Prof. Dr. Christian Hopp

Prof. Dr. Christian Hopp Institutsleiter
Berner Fachhochschule
Institut Applied Data Science & Finance
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
Herausgeber Special Issues
Consulting Editor, International Journal of Management Reviews (Impact Factor 2020: 7.60)
Guest Editor for Special Issue on “Innovation in the Digital Age: From Stage-Gate to an Agile Development Paradigm?”, Journal of Business Research; 2018
Guest Editor for Special Issue on “High Profile Employees, Spin-Offs, and Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Business Economics; 2013
Ausgewählte Publikationen (in FT-50 oder VHB A-Zeitschriften)
Rose, S., D. Wentzel, C. Hopp, and J. Kaminski (2020): Launching for Success: The Effects of Psychological Distance and Mental Simulation on Funding Decisions and Crowdfunding Performance, Journal of Business Venturing,
Hopp, C., Wentzel, D., & Rose, S. (2020). Chief executive officers' appearance predicts company performance, or does it? A replication study and extension focusing on CEO successions. The Leadership Quarterly, 101437.
Hopp, C., Antons, D., Kaminski, J., and Salge, T. O. (2018). Disruptive Innovation: Conceptual Foundations, Empirical Evidence, and Research Opportunities in the Digital Age, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35 (3), 446-457.
Hopp, C. and Greene, F. J. (2018). In Pursuit of Time: Business plan sequencing, duration and intraentrainment effects on new venture viability. Journal of Management Studies. 55(2), 320-351
Hopp, C., Antons, D., Kaminski, J., and Salge, T. O. (2018). The Topic Landscape of Disruption Research A Call for Consolidation, Reconciliation, and Generalization. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 35 (3), 458-487
Greene, F. J., and Hopp, C. (2017). Are formal planners more likely to achieve new venture viability?: A counterfactual model and analysis. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 11(1), 36-60
Hopp, C., and Lukas, C. (2014). A signaling perspective on partner selection in venture capital syndicates. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(3), 635-670.