Dr. Nadim Scherrer

Dr. Nadim Scherrer Professor
Berner Fachhochschule
Haute école des arts de Berne
Konservierung und Restaurierung
Fellerstrasse 11
3027 Bern
Parcours professionnel
- 1971 | 1992-94 BSc, 1995-96 BSc Hons in Physical Geography, University of New England, NSW, Australia. 1997-2001 PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Seit 2001 Kunsttechnologisches Labor HKB Bern, Hochschule der Kuenste Bern, Berner Fachhochschule
Seit 2006 Kunsttechnologisches Labor SIK Zürich, Schweiz. Institut für Kunstwissenschaft Zürich (Teilzeit, Ko-operation mit HKB)
Journal articles
Hendriks, L., Hajdas, I., Ferreira, E.S.B., Scherrer, N.C., Zumbuehl, S., Küffner, M., Carlyle, L., Synal, H.-A. and Günther, D. (2019). "Selective dating of paint components: Radiocarbon dating of lead white pigment." Radiocarbon 61(2): 473-493. DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2018.101
Cato, E., Rossi, A., Scherrer, N.C. and Ferreira, E.S.B. (2018). "An XPS study into sulphur speciation in blue and green ultramarine." Journal of Cultural Heritage 29: 30-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2017.09.005
Hendriks, L., Hajdas, I., Ferreira, E.S.B., Scherrer, N.C., Zumbuehl, S., Küffner, M., Wacker, L., Synal, H.-A. and Günther, D. (2018). "Combined 14C analysis of canvas and organic binder for dating a painting." Radiocarbon 60(1): 207-218. DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2017.107
Cato, E., Scherrer, N. and Ferreira, E.S.B. (2017). "Raman mapping of the S3- chromophore in degraded ultramarine blue paints." Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 48(12): 1789-1798. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5256
Zumbühl, S., Brändle, A., Hochuli, A., Scherrer, N.C. and Caseri, W. (2017). "Derivatization Technique To Identify Specifically Carbonyl Groups by Infrared Spectroscopy: Characterization of Photooxidative Aging Products in Terpenes and Terpeneous Resins." Analytical Chemistry 89(3): 1742-1748. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b04008
Zumbühl, S., Hochuli, A., Soulier, B. and Scherrer, N.C. (2017). "Fluorination technique to identify the type of resin in aged vanishes and lacquers using infrared spectroscopy." Microchemical Journal 134: 317-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2017.06.013
Hendriks, L., Hajdas, I., McIntyre, C., Küffner, M., Scherrer, N.C. and Ferreira, E.S.B. (2016). "Microscale radiocarbon dating of paintings." Applied Physics A 122(3): 167. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-016-9593-x
Ferreira, E., Gros, D., Wyss, K., Scherrer, N., Zumbühl, S. and Marone, F. (2015). "Faded shine…. The degradation of brass powder in two nineteenth century paintings." Heritage Science 3(1): 1-11. DOI:10.1186/s40494-015-0052-3
Zumbühl, S., Scherrer, N.C. and Eggenberger, U. (2014). "Derivatization Technique to Increase the Spectral Selectivity of Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform Infrared Focal Plane Array Imaging: Analysis of Binder Composition in Aged Oil and Tempera Paint." Applied Spectroscopy 68(4): 458-465. DOI: 10.1366/13-07280
Blumenroth, D., Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C. and Mueller, W. (2013). "Lösemittelsensitivität moderner Ölfarben - Empfindlichkeit synthetisch-organischer Pigmente in Künstlerfarben des 20. Jahrhunderts." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 27(1): 127-135.
Soulier, B., Zumbuehl, S., Echard, J.-P., Scherrer, N.C. and Wyss, K. (2012). "Resonanzen vergessener Oberflächen: Lautenfirnisse der Renaissance Teil 2." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 26(2): 462-471.
Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C., Ferreira, E.S.B., Hons, S., Mueller, M., Kuehnen, R. and Navi, P. (2011). "Accelerated ageing of drying oil paint: an FTIR study on the chemical alteration: problems of accelerated ageing under variable conditions of light, temperature and relative humidity." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 25(2): 339-351.
Zumbuehl, S. and Scherrer, N.C. (2010). "Die Auswirkungen der morphologischen Strukturveränderungen auf die Materialeigenschaften von Dispersionsfarben." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 24(1): 76-87.
Ferreira, E.S.B., Boon, J.J., van der Horst, J., Scherrer, N.C., Marone, F. and Stampanoni, M. (2009). "3D Synchrotron x-ray microtomography of paint samples." Proceedings SPIE 7391(Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology II, Munich, 15 July 2009): 73910L73911-73918.
Scherrer, N.C., Zumbuehl, S., Delavy, F., Fritsch, A. and Kuehnen, R. (2009). "Synthetic organic pigments of the 20th and 21st century relevant to artist's paints: Raman spectra reference collection." Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 73(3): 505-524. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2008.11.029
Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C., Berger, A. and Eggenberger, U. (2009). "Early Viridian pigment composition characterization of a (hydrated) chromium oxide borate pigment." Studies in Conservation 54(3): 149-159. DOI: 10.1179/sic.2009.54.3.149
Kilchhofer, M. and Scherrer, N.C. (2008). "Konservierung von Malereien auf Lehmputzen." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 22(2): 343-354.
