Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gurtner

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gurtner Institutsleiter
Berner Fachhochschule
Institut Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
Gurtner, S., Spanjol, J., Griffin, A. (2018): PDMA Essentials 3 - Leveraging Constraints for Innovation. John Wiley & Sons
Gurtner, S., Soyez, K. (2015): Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management. Wiesbaden: Springer
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
Weinhold, I., Gurtner, S. (2014): Understanding shortages of sufficient health care in rural areas, Health Policy, 118 (2), pp. 201-214
Reinhardt, R., & Gurtner, S. (2018): The Overlooked Role of Embeddedness in Disruptive Innovation Theory. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 132, 268-283
Reinhardt, R., Gurtner, S., & Griffin, A. (2018): Towards an Adaptive Framework of Low-end Innovation Capability – A Systematic Review and Multiple Case Study Analysis. Long Range Planning, 51 (5), 770-796
Reinhardt, R., Hietschold, N., & Gurtner, S. (2018): Overcoming Consumer Resistance to Innovations— An Analysis of Adoption Triggers. R&D Management (forthcoming)
Gurtner, S., Hietschold, N., Vaquero Martín, M., (2017): Do patients value a hospital’s innovativeness reputation? A multi-method approach to assess the relative importance of innovativeness reputation in patients’ hospital choice. Health Services Management Research (forthcoming).
Gurtner, S., & Reinhardt, R. (2016): Ambidextrous Idea Generation—Antecedents and Outcomes. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(S1), 34-54.
Vaquero, M., Reinhardt, R., Gurtner, S. (2016): Stakeholder integration in new product development – A systematic analysis of drivers and firm capabilities, R&D Management, 46 (S3), 1095-1112.
Gurtner, S. Soyez, K. (2016): How to catch the generation Y: Identifying eco-innovators among young customers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 106, 101-107
Fischer, S., Soyez, K., Gurtner, S. (2014): Adapting Scott and Bruce’s General Decision-Making Style Inventory to Patient Decision-Making in Provider Choice, Medical Decision Making, 35 (4), 525-532
Reinhardt, R., Gurtner, S. (2014): Differences between Early Adopters of Disruptive and Sustaining Innovations, Journal of Business Research, 68 (1), pp. 137-145
Gurtner, S., Reinhardt, R. Soyez, K. (2014): Designing Mobile Business Applications for Different Age Groups, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 88, pp. 177-188
Weinhold, I., & Gurtner, S. (2018). Rural-urban differences in determinants of patient satisfaction with primary care. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 212, 76-85
Hietschold, N., Reinhardt, R., Gurtner, S. (2014): Critical success factors of TQM implementation – A review of the literature, International Journal of Production Research, 52 (21), pp. 6254-6272
Gurtner, S. (2014): Modeling Consumer Resistance to Mobile Health Application, Proceedings of the European Conference of Information Systems, 2014, pp. 1-19
Gurtner, S. (2014): Präferenzen als Ausgangspunkt strategischer Technologieentscheidungen im Krankenhaus, Das Krankenhaus, 2014 (11), pp.1066-1070
Gurtner (2014): Making the right decision about new technologies - A perspective on criteria and preferences in hospitals, Health Care Management Review, 39 (3), pp. 245-254
Gurtner, S. (2013), An analysis of the influence of framework aspects on the study design of health economic modeling evaluations, European Journal of Health Economics, 14(2), pp. 221-230
Reinhardt, R., Gurtner, S. (2011), Enabling disruptive innovations through the use of customer analysis methods, Review of Managerial Science, 5 (4), pp. 291-307
Gurtner, S., Werner, K. (2011), Studienbeihilfe in Sachsen - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte?, Das Gesundheitswesen, 74 (3), pp. 141-144
Gurtner, S., Lehmann, C., Pieck, S., Schefczyk, M., Sauerbrey, R. and Baumann, M. (2010): Transferring university knowledge to develop new technologies: the model of the “OncoRay – Joint Center for Radiation Research in Oncology”, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 11(5), pp. 328–344
Gurtner, S., Dörner, N. (2009), From roles to skills - key persons in the innovation process, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 4 (2/3), pp. 185-198
Dörner, N., Gurtner, S., Schefczyk, M. (2009), Overcoming resistance to innovation: an approach for the use of communication tools within the innovation process, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 4 (2/3), pp. 199-216
Beiträge in Sammelbänden
Lee, R.P., Reinhardt, R., Keller, F., Gurtner, S., & Schiffer, L. 2018. A raw materials transition for a low-carbon economy: Challenges and opportunities for management in addressing the trilemma of competitiveness, supply security and sustainability. In: S. Schillebeeckx et al. (Eds.), Managing Natural Resources, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Symmank, C., Krause, J., Gurtner, S. (2014): Stakeholder Variety in Health Care and their Integration in the Medical Device Development Process. In: Gurtner, S., Soyez, K. (Eds.), Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management. Wiesbaden: Springer
Reinhardt, R., Bullinger, A.C., Gurtner, S. (2014): Open Innovation in Health Care. In: Gurtner, S., Soyez, K. (Eds.), Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management. Wiesbaden: Springer
Brau, E., Reinhardt, R. & Gurtner, S. (2013): Measuring the Success of Open Innovation. In: A. Brem & E. Viardot (Eds.), Evolution of Innovation Management: Trends in an International Context. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Soyez, K., Thielow, N., & Gurtner, S. (2012): Lifestyle of health and sustainability: Ein wachsendes Segment gesundheitsbewusster Konsumenten. In: S. Hoffmann, U. Schwarz & R. Mai (Eds.), Angewandtes Gesundheitsmarketing, vol. 1: 75-86. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien
Gurtner, S. (2012): Beiträge zu den Begriffen, "Corporate Venturing, Innovationsfinanzierung", In: Achatz, R., Braun, M., Sommerlatte, T. (Eds.), Lexikon Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement. Düsseldorf: Symposion
Schefczyk, M., Gurtner, S. (2009): Management von Innovationen im Krankenhaus am Beispiel einer Patientenmanagementsoftware. In: Fisch, J. H., Roß, J.-M. (Eds.), Fallstudien zum Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler