- Module ouvert
Corporate Digital Responsibility (MWD4005)
Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) defines the values, norms and principles that guide organizations and individuals in the design, development, implementation, and use of digital technologies. With the ever-expanding digitalization of society, the need for an ethical discourse on how technology is embedded in human activity and the intended and unintended consequences of such a process becomes increasingly pressing.
Upon completion of this module, students will be
Able to identify and reflect upon common dilemma related to the use of digital technologies in organizations
Capable to systematically assess digital innovation projects with regard to ethical concerns
Knowledgeable about tools and frameworks to implement responsible design practices for digital products and services

Fiche signalétique
- Titre/Diplôme Acquis/non acquis
- Durée Sem. civiles 8–23
- Journées de cours Jeudi, sur le campus sem. civ. 8, 12, 18 et 21 – détails voir description du module
- Délai d'inscription Sem. civiles 51–02 – en ligne en IS-Academia
- Nombre de crédits ECTS 3 crédits ECTS
- Coûts Pas des coûts supplementaires
Langue d'enseignement
Enseignement: Anglais
Contrôle de compétence: Anglais - Lieu de formation Berne
- Département Gestion
- Prochaine édition Semestre de printemps