Berger, A., Scherrer, N.C. and Bussy, F. (2005). "Equilibration and disequilibration between monazite and garnet: indication from phase-composition and quantitative texture analysis." Journal of Metamorphic Geology 23(9): 865-880. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2005.00614.x
Zumbuehl, S. and Scherrer, N.C. (2003). "Aktive Passivierung der Degradation cellulotischer Strukturgefüge." Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 17(1): 387-396.
Scherrer, N.C., Engi, M., Berger, A., Parrish, R.R. and Cheburkin, A. (2002). "Nondestructive chemical dating of young monazite using XRF. 2. Context sensitive microanalysis and comparison with Th-Pb laser-ablation mass spectrometric data." Chemical Geology 191(1-3): 243-255. DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00159-6
Engi, M., Scherrer, N.C. and Burri, T. (2001). "Metamorphic evolution of pelitic rocks of the Monte Rosa nappe: Constraints from petrology and single grain monazite age data." Schweizerische Mineralogische Und Petrographische Mitteilungen 81(3): 305-328.
Scherrer, N.C., Gnos, E. and Chopin, C. (2001). "A retrograde monazite-forming reaction in bearthite-bearing high-pressure rocks." Schweizerische Mineralogische Und Petrographische Mitteilungen 81(3): 369-378.
Scherrer, N.C., Engi, M., Gnos, E., Jakob, V. and Liechti, A. (2000). "Monazite analysis; from sample preparation to microprobe age dating and REE quantification." Schweizerische Mineralogische Und Petrographische Mitteilungen 80(1): 93-105.
Gale, S.J., Drysdale, R.N., Scherrer, N.C. and Fischer, M.J. (1997). "The Lost City of North-west Queensland: A test of the model of giant grikeland development in semi-arid karst." Australian Geographer 28(1): 107-115.
Book sections
Ferreira, E.S.B., Wyss, K., de Villemereuil, V., Beltinger, K., Marone, F., Scherrer, N.C. and Zumbuehl, S. (2016). The role of reconstructions in the identification of a wax/resin/gum tempera binder developed by Hermann Urban in 1901 and used by Cuno Amiet in 1902. In: Painting in Tempera, c. 1900. In Painting in Tempera. K. Beltinger and J. Nadolny. Zuerich, Archetype Publications: 205-227.
Blumenroth, D., Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C. and Mueller, W. (2014). Sensitivity of modern oil paints to solvents: effects on synthetic organic pigments. In Issues in contemporary oil paint. K. J. Van den Berg, A. Burnstock, M. de Keijzer et al., Springer Verlag: 351-361.
Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C. and Mueller, W. (2014). Derivatisation technique for infrared spectroscopy - characterisation of oxidative ageing products in modern oil paints. In Issues in contemporary oil paint. K. J. Van den Berg, A. Burnstock, M. de Keijzer et al., Springer Verlag: 213-225.
Scherrer, N.C. and Zumbuehl, S. (2012). Naturwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. In Degradation an Hinterglasmalerei - vergleichende materialtechnologische Untersuchungen und Klassifizierung der Schadensbilder an Hinterglasgemälden des 18. Jahrhunderts. J. Bigler. Bern, Hochschule der Künste Bern: 65-69.
Drysdale, R.N., Gale, S.J., Fischer, M.J. and Scherrer, N.C. (1998). The chemistry of karst waters, northeastern Barkly Tableland, northwest Queensland. In Musselbrook Scientific Expedition 1996. K. Berg. Brisbane, Royal Geographical Society of Queensland: 97-124.
Scherrer, N.C., Fischer, M.J., Gale, S.J., Drysdale, R.N. and Heijnis, H. (1998). Secular variations in palaeomagnetism during the Middle Quaternary in northern Australia. In Musselbrook Scientific Expedition 1996. K. Berg. Brisbane, Royal Geographical Society of Queensland: 131-148.
Conference proceedings and presentations
Scherrer, N.C., Zumbuehl, S., Ferreira, E.S.B. and Cato, E. (2018). Surfaces and interfaces in multilayered paint systems – analytical challenges in art conservation sciences. 34th Meeting of the Swiss Working Group of Surface and Interface Science "Science of Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures", HEIA Fribourg, Switzerland.
Steckling, F., Gross, M., Zumbuehl, S. and Scherrer, N.C. (2018). Future prospects of conservation treatments with a micro-aspirator tool. WAAC Newsletter. Santa Monica, CA, Western Association for Art Conservation WAAC. 40: 10-12.
Cato, E., Scherrer, N.C. and Ferreira, E.S.B. (2017). Raman mapping of the S3- chromophore in degraded ultramarine blue paint. 6th Swiss Raman Users Meeting, HEIA Fribourg.
Zumbuehl, S. and Scherrer, N.C. (2014). "Derivitisation strategies for micro-FTIR and chemical imaging FTIR-FPA - fluorination reagents to discriminate spectral interferences in paint samples" presented at 11th Infrared and Raman Users Group Conference, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA, Book of abstracts.
Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C., Engel, N.L. and Mueller, W. (2014). The kinetics of dissolution of varnishes: The influence of vapour pressure on the rate of solvent action. ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, Melbourne, International Council of Museums.
Blumenroth, D., Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C. and Mueller, W. (2013). "Sensitivity of modern oil paints to solvents - effects on synthetic organic pigments" presented at Issues in contemporary oil paint ICOP, Amersfoort, Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, 126-128.
Zumbuehl, S. and Scherrer, N.C. (2013). "Derivatisation technique for enhanced FTIR-FPA imaging - localisation of oxidative ageing products in modern oil paint" presented at Issues in contemporary oil paint ICOP, Amersfoort, Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, 59.
Scherrer, N.C. (2012). "Raman analysis of 19th & 20th century synthetic organic colorants" presented at IRUG Raman Workshop 2012, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Book of abstracts.
Scherrer, N.C. (2011). "Laser dependent shifting of Raman bands with phthalocyanine pigments" presented at RAA2011, 6th international Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Parma, Italy, Book of abstracts, 203-204.
Zumbuehl, S., Ferreira, E.S.B., Scherrer, N.C. and Schaible, V. (2010). The nonideal action of binary solvent mixtures on oil and alkyd paint: influence of selective solvation and cavitation energy. Cleaning 2010 international converence: new insights into the cleaning of paintings, Valencia, Smithsonian institution scholarly press.
Scherrer, N.C. and Ferreira, E.S.B. (2009). "Cobalt blue spectral - cobalt blue deep - Pigment Blue 74 in artist's paints: one more argument against authenticity?" presented at RAA2009, 5th international Conference on Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Bilbao, Spain, Book of abstracts, 20-21.
Zumbuehl, S., Scherrer, N.C., Eggenberger, U., Berger, A., Gross, M. and Ferreira, E.S.B. (2009). "Early viridian pigment composition found in paintings by Van Gogh and contemporary artists: chemical and morphological characterisation of a vitreous (hydrated) chromium oxide borate pigment" presented at EU-Artech Symposium on Van Gogh and Contemporaries, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Book of abstracts.
Scherrer, N.C., Zumbuehl, S., Delavy, F., Fritsch, A. and Kuehnen, R. (2008). "Synthetic organic pigments of the 20th and 21st century relevant to artist's paints: FTIR and Raman spectra reference collection" presented at GeoRaman 08, 8th international Conference on "Raman Spectroscopy Applied to the Earth Sciences - Sensu Latu", Ghent, Belgium.
Zumbuehl, S., Attanasio, F., Scherrer, N.C., Mueller, W., Fenners, N. and Caseri, W. (2006). "The solvent action on dispersion paint systems: influence on morphology and latex microstructure" presented at Modern paints uncovered Symposium, Tate Modern, London.
Gnos, E., Scherrer, N.C., Engi, M., Berger, A., Parrish, R.R. and Cheburkin, A. (2002). "Comparative study of dating monazites using XRF-microprobe, electron microprobe and laser-ablation mass spectrometry" presented at 37th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America GSA, Northeastern Section, Springfield, MA.
Scherrer, N.C., Cheburkin, A., Engi, M. and Parrish, R.R. (2001). "Micro-dating of monazite by new XRF-microprobe technology applied to polymetamorphic rocks of the Monte Rosa Nappe" presented at European Union of Geosciences EUG XI, Strassbourg, France, PCM6 Physicochemical Behaviour of Accessory Minerals, 685.
Scherrer, N.C., Cheburkin, A., Engi, M. and Parrish, R.R. (2001). "Micro-dating of monazite by new XRF-microprobe technology applied to the polymetamorphic rocks of the Monte Rosa Nappe" presented at The Allan White Symposium, 11-12 January 2001, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
Engi, M., Berger, A., Roselle, G.T., Grandjean, V. and Scherrer, N.C. (2000). "Metamorphic evolution of the central alps: significance of the subduction channel" presented at 31st International Geological Congress, August 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Engi, M., Cheburkin, A. and Scherrer, N.C. (1998). "An XRF-Miniprobe for chemical dating of young monazites and trace element analysis of minerals" presented at Metamorphic Studies Group (MSG) meeting, December 1998, London.
Scherrer, N.C., Fischer, M.J., Gale, S.J., Drysdale, R.N. and Heijnis, H. (1997). The palaeomagnetism of speleothems of Middle Quaternary age from northern Australia. 12th International Congress of Speleology, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, Swiss Speleological Society (SSS/SGH).
Scherrer, N.C. (2001). Behaviour of monazite and evolution of polymetamorphic pelites from the Monte Rosa nappe, Western Central Alps, Italy. PhD Thesis, University of Bern, 69.
Scherrer, N.C. (1996). The application of palaeomagnetic techniques to speleothems. BSc Hons, University of New England, 159.