pflegesymposium 2024, Aarau. Mangelernährung – Auswirkungen auf die körperliche und geistige Mobilität.
8. MPA- Symposium 2024, Aarau. Mangelernährung im Alter.
Abbott Live-Webinar 2023. Diabetes- Die Rolle der Muskelmasse. Co-Referentin: Lucia Winzap