Dr. Harald Klingemann

Dr. Harald Klingemann Lehrbeauftragte/r
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule der Künste Bern
Fellerstrasse 11
3027 Bern
Forschungsberatung z.B. Evaluationsanliegen
Methoden der empirische Sozialforschung
Soziologie: Abweichendes Verhalten, Gesundheit, Sucht
- Curriculum Vitae and Main Scientific Achievements
PD Dr.rer.pol. Dr.h.c. Harald Klingemann
1. Personal information
Surname / First name KLINGEMANN HARALD
Address Avenue Croix de Rive 16, CH-1028 Préverenges, Switzerland
Telephone +48 228 56 34 89
Mobile +41 79 478 74 71 / +48 662018482
E-mail Herald.klingemann@gmail.com Harald.Klingemann@bfh.ch
E-mail harald.klingemann@bfh.ch
Nationality German (permit of residence ‘C’)
2. Education and training
Dates 2/1976 -7/1977
Title of qualification awarded Doktor der Sozialwissenschaften, Dr. rer. pol.
(equivalent: PhD in Sociology - as a major - Social Psychology and Economics)
University of Cologne, Germany
Dates 2/1969 - 11/1973
Title of qualification awarded Diplom-Volkswirt sozialwissenschaftlicher Richtung, University of Cologne
3. Current and past work experience/positions
01/2007 – current
Position held Forschungsdozent (Research Professor)
2005 – 2012
Research Director Südhang Klinik Kirchlindach - atf Schweiz & Board member
2006 – 2010
Position held Senior scientist, University of Zurich; Psychiatric University Hospital, Substance Use
Disorders (SUD) Treatment and Research Department
Position held Director of Applied Research and Professor,
Position held Director of the Research Unit; Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug
Problems (SIPA), Lausanne, Switzerland
Member of the SIPA Board of Directors, Coordinator of SIPA’s working program as a WHO
collaborating centre. Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems (SIPA),
Lausanne, Switzerland (name change: SUCHT SCHWEIZ) 1981- 1987
Position held Project Director and Principal Investigator; Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and
Drug Problems (SIPA), Lausanne, Switzerland
1977 - 1981
Position held Assistant/Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Equivalent: Assistant Professor) Department of Law,
Institute for Criminology, University of Bonn, German
4. Affiliation
The Bern University of Applied Sciences, Academy of Fine Arts (Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB; Institute of Design Research (IDR) CH-3027 Bern, Fellerstrasse 11, Switzerland.
5. Major research grants
- The missing link: life-logging and design features of alcohol-related smartphone applications.’ (PI) Funded by the Swiss Foundation
- for Alcohol Research (SSA)
- Coping with obesity by self-change and professional help in Switzerland (PI) (BAG 09.006168/204.0001/-674)
Switzerland's Federal Office of Public Health, Contract No. 09.006168/204.0001/-674
- Stigma und Situationsbetroffenheit. NFP ‘Probleme des Sozialstaates? (SNF 4045-064741)
- Addiction careers and biographies 1988 – 2002 (funded by the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research SSA) (PI)
- Spontaneous remission from problem alcohol and heroin use in Switzerland (PI) (SNF 32-8626.85)
- Spontaneous remission from problem alcohol and heroin use in Switzerland - A 4-year follow-up (PI) (SNF 30199).
- The International Study of Drug Treatment Systems (ISDRUTS) (with Geoffrey Hunt), Institute for Scientific Analysis, in
Alameda, California, USA.
6. Supervision of PHD thesis
Julia Mia Stirnemann. Mapping Worldmaps
Graduate School of the Arts – University of Bern
7. Teaching experience
Master toolbox in the research program ‘communication design’ HKB 2010-1012; 1977 – 1981 Courses University of Bonn: Problems of Prison Sociology / Extra-legal Influences in the Sentencing Process. Memberships; joint Hauptseminare
8. Active memberships
Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol (KBS)
9. Expert activities
Scientific advisory committee member of the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research (SSA), since 2007 – current
Member of the international evaluation AUDIT group of the SERAF institute, University of Oslo on behalf of the National Norwegian Research Council, 2011
Temporary Adviser and coordinator of the WHO project (EURO) "European Summary on Drug Abuse", 1991
WHO Temporary Advisor “Programme on Substance Abuse" (PSA), 1990 – 1991
Member of the Federal Commission on Alcohol Problems (EKA) by appointment by the Swiss Government (Bundesrat) 2005 - current (re-election in 2007 and 2012)
WHO - Temporary Adviser “WHO technical consultation on assessment of prevention and treatment systems for substance use disorders, 18-20 December 2006. Geneva
Board member of several professional journals (Addiction, Assistant Editor; Advisory Board member of Alkoholizm i Narkomania (Alcohol and Drug Abuse) & European Addiction Research
Mitgliedschaften extern
Kettil Bruun Society
Betreute Arbeiten
Sprachen- und Länderkenntnisse
- Deutsch - Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
- Französisch - Verhandlungssicher
- Englisch - Verhandlungssicher
- Polnisch - Konversationssicher
- Polen
- Deutschland